Renaming Of Toronto's Main Attraction And Other City Assets To Ghanaian Name Sparks Outrage

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Renaming Of Toronto's Main Attraction And Other City Assets To Ghanaian Name Sparks Outrage

Emma Ansah reports on the renaming of Toronto’s main attractions to a Ghanaian name sparking outrage with the city council executives and the community



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  1. We must move smarter. Canada is desperate for young African work force. Else the square would still bear the name of their favorite barbarian.
    Because in fact… THEY WILL NEVER CHANGE!

  2. Put me down as a "no" for this one.
    Canada should change the name to something Canadian.
    Why would they change the name to something outside their country?
    And Africa needs to get its own naming rights back.
    Trudeau is playing more mind games.

  3. Tell us how you became a Ghanaian. What makes you a Ghanaian?…..You are a Ghanaian and you do not appreciate that?……go to Ghana and tell them to remove all the foreign names on Ghana city roads. Some of you Africans are just haters because the name did not come from your African country. We see this a lot on YouTube also, Africans hating Ghana because Ghana trends far more than any African country. This is why Africa cannot develop because Black people are filled with HATRED of themselves……………………….

  4. Yes, Change the name from this Wicked Demon, BP are Done with Dun!! Mzungus always celebrate their criminals👿🤺, this only proves that they approved of his evil behavior👿🤺

  5. ALso the Canadian Gov. also said they will re name Yonge street to Mandela , and the whites lost it so they got it banned…..
    Don't come to Canada, all of us immigrants are leaving already.

  6. Just to add some context. The city of Toronto passed a vote to rename Dundas Street and other city-owned areas named after Henry Dundas.

    Henry Dundas extended slavery in the British Empire and wasn't even Canadian and never ever set foot on Canadian soil there's been a movement for a very long time to get his stuff renamed.

    So because of his connection to slavery that's why the proposal to rename young Dundas Square was to choose an African name.

  7. that's great to hear, and its a great choice of name. SANKOFA means “to retrieve". And for those who think its a wrong choice to choose an African related name for place in Canada, just think of all those place in Africa and the Caribbean that are named by Europeans, that honours European locations and their own heroes.

  8. So, that's what Ghana's president got for selling it's citizens into slavery, destroying the nation and giving all it's natural gold resources to the USA. Irony.

  9. Chinese mayor making performative changes instead of real ones. Usual "progressive" BS, while the Canadian foreign policy is still colonial style extraction when it comes to Africa. The NDP fully supports that foreign policy.

  10. Toronto changing the name to a Ghanaian name makes as much sense as Ghana changing the name of some high profile location to a Canadian name. Again, its Toronto's right and subsequently their decision. Why do we never hear about reparations from the Africans that captured and sold other Africans into slavery? Didn't they help create the problem?

  11. Hey, did anyone find out or prosecut those police officers who allegedly threw that young lady out of that high-rise building. I've been waiting several years to hear something on that.

  12. Reparations is the goal . We need bi weekly checks for the rest of our lives . My bank account is ready to receive. God bless Africa , all diasporans and anyone whose lineage is traced back to the motherland

  13. The reaction to the destruction of culture and history in any country is expressed by NATIONALIST politics. In America it is the MAGA group. In Italy, this resistance is expressed by Georgia Meloni. In Russia, it is V. Putin. Nationalism is sweeping the planet. Again, the new trend is to preserve National identity, symbols, names, history, rather than to erase it or replace it. Basically the Conservatives want to keep national identity; but the Woke, Far Left liberals want to throw out national identity.
    Far left liberals also want to erase the family unit! Nation and Church and Family are being changed, infiltrated or destroyed as you read this, by Far Leftist liberals! Statues are being pulled down.

    Again, it is the Conservatives in every nation that want to protect the nation. Hey, it is in the name! Conservative!
    Conserve it! Get it?

  14. Every step toward praising freedom to the suppressed is welcomed. No matter what you change the name to will have a cost so might as well change it to Sankofa. Freedom Square or Inclusion Square may be less controversial but they are all good. I personally like Ashanti Square better but the more inclusive names are better.

  15. It is Cultural Marxism to destroy cultural/historical references that referred to a White person.
    Cultural Marxism AKA, neo Marxism, drives feminism which in turn removes White Males from history. This activity is done by subterfuge, gas lighting, protest and by activating the government. Also, in addition, the World Economic Forums d UN wants to eliminate borders on all nations in order to have only one nation on the Earth. By giving this Square a far away foreign name, this has the cultural effect of erasing Canadian national culture. What they did was to say that they have a few imperfect historical “heroes” so why not use more perfect foreign “heroes”. They are saying national culture no longer matters.

    In the USA, we have the same activity, the dumping of “Dead White Men” in order to update our Constitution. Even on Star Trek, they dumped Captain Kirk.
    They are using various “reasons” to change history, culture, and disempower Whites, but the underlying goal is to change the planet over to a place without culture, where there are no classes, no property ownership. The middle class is then erased. White males lose their jobs.

    If this sounds like the Communist Utopia that was never attained, well it is but the dictator is replaced by 500 billionaires.

    The slow change-over of capitalist society to socialist society is the method used by the Fabian Society of about 1895. They changed England to socialism using little steps. And this is what is happening to Canada. But the end goal is to eliminate all things Canadian step by step. Ghana might end up having its national symbols erased by Cultural Marxism. Give it time!