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Joined: Mar 2024
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  1. I enjoy your honesty showing what's real prohecys, and what's fake godbless you brother I pray for you and your family ,times running short iran just attacked israel thank god no one got killed they got the red heifers they wanna get that third temple up ,I'm done with this wicked world I'm hated at my job for witnessing giving tracts my boss saids he saved but uses God's name in vain I'm hated by the gay people there which I have tried in a friendly manner to tell them its a abomination unto the LORD is there somthing I'm doing wrong here I God said the world hated me and the world will hate you 😢I'm ready for the Lord to come his mercy is something we don't deserve, but he's so merciful and forgiving I messed up so bad in my life drugs,sex,cheating on girls lying,covetous, hated people until I got saved its like I love everyone and will do what I can to get them on the right track to CHRIST, godbless you brother ,see you in the kingdom soon!

  2. Your eschatology has much to study my friend. Your litreal approach on every sign being litreal is way off. But what else can I said it's been going on 2024 years with no end in site.

  3. I honestly encourage you, YOU need to repent now for denying the word of GOD which He has been sharing amongst His people regarding the TRUTH of the three days of darkness. It is very real and coming soon! May GOD have mercy on those who attempt to stop His word!

  4. Here from the future, he didn’t come back. Look, God didn’t give a revelation to some 16 year old girl to post that the return of Christ is coming. Nobody knows, only he knows. Yes, there are signs, but rumors are very different. Don’t believe everything you see fellow Christians, just trust God. (Also remember, if God was really going to take us, he would’ve started with 7 trumpets.) love you guys! ❤️

  5. 3 days of darkness is not biblical at all… No were in the bible says use blessed candles in the bible… No were it says demons or roseary in the bible… God will back up prophecy with his word… And this is not in his word…. 3 days of darkness is a prophet-lie…. These people need to stop lying on God

  6. I think false prophesies like this one do much more damage to the faith than any unbeliever ever could. Everytime someone claims to know the date of when the tribulation starts, always remember Matthew 24:36.
    Let's forget focusing on potential dates and start living in faith of Yah, not in fear of Satan.

  7. Read the Bible do not deviate from the word of God
    No one knows the hour of the coming of the Lord not even Jesus Christ himself knows his own coming but the father in heaven.. we are always to keep the lamp in our hearts lit we don't know the hour of when the Lord will come. Be ready always for that appointment amen

  8. Halal Yahawah we will endure till the end……they have all the CERN MACHINEs runnin including the one here in Chicago, plus the HAARP machines in Alaska. they are also going to shoot missles at the Blacc sun, lets see whats going to come of this, the locust and cicadas will come within the next 48 hrs

  9. For some reason I feel "lucky" that I'm not in the path of it here in Colorado!! And the fact that it makes an X, I've been feeling like it's all linked with all the other X's here in America.. like Elon musk and how he named Twitter X, some of his crafts have X in the name, the big X's the chem trails make in the sky!?? Idk for sure but for some reason I feel there's a connection!?!

  10. I’m curious to know how that guy knew the stars were aligning🤔 I actually seen the stars aligning (aligned) (11 of them it seemed like) while I was driving to Giants . I got footage … very mysterious

  11. Hello my dear brethren, on Saturday I got a conviction to not watch the eclipse. I got this conviction as I was watching the news. I don't really watch the news, but on that day, my parents had the TV on, and the news reporter was showing the events that will occurr, safety precautions, etc. As the camera panned, a booth at an eclipse event had a sun with two eyes closed and a third eye opened. In the next scene, I saw a lady holding eclipse glasses made by a Carnegie association.

    Other things hit me too. The earthquake in New Jersey was 4.8, and today's date is 4-8-24. (Source by Fox 5 New York)
    Also, 7 cities named Nineveh and a section of Illinois nicknamed "Little Egypt" will be in the eclipse's path. (source from USA Today, however they "disprove" the cities' importance)

    On top of that, this eclipse has been getting an extreme amount of hype, and the news have been giving it daily publicity. When a multitude agrees on doing something together, I know that it's not Godly.

    As for me, even if my school provides me eclipse glasses, I refuse to see the same thing that is distracting the majority of the United States. Something is brewing up I know it.