The gods of the Ancestors: Oshun and Beyoncé
The gods of the Ancestors: Oshun and Beyoncé
Who is the African goddess Oshun Beyoncé worships and draws her fame and success from?
Clip in the beginning of video taken from “Unwine with Tasha K show.”
Voice over about Oshun:
Clip at the end is Stephanie Ike Okafor
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Africa culture does not support killing of twins pls
Yoruba culture to be precise
We treat them specially
They have their own Oriki
We love them
And point of correction
Osun is not a god she an Orisha
Orisha is not god and not evil
They are Special human with special abilities
That wasn’t the culture of my ancestors. That was the culture of ignorance, hatred, evil, etc.. It’s the same as today. Nothing new!
Satan is an absolute liar and he has demons who disguise themselves as ancient deities or whatever so I hate to say this but this is not going to end well for Beyoncé and anyone else messing around with that witchcraft.
Human sacrifice is in the Bible. Aren’t Christians eating the body of Christ? Didn’t he die for our sins? No different. How dare Beyonce tap into African spirituality to address her declining career. All she has done is steal from other black artists particularly female and black writers. Oshun is not listening Beyonce!!
Christianity has committed more crimes against humanity than any known religion or belief system. Slavery, genocide, colonization, rape…all done in the name of Jesus. This isn’t an opinion…this is a fact. Sounds pretty demonic to me.
theres a reason why black ancestors had terrible faith and lived terribly back in the day, all the way to Egypt. just keep on messing with things besides The Lord, the Trinity.
You are SO WRONG! You have No Evidence of what you speak! And just because a women wears gold and yellow Does NOT mean that she's somehow worshiping the Devil! You're a Conspiracy Theorist with No Evidence! desperately trying to get views! Go get a life!!
Girl if yall noticed laws being passed that disproportionately affect black people like yall do intangible outlandish conspiracy theories you would be doing good. Our race is doomed.
Nobody is sentenced till the Great White Throne Judgement, not when you die, 2nd Thessalonians says thr dead will rise in Christ 1st, meaning everyone who has ever went on before us, when Yeshua comes back starts the 1st day of the Lord's Day (check that out in 2nd Peter).
Jesus can save you from it all.
God bless.
How does anyone believe in the rapture theory from Margaret MacDonald in 1836 she even said it was evil. Those who believe in the false rapture doctrine have already accepted the mark of the beast, people dont even know what that is let alone understand that God's Word not man's word doesn't teach men to fly away to save their souls, Jesus does not come back once for the goody goodies and then comes back for those who figured it out, Bible does not teach such foolishness and people say you don't need to understand the book of Revelation your gunna be gone and are biblical illiterate that God says they can't touch a hair on your head and yet they're so eagee to escape when God's kingdom is coming here and those elect will be offered up until the synagogues of Satan and the Holy Spirit will speak through them for you are not to premeditate what you are to say and people still celebrate Easter, its pathethic because Yeshua comes back on the trumpet for one and all times starting that 1st day of the millennium, the Lord's Day and ALL will be changed into a spiritual body, everyone will be there and every knee will bow, i said everyone and nobody is sentenced to Heaven or Hell until judgment day after the millennium and Hell isn't some burning lake of fire out here forever and ever its the 2nd death and thats death of the soul, your no more, you wont exist
the unforgivable sin can only be committed sin can only be committed by God's election, meaning those who have the seal of God in their foreheads (their minds) and are not deceived by Satan. It is when they are delivered up to the synagogue of Satan and you are not to think nor premeditate what you are to say and (supernaturally) let the Holy Spirit, God speak through you that even the gainsayers will be convinced. It says it all right there in the Bible, question is have you read it or have you heard a man tell you this? That really doesn't matter or changes the fact, but the thing is I know God's elect very well and I don't believe that it will even happen, but that is truth. Learn from the Hebrew and Greek manuscripts, get companion Bible, get a Strong's concordance, study. I say this because I care, I love our Father and I love you and He loves you, but getting into His Word makes His day and o hunger it in becoming the deeper student. Take care brother. 🙏🏻
How does anyone believe this nonsense, listen idk who or where you learned the God's Word from, if this is new to you then you've already been greatly deceived and don't have a prayer if your alive when Satan returns with the nephilim unless you repent, (naphi in Hebrew), the fallen angles for Jesus said in Matthew 26:6-38 in that area it will be as in the days of Noah. In Revelation 12 Satan and the fallen angels will return, God shortened the 7yr period to a 5 month period (spilt 7 in half to 2 3.5yr period/ you split the 5 month period up 2 2.5 half months), for the elects sake or no flesh would be saved because that's how good our enemy is that you've let man deceive you like this. I study from and study with those who purely teach God's Word from the Hebrew (OT) manuscripts/ and Greek (NT) manuscripts because if your not doing that then your never going to know. Genesis 6:2, Genesis 6:4, Job 1:6, Job 2:1, and Job 38:7 are 5 places in the OT where sons of God are mentioned and please check all this out on the Hebrew manuscripts, plenty of sources you can purchase for easy translation to English, such as a Strong's exhaustive concordance, a companion Bible, etc.
Genesis 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in OUR image
Genesis 1:27 God created man in his own image
The tree of the knowledge of good and evil was Satan, not literal fruits or nonsense people teach little children in Sunday schools. The angels look like we do and they are coming back as it was before.
It's a shame people have been so deceived that they almost make a religious war over women wearing something on their heads. Christianity is a reality, not a religion and friend you need to do your research. I care enough about you and I love God and it pains me to see people so lost when there is real truth out there, people just don't care enough to go check it our for themselves. You go research sons of God in the Hebrew and get back to me.
Do you know about the Lord's Day whatsoever, do you know anything when Jesus comes back starting the millennium or anything in Revelation about what will really be going on?
Do you really know about the mark of the beast? Hey be careful friend because you may accept it and not even know it if you don't even know your enemy.
If that is how you look at alot of scripture (not saying you do), and listen to the traditions of men then Satan's already got you in the bag friend, yet it is not too late,no sir! Sharpen up and get in our Father's Word because He loves you and you have a destiny.
Seriously if you have ANY questions at all then just ask me, really man just ask, it's not about you or I it's about almighty God YHVH for He is that He is and im just trying to honestly help you out, choice is yours.
Joel 1:1 talks about the 4 stages of the locust, that locust army in Revelation. Have you been taught it? The locust army come during the 1st half of that 5 month period and actual locust have a 5 month life cycle which is from Passover to fall fellowship (thats no accident friend), Noah's flood was a 5 month period.
*for the elects sake as I states in the 1st message to you in Mark 13, God did so.
The great book of Daniel 9:27 when the abomination, the abdominal one, the desolator it should be- abaddon in Hebrew, apollyon in the Greek, both *names of Satan (God gave us so we couldn't go wrong and apply it to the old and new testament) in *Revelation (meaning the unveiling/ meaning that book literally means from God its all wide out in the open), that when you see that then you know it's been shortened to a 5 month period.
I mean Jesus Himself in Mark 13 I believe, id, id have to go look but, go check me out if you want to be sure as well that He said He foretold us all things and Amen you can look that up, means that's that friend.
I pray to God that what I have said glorifies Him in helping aid 1 of His children, that's all I want to do and He wants you to open others eyes.
Blessed be to all, in Revelation 13:1, the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns coming up out of the waters, multi-headed means political, singular is religious (being the anti-christ which is Satan).
7 dominions throughout the earth, 10 kings/world leaders, the waters are the people expecting to be raptured out of here in famous fly away doctrine, for it will be as in the days of Noah that Yeshua mentions in Matthew 24 (with there being many other references throughout the old and new testament concerning the end times, as Daniel is a overlap of Revelation, and Ezekiel speaks more on the end times then any other book in the Bible other then that great book Revelation, the unveiling/uncovering as for the entomology of the word itself), those who are taken abide under God's wrath.
The false/spurious messiah comes 1st in Rev. 12 on this earth for a 5 month period, Satan and the fallen angels will be cast to earth (for the angels are coming back to seduce the daughters of men as they did in Genesis 6), he is the son of perdition (perdition means to be put to death, for he has already been judged).
The harlot, the woman spoken of is that great city Babylon, babel=confusion (Satan is the author of confusion), God said "to come out of her" in Rev. 18:4 I believe, as well as He did Abraham. It's not until the son of perdition, after the 2nd woe, on the 7th trumpet is when Jesus returns, the Lord's Day (that 1000yr period in 2nd Peter 3:8, the day John was taken to in the spirit, even past where were at now), when Jesus returns the dead will rise in Christ mentioned in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 (where most people cling to the Rapture Theory), and we will all (meaning everyone to have ever lived who has went before us and who remain), will be in the spirit.
Yeshua Messiah will reign here in the new Heaven in the new earth, then at the end of that period Satan will be let loosed a little while because God is fair and everyone will have a chance (not meaning a do what you want now and make up for it then, pertaining to those who have been unable to hear the good news of our Lord and Savior and will be tested by Satan as even Jesus was to set the example on how we combat our enemy today), and they will be tested by him and some will still even then choose to follow/worship Satan, then comes the Great White Throne Judgement prior to the eternity.
God is that consuming fire, you don't burn and are tortured in Hell forever and ever, your name is blotted out which is the eternal punishment, no longer existing, period, all souls return to whenst they came, for Jesus Himself would say depart from Me i never knew ye.
The mark of beast in the forehead are those without the seal of God in their foreheads (your brain, meaning the truth in your mind), the mark on their hands are those doing the work for the beast, not a tattoo of 666 or a computer chip implanted, many will be deceived and have no idea who they're working for or which kingdom they are advancing.
The 1st beast received a deadly wound on 1 of it's heads, a disagreement or falling out (as we even experience today), via the supernatural entity being Satan when he is cast out of Heaven entirely will come to solve the problem (world peace), no nations to wage war against 1 another we/they will all be as 1, a 1 world rule, under Satan (in the beast system).
The religious beast who was out of the earth (dust/physically you could say, not flesh for he is a cherubim as serveral are mentioned throughtout scripture), and cast to the earth, the anti-christ isn't a man, it's Satan (looks like a lamb (Jesus), spake like a dragon). He exercises all the powers of the 1st beast (to take advantage, coming to make peace, not war, because it will all come down to his worship, as we worship our almighty Father to whom he originally wanted to be evaluated above YHVH during his overthrow), and when the dragon healed the wound of the 1st beast, and all worshipped it (trampling like cattle, moths to a flame).
Many churches will become the harlot and whore after her, and oh how so difficult it will be to speak/preach against peace/ the wound was by the sword and it is truth, for they/ the world will hate you/us for standing on God's Word till the end.
Satan uses men just as God does and counterfeits all God does, some of the churches will do the work for him as they are openingly displaying now the Satanic infestation that is spreading like a contagion of death, they'll think your preaching against Jesus, our Messiah to come, for Babylon today is being revived to its fullest making the way and carving the path in blood for the false to come, so many will be deceived that you personally hold so near and dear to your heart, tell them now and let God's Word flow as you sound the alarm.
God i pray you open they're eyes, for Yeshua came to save, not to condemn the world and when He comes back, He will will return as our mighty king who the pharisees and scribes originally expected to see. He is our redeemer and this time, He is coming to rule with a rod of iron and wage war on His enemies.
Where will you be? Where do you stand? Who do you truly serve? It's His long-suffering and unimaginable love for us all that keeps this world together and 1 day His hand will be removed over the face of the earth, throughout the four corners as far as the eye can, time is running out and everyday im reminded as to who it is i need and why I need Jesus the Christ. I know if I can love you and fight for you, then so can God, for He loves so, so much more then you could ever image.
God bless you and Amen.