Supreme Court Makes MAJOR RULING on Election
Supreme Court Makes MAJOR RULING on Election
The MAGA wing of the Supreme Court led by —who else Sam Alito—just declared the “bleaching of African American voters” constitutionally permissible, by approving South Carolina’s racially drawn US congressional maps, further disenfranchising black US citizens. Michael Popok explains how this further gutting of the Voting Rights Act…
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What's this now the Supreme Court just made a ruling on trying to disenfranchise black people this what I call this I call this Justice in reverse and I don't care that you have two black people on your on your Supreme Court their token black people I for one is a citizen no longer support the Supreme Court in Nora have I ever I am really sick of this corruption in the in the extreme Court it's just running rampant and needs to be stopped I mean stopped cold
Why are you not putting in more Democratic superior judges I believe that the senate can and we have a majority to make it safe and stop the Repuckian 🤮
This is what happens when you have a life time tendures there needs to be new stricter regulations on corruption or being bought for bribes or making political idealistic statements or false accusations
Yup you all black people keep on voting for Trump a MAGA-Republican WHO HATE AND MAKE FUN OF YOU AND HIS MIGHT BE BLACK VICE PRESIDENT
Yup you all black people keep on voting for Trump a MAGA-Republican WHO HATE AND MAKE FUN OF YOU AND HIS MIGHT BE BLACK VICE PRESIDENT
Texas has done the same thing under republican to stay in power
Alito is crooked and it is disgusting what Republicans are doing to the law of USA. They complain that New York Judges are crooked a lo and behold look what they pull out of their pockets or the Supreme Court, biased partisan, thieves and upside down flag flying Judges, who only favor their Republican companies and Politics. The vast majority of people will not take the crap that these people are offering. The other people Trump supporters and victims are entitled people who prefer to whine on, instead of educating themselves and protecting their country from the likes of corruption and mafia style governments. This will be the fight of the Centruy for USA.
Retroactive Term limits. Lets make them. Why should a judge get more time than the president? I don't think they should.
John Lewis spirit help. Where is the Congressional Black caucus
I’m disgusted with the SC and their actions on gerrymandering.
Can't keep watching this isht & nothing gets done about it.
Alito & Thomas certified bitter angry weasels showing their true discussing pathetic colors.
Impeach these so call judges! They're not fit to serve over the People!!! Shameful just Shameful!!!
Since it is obvious that the supreme court works for the GOP and Trump all kinds of gerrymandering will be seen as legal to them. Now of course if the democrats decided to to the same they would get struck down really fast. It is the supreme court giving the GOP and Trump permission to cheat in an election.
Maybe they can find Christopher Columbus or maybe treasure that the pirates didn't get.
The thing that really gets me is that politicians should have absolutely no part in drawing districts. These guys think that drawing partisan maps is okay, but it really isn't. District maps should be drawn with the intent of best representing the population of the state, not best representing the will of a political party. The voters should be picking the politicians, not the other way around.
This is strong arm politic😮by organized criminals😮
I don't know if they broke the law, but the SC clearly think like criminals. They are cheaters paid for by white collar criminals.
I hate to bring science fiction into this very serious space.Clarence Thomas is so much like the character botar from Battlestar Galactica he sold out the human race then was surprised when the cylons didn't spare him and they said to him you think we're going to trust someone who would sell out their own race!!!!
Why doesn’t the Supreme Court change its robes from black to white, you know, white is for purity! And as we know, the Supreme Court is a Bastian of purity!
alito and thomas make their rulings according to who’s paying them
It’s immoral and disgusting what the MAGA SC Justices (Really) are doing to change the Voting Districts in the favor of the GOP extremists. Where’s the Justice in that? It’s despicable and Shameful. You people have no Honor or Integrity.
They should sue the justice system
Cracking and packing!
Revenge of the destroyed Man Clarence Thomas!
This is just outrageous! Disenfranchising voter's.