Biden Panders One Last Time During Black History Month To Black Americans

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Biden Panders One Last Time During Black History Month To Black Americans

Demetra Kaye reports on Biden pandering one last time during Black History Month to Black Americans by taking a photo with all Black law enforcement officials.
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  1. This sorry excuse of a man who is suppose to be the leader of this country ain't going to do one thing for anybody except the illegals! This man has to go! Vote Trump 2024

  2. Black folks need to be focused on building strong families and raising children who will not only survive but thrive in America. Political power only comes with financial influence.

  3. This man is not trying to do anything to help black people. He's not even trying to do anything to help disabled people. I have a disabled black friend that was receiving Social Security and they cut him off. He now only receives his retirement from his job which is only $500 a month. This is ridiculous the way they do our people. Bring other people in and give them money. Not just giving them money but giving them our money. But then don't want to pay reparations. These people are dirty, and low down. Just simple evil.

  4. You people are too funny. You all voted for Biden and required him to do nothing for you before you voted.

    Now that he's doing the nothing that you demanded of him, yall mad.

    He played yall like they always do.

    You get what you vote for😅😅😅😅

  5. He always come close to what we need & want, but don't cross the line to give us what we need & want. It's disheartening to treat us like we are not smart enough to see through the fakeness. I vote for the couch 😊

  6. All those crooked ass cops locking up innocent Black people fudging changing rearranging just to make sure that the people are found guilty. I don’t even this is this is just just awful awful they changed nothing. They still doing the same thing Joe Biden name change. Nothing The cops is locking up, innocent people, and the fudging and changing and making sure that the people go to prison known that they’re innocentMontgomery County, Maryland detective school, scan, Montgomery County, Maryland versus Trenton Robinson those cops, detectives the judge, the prosecutor, the defender crooked, just crooked. Trenton Robinson wasn’t even at the scene never been there in his life. It’s shameful Joe ain’t done nothing.

  7. put trump back in office if you want the same folks will be right here crying. i don't why we have such short memory. vote the person who the people who them confederate flags smh.

  8. Don't believe that, the black kkkops are just as bad as the white ones. Monsieur candi is wheeelinem out ain't he? They all in concert. Sing the same ole song. Black folks aren't that simple anymore joe.

  9. I wish that we as Black people would work more with our local officials concerning law enforcement; we encounter more city and county law enforcement officers on a day-to-day basis than federal law enforcement officers; the President has limited authority over local law enforcement officers; Biden knows that; he is preying upon our ignorance, and we fall for it every time.

  10. How can enforcing the law be important when there are literally illegals crossing the border as we speak! What a joke. Can't wait for this Klan loving buffoon Biden to be gone 💯

  11. I like how the black 👢 👅 were on one side and the whites and Hispanics were on the other. Really show the inclusiveness that I've been wanting Sleepy Joe to show me for some reason