Stop praying for your cheating husbands. Lessons from my 18 years of failed marriage | Tuko Talks

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Tuko / Tuco - Kenya

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Stop praying for your cheating husbands. Lessons from my 18 years of failed marriage | Tuko Talks

Stop praying, fasting, and making excuses for your cheating husbands. That is a choice and God has nothing to do with it. Those are the words of Catherine Kinyua, a woman who has been in a failed marriage for 18 years.
Today she sits down with Lynn Ngugi on this episode of Tuko Talks and shares the painful lessons she learned on her marriage…



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  1. Every situation this side of Eden is fallen. Even if he was your God ordained husband, there is no guaranteeing that you will find him perfect. May be he has cone across curses and demons, much as he was the one supposed to marry you, and therefore requires deliverance before he can be the husband he ought to be. A man who is violent and is an adulterer, most definitely requires deliverance, because both those come from the evil world. They are not his God given talents! Yes, we were created to be helpmeets but not in a fallen state. We forget that we were originally destined for Eden and not this fallen world. In Eden circumstances, he could have been the perfect husband but this side of Eden – we are faced with a curse to overcome. That is the only way he could be mended – by believing Jesus Christ and being born again a new being, repenting his ways and turning to God completely for a true rebirth, complete with guidance from the Holy Spirit. It is unfortunate that your husband did not get to turn this new leaf in life. We pray for him that he gets to know the Lord for real as His true God and guide, and gets to know what his true calling was, here on earth.

  2. Lynn, my two sisters lived for their husbands. They were mistreated. They staye in abusive marriages, they are both dead and their husbands have remarried. They left the children they remained in the marriage for.

  3. I really don't feel pitch for most of married women because what they do to get married to those man it will shock you forgetting that what was ment for you it will always be yours meaning if he is not ment for you he will leave nomatter how hard you try ,most of them they go to whitch doctors to make this guys marry them and this is always the outcomes.and some they are separately to get married bacause all of their friends are married if what she is saying its true may Lord answer her prayer and wipe away her tear

  4. Im in this relationship for 15years four kids and im inthat place where if i have somewhere to run to i wouldn't think twice,if you have a job to offer me ,you are welcome this is the help i need ,im totally loosing it 😢😢😢😢My God how this is deep ,my God come through for me and my kids ,Amen

  5. I don’t think she’s a bitter woman in some regards, I think she speaks of things that most are afraid to especially the spiritual aspect of marriage and society and the church passes the blame solely to women because of something they may have failed to do however, if you are bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh then your plan for my destruction is your own. I’m glad she mentioned this because nobody holds the man accountable even though the scripture in the Bible does. Preach on sister

  6. Sometimes marriage doesn't work doesn't mean it was not meant to be. I think people get married because of love not because of pregnancy. You loved each other but things changed.

  7. My mum prayed for our Dad for 4 years. It wasn't easy but we carry a testimony that God changes and restores. My Dad is a pastor now, a family man. We are a happy family. God can change someone.