MILTON MILLS – Traditional African Diet vs Today’s Plate of Plantation Food

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MILTON MILLS – Traditional African Diet vs Today’s Plate of Plantation Food

Dr. MILTON MILLS at the 2015 World Vegan Summit and Expo – “Traditional African Diet vs Today’s Plate of ‘Plantation’ Food – And What It Means to Community Health”



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  1. That's what my mother died of,Kidney failure as a result of diabetes. She was 50 years old when she was diagnosed with the disease in 1996.The doctor wanted her to go on dialysis after so many years ignoring the diabetes. She refused. She died on October 21,2018 at the young age of 72. This could've been reversed. I miss my mother and I loved her very much. She refused to change her eating habits and her consumption of sugary soft drinks. It still hurts me. She lived with this for 22 years. 💔💛💛💛💛

  2. Wow! I’m learning. Love what the doctor is putting out. I had to clean out the ‘fridge and the cupboards. I’m ready for a change – it’s been tugging at me for awhile now. Thank you for all the information, I’m inspired.

  3. If you put the microphone closer to the person speaking and not use the microphone
    attached to the video camera, then we won't hear so much echo and clattering of plates.

  4. I know now, but I’m one of those people who is addicted to ribs and ribeye steak; however, I can eliminate all dairy and all meat except ribs and ribeye steak. So I guess I’ll have to work on it little by little. I noticed that it takes work to eat whole food plant based and the other way of eating or the unhealthy way of eating is so convenient. Mannn, I got some work to do.

  5. I understand why Dr. Mills uses all the cards in his hand to motivate members of the Black community to use their resolve to overcome, to overcome in diet also. There are nutjobs out there who have taken the notion that certain foods affect those whose genetic disposition helped them survive an environment of famine. But I do not think it is targeting the Black Community per se. But I do think that learning where those toxic foods are and to look a bit further and find something to eat is all of our personal responsibility. God does not make junk, no matter if you were told that you were inferior with words or a look, we don't have to let that determine the rest of our lives. Jesus votes for us and it is up to us to find that He wants us to be in health no matter how light or dark our skin is or how horrible our background was, it is there He redeems us even with greater power. And that is what is important as He came to save every aspect of our lives. He does not even to this day heal all those our us the same, if we must have to be more careful with what we eat than others, it is no reason to throw in the towel and rebel. His will is that we succeed.

    I've found that I am most helped by learning what fuels my body. I hope you will listen to what Dr. McDougall has to say as I was not able to lose weight until I took to heart what he had to say, that was after my husband's prostate cancer surgery. We have both lost 50 lbs and we want to lose more yet. "I can do ALL THINGS through Christ who strengthens me." Amen? Yes, Amen!!!

  6. This doctor is amazing! I love him and thank the ancestors for him!❤️💯❤️💯❤️💯❤️💯❤️💯❤️💯❤️💯❤️💯❤️

  7. Hubby was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes about 4 years ago. He was then diagnosed with Chronic Kidney disease latent stage 3 about 3 years ago. I had begged him to change his diet to no avail. When he was diagnosed with stage 3 CKD, I became a food dictator. I weaned him to vegan one day and meat the next, and then vegan two days followed by meat….slowly decreasing the meat and increasing the vegan diet. Initially, I used mock meats a lot and have now decreased those as well. He is no longer a diabetic and is at the early stage 3 CKD. I have not convinced him to do a total vegan diet and so he has plateaued. Time will tell….but he has lost a lot of weight and is feeling better…that is what counts right now. So much truth to what this man says.

  8. It’s rumoured vaccinations contain human foetus amongst other bloody substance thus, encouraging meat eating!
    They’ll probably now take out the foetal part in vaccinations thus, encouraging herbivorism in humans…

  9. If they’re steering us away from meat products, what’s the guarantee these plant based products we’re now being encouraged to consume isn’t the laboratory artificial GMO pesticides ridden plants, monopolised & controlled by Monsanto?!
    How can we be assured these promotion of so-called plant based foods isn’t a Monsanto GMO derivative, engineered to depopulate us quicker into extinction?!
    This Doctor would have been taken out a long time ago if wasn’t promoting the globalist UN agenda of depopulation via artificial GMO agriculture…