How the US Is Destroying Young People’s Future | Scott Galloway | TED

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How the US Is Destroying Young People’s Future | Scott Galloway | TED

In a scorching talk, marketing professor and podcaster Scott Galloway dissects the data showing that, by many measures, young people in the US are worse off financially than ever before. He unpacks the root causes and effects of this “great intergenerational theft,” asking why we let it continue and showing how we could make it end. (Note: This…



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  1. All you are doing is blaming one group to get another group to hate them divid and conquer

    It is not average person who made these rules and you don't really get it also effects a lot of the older folks too

    I am 64 years old and I was born in 1959
    I did get through college and then all these jobs got outsource again and again and again
    If you were a teacher or a nurse something in health care then you were ok but other jobs keep going overseas

    Watch the movie roger and me about what flint Michigan was like before they moved the general motors plant and then afterwards well people lost everything and they got divorced on drugs many died homeless in the cold and you didn't see that in the news just that stocks went up well you ask yourself well if you can do that to car manufacturers to get cheap labor then you can do that to any other manufacturing jobs and even service jobs can also be effected a race to the bottom

    Many I know never got married and or had kids and are even alive because of this
    They are already dead! You won't see that in the news either died of drug abuse or in the cold of ammonia oh that is not in the press

    Some did ok like being a nurse or teacher or plumber but people like me well
    I will be working til I die without children or spouse and yes I did take care of my parents but no one to take care of me

    The young are going through what I went through but it is getting worse because is getting worse but I never never voted to outsourcing jobs and insourcing workers
    The elite do as they please and it has been getting worse and worse

    Some have had it really good but I can't really relate to them either

    The social contact has been broken because of globalism the race to the bottom for slave labor
    We don't make 2.1 babies anymore which replacement ie we are a sick civilization we are dying out because of the elite

    When you vote you get the choice of the uniparty an appearance of choice and really it is what is good for the top

    Western civilization is dying out and freedom too

  2. Interest rates were around 3% before old Joe was sworn in. They have the keep spending and printing more money. Worse than a 8 year old with a credit, they don't have to pay. We need to change Washington Dems. They don't take care of USA citizens except for themselves and their cronys. If you're illegal, just find a blue state and your set up.

  3. I feel like I make more than most my age, and still feel like I bearly make enough money, and my rent is mainly in labor, not money, and i do not have modern things like TV or a computer. had to do all credit joint with my dad, always get rejected alown, and sill what i pay for a car is more than i used to pay in rent. My bother rents that same place, and at twice the rent i did. More than half the people my age that didn't leave here never learned to drive, and were raised by grandparents. I only got to drive at 27. Me having a property threw my dad, I have had people my age try and dominate it like they're intitled to it for free, and that's even giving under $200 rents, and offering labor discounts. I had to end having tenants, they would cost me 5 or more times what I made from them, and I had to act as maid. Realistically, don't know how people can work without cars, my 30 minutes commute would take 2 hours by bus, and that's if the bus shows up or stops for you, and if that lines up with a jobs hours, I really only used busses for parties, but they dropped some runs, so lost all value.

  4. Look to the central banks and govt for your problems, not your solutions. Become a plumber, electrician, HVAC tech and move to small town America. You’ll find America is still the land of opportunity.

  5. This will never change. I am working on leaving this country at 58 years old. Making a new life in Europe and getting citizenship so my kids can join me.

  6. It's not just a US thing but a world wide one driven by the excesses of tech and capitalism (note I'm a capitalist but without controls capitalism leads to monopolies). All this of course topped off by religions from the Bronze Age trying to mesh with science is like mixing whiskey with food in the name of a healthy diet.

  7. Boomers love THEIR children. We are about to have millions of boomers transferring billions to their children and grandchildren. The people with poor boomer parents are going to be further separated from those that will randomly become millionaires when their parents die

  8. 9-5 money gives you fuel for the fire. Use it to buy cash-flowing assets that put money in your pocket every month. The predictable 9-5 income will allow you the freedom to explore different investment opportunities and see what works for you. Don't underestimate a salary.

  9. The have nots (majority) love listening to Scott Galloway because he makes excuses for their failure. If he is so concerned about the poverty of youth, why doesn’t he donate some of his wealth? If he is so concerned about the United States, why doesn’t he leave?

  10. I don't know if he's accounted a couple of things which would skew college acceptance rates over time– UC changed their application process. When I applied (a bit before him), one application covered all 9 campuses of the system. Now, students have to file separate applications for each campus. Also, as a recently retired HS teacher, I can tell you kids routinely apply to over a dozen colleges– back then, I applied to one. I have to figure that manufactured exclusivity he references just reinforces itself as panicky kids and parents figure they have to apply everywhere.

  11. I consider myself lucky enough after reading all these comments from young people who can't afford a home. As a young homeowner myself, I feel lucky to be where I am, but I want more. I want to own more homes and someday buy a big chunk of land away from people and just ride my dirtbike all day. I think a bit of advice for young folks who want to be able to afford a home is to go to an area where homes are more affordable. That means leaving the city for a more remote area. The ONLY WAY to get a deal on a home is to buy a home that is not in good shape. YOU fix the home yourself, don't pay for someone to fix it up for you. Work on your fixer upper everyday after you get home from your job and you can have a nice home after a little while. Keep improving the home and then you can sell it or rent it out when you buy your next home. It can be done. Save your money and never lose hope. You can do it! Don't take no for an answer!!!! 💪💪💪 Never let anyone tell you that you can't do something. Be your own captain. Life is too short to waste! Make it happen!!!

  12. The American dream is dwindling and cities are turning third world while bringing in third world people seeking the American dream

  13. Don’t forget making it so companies shouldn’t be able to buy up massive amounts of residential property just to rent it back and drive up housing costs…

  14. The worst is when despite all of this the older generation in your family still expects you to take care of them financially in retirement because of "tradition." They own a house that's appreciated by $600k since they bought it, will collect Social Security, and made six figures for most of their working lives, etc.
    I'm still barely starting out in my 20's have to save up to buy a house, pay off student loans, will eventually have children to support and ON TOP OF THAT I am expected to let the parents live with me and pay for all of their expenses. I am considered neglectful if I don't. How is that fair?

  15. He's extremely hit or miss. One of the biggest misses was wanting to identify everyone. There is such massive censorship and suppression of people's opinions nowadays that identification is basically a threat.

  16. I’m a youtuber but I make about $50/month right now and still have a full time job. If I can reach the point of doing YouTube full time I’ll feel like I finally achieved success in life… cause all the wise old owls in my life have always encouraged me to find a job I love. Well I love YouTube more than basically everything else in life other than Family and Friends

  17. I like how this guy completely miss the fact that the bill is coming due for the the policies and programs he supports ! All the people in the comment section who agree with this guy is going to go out and make things worse. They will just vote for the same people with the same policies. More government. More taxes. More money printing. More economic regulation. That means more inflation, less investment, less innovation, less economic prosperity and more poverty. Also, not working and "SoCiAliSm LiKe In ScAnDiNaViA" is not going to work.

  18. They kill young people in a war protecting another countries and our occupied by Mexico make China big power on this world and send American dollars all over the globe and here inflation

  19. I admire Scott's view, but I hold a different view: if you can't beat them, join them, waiting for a change is always the weakest move. I often tell my younger colleagues: your ultimate goal is FIRE, every thing else is secondary e.g. job title, and the only way to get to FIRE is by owning assets. Buying a crappy condo miles away from the city center and work your way up is better than owning nothing at all. Becoming a interesting person on social media vs. FIRE, which one is your priority?

  20. It's sad how difficult things have become in the present generation. I was wondering how to utilise some money I had. I used some of it for e-commerce business, but that sank. I'm thinking of how to use what's left to invest, but I don't really know which way to go.

  21. Statistics used in this presentation are just terrible. For example Shae of wealth under 40 vs over 70 in 1989. People live aout 6 years longer now and have 1 fewer children so you need to useper capita for an honest comparison.

  22. Waiting until “college” for some kid to realize they’re “remarkable” is part of the problem. Ted has become an editorial page of a newspaper

    Then, dude bashes the generation that served in wars so he can come up on stage to rant.

    Bet you the Galloway kids go to private school.

    Jus sayin

  23. Wealth gap transfer of wealth. These topics have come up before I can’t remember what group of people were talking about this and back then if I’m not mistaken, the group of people that seem to be living off of the labor of those other people were talking about pull your self up from your boot straps I believe. 🤔