Hamas expresses ‘full solidarity’ with Iran following the death of Raisi and other officials

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Al Jazeera English

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Hamas expresses ‘full solidarity’ with Iran following the death of Raisi and other officials

The Palestinian group says it shares the “pain and sorrow” of the Iranian people after the death of Raisi and other officials, expressing “full solidarity” with Iran.

Hamas added that the late Iranian officials have a history of “honourable stances” in support of the Palestinian people and resistance against Israel, including…



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  1. كيف سقطت من السماء,

    يا نجمة الصبح يا ابن الفجر!

    لقد ألقيت إلى الأرض،

    يا من أذلت الأمم ذات مرة!

    13 قلت في قلبك:

    «أصعد إلى السموات.

    سأرفع عرشي

    فوق نجوم الله.

    سأجلس على جبل الاجتماع،

    على أقصى مرتفعات جبل زافون.[ب]

    14 أصعد فوق رؤوس السحاب.

    أجعل نفسي مثل العلي».

    15 ولكنك نزلت إلى عالم الأموات،

    إلى أعماق الحفرة.

    16 الذين يرونك ينظرون إليك،

    يفكرون في مصيرك:

    "أهذا هو الرجل الذي زلزل الأرض؟

    وجعلت الممالك ترتعش،

    17 الرجل الذي جعل العالم قفرا،

    الذي أطاح بمدنها

    ولا يطلق أسراه إلى بيوتهم؟»

    18 جميع ملوك الأمم في مكانهم،

    كل واحد في قبره.

    19 ولكنك طرحت من قبرك

    كالغصن المرفوض؛

    أنت مغطى بالقتلى،

    مع الذين طعنوا بالسيف،

    أولئك الذين ينزلون إلى حجارة الجب.

    مثل جثة تداس بالأقدام،

    20 ولا تشاركهم في الدفن،

    لأنك دمرت أرضك

    وقتلت قومك

    دع ذرية الأشرار

    لن يتم ذكرها مرة أخرى.

    21 جهزوا مكانا لذبح بنيه

    لخطايا أسلافهم.

    لا ينبغي لهم أن يقوموا ليرثوا الأرض

    ويغطون الأرض بمدنهم.

    22 «أقوم عليهم».

    يقول الرب عز وجل.

    "وأمحو اسم بابل والناجين منها،

    ذريتها وذريتها."

    يقول الرب.

    23 «وأنا أجعلها مكانًا لطيور البوم

    وإلى المستنقعات.

    سأكنسها بمكنسة الهلاك».

    يقول الرب عز وجل.

    24 قد اقسم الرب القدير.

    "بالتأكيد، كما خططت، سيكون كذلك،

    وكما نويت سيحدث.

    25 أسحق أشور في أرضي.

    على جبالي أدوسه.

    وسينزع نيره من شعبي،

    فوضع حمله عن أكتافهم."

  2. All reasons does not add up by any numbers or by any means….1.) The president helicopter flight did not fly with military escorts giving high ranking officer and high value target. 2) Two other entourage helicopters did not able to locate on first impact instead it took 8 hours to find the wreckage. 3) Iran Meteorology Dept did not communicate with military airforce whom in-charge and monitoring the President safe flight path. 4) many more variable which long list to mentioned……This was well planned by foreign agent and their local ground asset and masked it all as Poor age helicopter, bad weather and etc bla..bla…i just cant accept the top post leader flight was not meticulously guarded by the military as Iran is the most anticipated country with high stake holder in world politics arena…we talking about high value President as target and not some high level CEO achiever from MLM company

  3. Israeli defence attaché from Baku used advanced signal jamming systems like the Drone Dome and EL/K-7065 . The helicopter Bell 1136 , belonging to the previous Shah of Iran, that carried president,FM, governor of Tabriz and the imam of the Tabriz mosque . Impact on Mi-171Sh Navigation Systems: Loss of GPS can force reliance on less accurate systems like INS.INS (Inertial Navigation System) although susceptibility to Jamming of INS is Low because INS provides navigation data independently, but accuracy may degrade without GPS updates.

    Doppler Radar System:Susceptibility to Jamming: Moderate Impact: Potential disruption of ground speed and drift angle measurements.

    Automatic Direction Finder (ADF), VOR, ILS, TACAN:Susceptibility to Jamming: High (VOR and ILS); Moderate (TACAN)Impact: Disruption of directional and navigational information, especially for VOR and ILS.

    Because of the failure of the above navigation and communication system the helicopter crashed in Uzi village. They chose the area of the mountain which has a forest as that is usually covered with fog.

  4. The iranian presidents has gone to meet Arafat and Rabin. They'll be sharing stories of how the atrocities of one man wearing a moustache led to the formation of a mini moustache nation. And how that angtry nation ended all three of their lives.

  5. The iranian presidents has gone to meet Arafat and Rabin. They'll be sharing stories of how the atrocities of one man wearing a moustache led to the formation of a mini moustache nation. And how that angtry nation ended all three of their lives.

  6. The presidential plane is flown by the most experienced pilots in any country. The presidential plane undergoes the most thorough maintenance. Nevertheless, why did only the president's helicopter crash among the three helicopters? If it weren't for bad weather, there's a much greater possibility that the crash would have been suspected of being a terrorist attack, right? I suspect that the downing of the Iranian President's plane was planned by the Israeli Mossad or the American CIA following the coronavirus pandemic. Find spies in Iran who were instigated by Mossad or the CIA.

  7. Dear Israel. God said to let his people go. Free Palestine. It is not your right to take away their their God-given freedom. You did not enjoy it when Germans took away yours and called you animals.

  8. Dear Israel. God said to let his people go. Free Palestine. It is not your right to take away their their God-given freedom. You did not enjoy it when Germans took away yours and called you animals.

  9. My Jewish nana said Israel should ask itself, "what would Jesus do" (since Z's don't listen to the torah). Jesus healed the sick. Israel boms them in hospitals. Jesus fed the hungry. Israel destroys humanitarian aid. Now tell me again who are these chosen people and what are they doing on holy land?

  10. My Jewish nana said Israel should ask itself, "what would Jesus do" (since Z's don't listen to the torah). Jesus healed the sick. Israel boms them in hospitals. Jesus fed the hungry. Israel destroys humanitarian aid. Now tell me again who are these chosen people and what are they doing on holy land?

  11. Free Palestine. God said to let his people go. Israel should ask themselves, "what would Jesus do". Jesus healed the sick. Israel boms them in hospitals. Jesus fed the hungry. Israel destroys humanitarian aid. Tell me again who are these chosen people?