CARTA: Ancient DNA – Humans in Africa; Ancient European Populations; Genetic History of the Americas

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CARTA: Ancient DNA – Humans in Africa; Ancient European Populations; Genetic History of the Americas

This symposium brings together researchers at the forefront of ancient DNA research and population genetics to discuss current developments and share insights about human migration and adaptation. [7/2016] [Show ID: 30972]

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  1. Thank you for posting these wonderful educational lectures even if this was 7 years ago. – a greatful 40 yo SAHM who grew up in Baptist religious circles where there was more of a push toward YEC colleges and Universities.

  2. God bless all in the Name of Jesus Christ our Savior our Messiah Amen. God bless all in the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen

  3. It’s important to note that carbohydrates are divided into three categories: starch, sugars, and fiber. The sugars are further divided into monosaccharides oligosaccharides, etc. Monosaccharides are glucose, fructose, and galactose. Those are the three basic sugars. Starches are composed of chains of glucose that require amylase to be broken down. This is important because simple carbs can be easier for some people than starches. It should also be noted that some people are fructose intolerant. So saying one is carbohydrate intolerant doesn’t specify if they are starch, fructose, or galactose (lactose) intolerant.

  4. Who are we and what are we does not matter we are all going to die we are not special in the universe we are just a bug on your windshield that has no purpose no meaning

  5. It is very unfortunate that such high Academic calibers want to establish history by using contemporary maps. Africa today is different from the Africa before the Suez Canal. When you consider this all what is told here is congested with a lot of non sense. They are excellent speeches though.

  6. I think there is much more work to be done, this is minuscule work with rushed conclusions. No conclusions can be made yet by the limited information here. There is still divergence and diversity at the common ancestor, there was more than one first ancestor or Eve. Incest is the reason for low diversity of the Y chromosomes in Asians and Europeans. As for the diversity bottleneck in Afrika, 100,000 years ago, it came about because of human encroachment on wild life territory and encounters with predators, which became the stressor, which then led to famine. This caused a split in the unified group and new tribes began by children and united by their need to feed and defend against wild animals emerged, incest was seen as a necessity, within a clan, which then stopped diversity.

  7. White people just hate to say black people involved in the country they want to in Africa 🌍. Black people involved in Africa that's why you have different looking black Africans. White scientist won't so bad to say white and Asian were first on Earth. You never here them talk about West Africa. Why because black Africans did not get to west Africa yet. That's why.

  8. @42:36…STOP! You cannot use “Anzick Boy” because no Archaeologist/scientist ever witnessed those remains in the ground. They were completely excavated by gravel diggers. Using that example is like citing Wikipedia in a thesis.

  9. Not just hugging along the southern Asian/Indian coastline, but adrift on currents in the Indian Ocean … could be responsible for the mass migration … from eastern Africa to Australia and PNG.

  10. I enjoyed comparing my dna to the ancient registry od sites. Amazing and terrifying at the same time. I now do not trust most things human now, knowing that I as an innocent child had to be lied to for government and state agendas, which in turn actually was not beneficial to me at all. It seems like I wasted my whole life living a lie for the USA to become a so called super power.

  11. A very interesting talk. I love learning about all of my ancestors, no matter what part of the globe they came from, no matter how often one set tried to kill, enslave, or steal the history of another set, and no matter that I wasn't blessed with inheriting any of the genes of one set from my great grandmother. All of the histories are fascinating, even the horrifying parts (as odd as that may sound).

    Thank you for sharing this series of talks with us unwashed masses out here, rather than keeping them for your own students and staff. I appreciate that a lot!

  12. If we all came from Africa like you all say and there was a great migration out of Africa like you all say then why didn't the black people migrate?

  13. 15k years in Anahuac 🤣
    plenty of evidence thats wrong. Why must you continue your lies? The Aryan invasion has been proved false but you still probably support that idea 🤣

  14. I think study should be done about black indigenous people in eastern america, central america and carribean. Many Africans were brought here during slavery but some were already here in the west.

  15. Pots or people? Watch an old American musical called Oklahoma. You will see the pastoralist pitted against the farmer. Ranching and farming making a huge gulf here in America straight from Europe. Cultural me boyo. The farmer built fences to keep the cattle out of the crops. The first temple in Israel was built on a threshing floor. So David the patriarch was a pastoralist, but the temple was built on a threshing floor. And David built his mansion below the threshing floor which was on a hillock so the wind would blow the chaff away. So in times of famine the people did not concern themselves with lamb chops but the amount of grain a man's labor would buy. In Europe before the New World potato was introduced it took 15 acres to feed a man and children were sent away in the first two days after birth before the mother would not let the baby be taken except to kill her to French orphanages where the chance for survival was slight. It was a method of birth control for population densjty.

  16. It is funny how ppl use Kennewick man and try to make his ancestry anything but native American, including that Spanish lady saying is more related to South Americans…lol .that is false.

  17. why was India left out? and why is modern day geo- structure wrapped into these models?
    in the time frames they talk about, there is no mention of the poles having been reversed.
    in aDNA mapping, shouldn't significant climate changes, "other" outside manipulation factors, and the fact that most every continent seems to fit together thousands upon of years ago?
    and the fact that iron frozen solid in core samples and volcanic core samples share a similarity in polar shifting.
    and why does Africa and the middle-east look similar to south America, sans fauna
    Babylon and similar could be Northeast Africa and the middle east. where alot of the oil is….
    pressure and time = oil. oil is derived from fallen fauna/animals wiht pressure and time.
    wars over this little "promised land" from 6k years+ ago doesn't make sense to me…. it's a huge dessert…. nothing great about the surface of it…
    but along time ago it may have looked like south America.
    why is there oil so prevalent in subterranean Siberia & Canada. why does north/south Africa look like a waist land?
    and has anybody thought about climatic changes and why northerners like to move to south Florida? it could be that simple…. spread over thousands of years. or there were climatic or non-terrestrial manipulations.
    what still puzzles me is the fact that no geneticist, to my knowledge, has touched on the significant divergence of the lineal or branched ancestral common root. there is one common to chimp….. the rest divides out into hominids… almost like a control group and a hybrid species with off-shoots.
    *after reading this brainstorm after posting … next time I will make valid attempts to make non-ranting sense!

  18. This woman is the perfect example as to why the aversge citizen refuses to ‘attach’ their attention to ‘science’!! Her comminication language is very very poor! Speaks in a monotone speach, she refuses to speak ‘citizen engiish ‘ without technical expressions! Very poor! Waste of ‘knowledge expertise’ ( especially for you tube opportunity to educate)

  19. We were however very irresponsible to not pass on proper knowledge to our offspring of who they are and their ow family stories it’s actually the most ridiculous thing about humans . I have concluded it’s because everyone was ashamed of their story and therefore took it to the grave