Black men are getting horrible relationship advice on the internet

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Black men are getting horrible relationship advice on the internet

Anton Daniels is giving the kind of advice that makes black men look horrible.



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  1. My issue with Anton is he’s a broken clock. He has no 1st hand experience on the some of the topics that he preaches on when he talks AT his guests and audience. His audience is filled with broken men who choose wrong or are simply rejects with no damn game. Bitter ass men with bad judgment who need a savior. I’m not sure why no one’s gotten on his ass yet the way that he deserves bc a real one can identify BS. I’m not too familiar with Dr. Watkins though I’ve heard his name several times. Regardless you’re moving wrong if you select either of these men to follow and treat their words as Bible. Anton speaks of all women as their beneath them and are no more than maid servants saying shit like “my mom worked for me… all the women in my life submit to me…. I don’t answer to my wife” I’m no feminist but for damn sure you don’t speak of your spouse or parent in ways that keep them in a lower rank simply bc you have balls. I call cap 🧢 on his ass

  2. I hate that I had to give Boyce the view on this one but since I’m here!! Boyce did a lot of back tracking in this video and somehow still finds a way to make black men the problem while pushing the lie of mass incarceration of black men!!! There are more men ready for relationships than there are women this is a fact!!! No man should be looking to clean up the mess of single moms!!! Anton absolutely destroyed Boyce and Boyce really needs to put his mic down and step down because he’s bad for black people and the black community he will lead yall straight to hell!!!

  3. I listen to many content creators… but rarely take their advice.. 😅 I'd rather listen a scholar with 25 years of experience.. This stuff is mindless entertainment..I disagree with boyce on most of his opinions, but I do watch some Anton..

  4. Great point Anton you should vet looking at their resume… well given the stats of most BM and the clear understanding of the trajectory of his life (PEW Research). According to all viable stats partnering with most BM is a liability to BW you can see why most BM will not qualify for most BW.

  5. Anton stats on most BM don't have children is incorrect…because the data include teens but when BM move into 30-40 more than 80% have children. The black manosphere can continue their rhetoric and think they are going to improve things in the black community, and they will be mistaken. My predictions 1) younger BW will no longer be invested in the plight of BM because they see and experience the hatred. 2) Decrease partnership and "helping" of BM by BW 3) More BM will increase violence against BW because BW are no longer emotionally tied to BM's plight 3) Expanding of the black relationships outside of black community.

  6. I think both men made some vaild points. First of all, im in agreement with Anton when it comes to men, who are single and childless, marrying a woman with no children. There's no benefit to doing it, and there's too many issues to deal with. baby daddies, having to deal with children who may not like you, you can't discipline the, but you have to be financially responsible for them. But i do agree with Boyce that men dont have to put them down or make them feel worthless. But men should be honest with women because women, for the most part, have not been honest with each other.

  7. There are many different reasons for a step family. Maybe somebody died or got divorced. A man can fit into a situation where he has stepchildren. Your future wife might already have a child. It could be a man's destiny to marry a woman who has children. God forbid that woman had a life before she met you. Life goes on.

  8. Dr. I did have a bt respect for you, but all of us can't be simps or be happy to take leftovers and women who shitted on us when they are young and wanna return after hitting the wall. Stop with your sign language ( shame insult guilt and the need to be right) we know you're trying to please your old croc but please 🙏 stop encouraging men to raise other men's children

  9. Look Dr. Watkins. I get it, you come from a single teenage mom and was raised with the help of your step dad. Just because you come from that situation doesn'tmean it is the right or best situation for women, men, or children. If marrying your mom was a decision that worked out well for your step dad props to him and good for you and your mom. But telling men its ok to marry or date single moms is not good advice.

  10. Boyce I feel like when I hear you speak I'm hearing my mom's friends who gossip. Your passive aggressive ways of trying to throw shade is corny and quite frankly you're corny. As a product of a single mother, you're harmful as hell. You don't like women to be corrected and when a black man holds black women accountable you see it as her being attacked. It was great to see Anton and Corey Holcomb mop the floor with you and I hate that Kevin Samuels couldn't give your corny ass that work too.

  11. 43:49 but Kevin didn't die alone. The lady he was dating was with him when he passed. She's dun a whole interview on Dennis Spurling's channel detailing the day he passed & everything they did together that day. So no. Kevin wasn't alone when he passed. He was with the woman he cared about & who cared about him

  12. Im just learning about Anton, but I'll check him out in the future. I listen to Boyce all the time and disagree with some points, but i made money off his financial advice, so that's more of the content i listen to from him. Also, he turned me on to Dr. Claud Anderson and severel good books and other black content creators men as well as women. He does good for the black community, and we don't all need to agree

  13. “The home of intelligent black people” starts off throwing jabs like an emotional female about another man you admittedly don’t know? What about any of that speaks on intellect ?

  14. I like both Boyce and Anton. The major difference bt Boyce and Anton is personal experiences. Boyce is old school and Anton is new school. Glad these two have gotten together bc both offer great views.

  15. Boyce Watkins giving us his best simp hour. It’s so clear that he caters to delusional women. It’s channel for that ever since he’s been simping to a woman with multiple kids who said she never had any interest in him before she had children. Super simp Watkins. I know his Korean War fighting step dad would be so ashamed.