Black American Women Are Mysteriously Losing Their Lives In The Gambia

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Black American Women Are Mysteriously Losing Their Lives In The Gambia

Emma Ansah reports on a black American women who moved to the Gambia for greener pastures but are mysteriously losing their lives under mysterious circumstances



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  1. This lady is lying, Gambians are very peaceful and loving people.most of the crimes are committed my foreign nationals.pls Tel this lady not to spoil the image of the gambia.all what she is saying is lies..

  2. We cannot be outsiders going into people’s spaces to “bring them down” or to become “more than them.” What were these women thinking? People should visit a place a couple of times before deciding to call that place home.

  3. the problem is, there are different social structures in all African nations like all in world. The women in general AA or other diasporan are targeted by bumsters, who are mostly out for what they can get, the targeting starts straight from the diasporan lands in Gambia, the taxi driver. Diasporan women need to be more reserved with whom they allow in their space.

  4. I’ve watched a couple few of videos about this subject tonight. What I find absolutely baffling is that white American women like myself have BEEN KNOWN that ‘strong independent women’ or ‘boss bitches’ are an ABSOLUTE NO-NO in most African & Arabic nations. And moving thru that world like a man, when single is the worst of the worst. You signed your death certificate.

    Why would this be common knowledge to 🇺🇸ww, but not 🇺🇸bw?? 🤔

  5. We think these two Beautiful Sisters who lost their lives in The Smiling Coast of Africa, is been talked about over, and over and over again , and since then NOBODY has been Deleted in The Smiling Coast of Africa from The UK or from The US or any where else. So these two Sister from The UK and The US are just THE UNFORTUNATE SISTERS. WE are very sure and a 100% that these sort of Killings , WILL never happened in The Smiling Coast of Africa again. We as GAMBIANS will give that promised. THERE IS A SAYING WHICH GOES THUS// That even the Best of jokes does NOT need and indefatigable Repeatition..
    Enough is Enough. Thanks.

  6. There are a lot of successful women in Africa. There are a lot of positive experiences and narratives. If you are going to settle, learn and embrace the culture, be humble and respect the natives, integrate strategically and don’t always stand out and don’t be stand offish

  7. Please research about your destinations. Take time. Life is not a garden of roses in the Western World. Discrimination in the West kills you psychologically, emotionally, physically, financially and spiritually. The only thing they may not be able to destroy is your soul.

  8. I know my dear spirit sister. She lived with me when she came. why not tell someone. I lived just a few minutes up the street. If you see this why not tell your sisters that are right here for you. This was very disturbing for me to see and hear AFTER the fact. I live in the Gambia never had this sort of thing. i have been visiting the Gambia for 23 years. i have never known this sort of thing. I know many men and women in the Gambia. These videos are very disturbing as we live in the Gambia. HOw many sisters are missing in the u.s. 10s or thousands. I am not in support of madness of any kind. I met 2 african american men that one was abusive to women here (gambian and sierra leone young sisters) (even called me from the police station, of course i did not mind him) and the other was making uncool statments to a young girl. What happened with sister Shakina is very very sad and deep but it is not the case of the others. A serious miss communication and many that know are not coming forward as the bullying and abuse of some of the initial youtubers that were using this as a click bait were really abusive to those that tried to say anything other than their negative uninformed/misinformed narratives. i will say any time you travel mind your health. plz. and mind your space. it is not that complicated cuz there are many sisters dead in the u.s. from domestic abuse and there are many many sisters in prison for killing the ones that were regularly abusing them . also there are many young sisters that are dead due to medications and health issues. I appreciate your trying to bring info. and not over over sensitionalizing but it is not what it seems . thanks…

  9. It is interesting how Westerners will have an education but have zero common sense. How do you go to a random country where you don't know a soul and engage in intimate relations with the people? Predatory, dangerous people exist every where and they smell desperation from a mile away.

  10. Most of us Africans who have come to live in America and abroad are very careful when we go back to Africa. Everybody back home consider the those coming from abroad as rich, and yes we are. Certainly, we become the target of criminals and robbery. leading to death. Many have lost their lives in such situations. Please, take time to learn very well about any community that you decide to relocate. Don't pick anybody from the street to be your friend. Please don't take your security for granted. In America people kill for no purpose. In Africa people kill for a pittance.

  11. Fun fact about slavery: it was africans and hassani arabs who sold other africans to europeans as slaves.
    Remember europeans outlawed slavery in mid 1800s whereas in africa it continued till the colonial powers outlawed it in the twentieth century. Some places like Mauritania (home of the hassani moslems)it was legal till mid eighties.

  12. You re wrong it is not the bible which rules in Gambia it is the Quran which is hundred times more misogynistic than the bible.95 per cent of Gambians are Moslems, I am surprised you don't know this.