What do Africans think about African Americans and vice versa ?

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What do Africans think about African Americans and vice versa ?

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  1. It comes back to knowing and learning your history which is very important for both African and African American. If you aren’t aware of your history, you will be misguided and unaware of your being

  2. I do not feel separate from my Ethiopian Ancestors or my African Brothers and Sisters, Mothers Fathers,or Aunties…I am Born in America and I Am African no matter where I live🖤🖤🖤 I'm still from the Motherland…It's just the way it is AFRICA forever👀No body i mean has the spirituality that we as Black People have…Thats from the God's and Goddesses of the natural etc

  3. africans discriminate on african americans and vice versa lmao. i remember when i worked in south africa there was this american black dude, the locals were like he's not african he's american. funny thing is the american guy also looked down on the locals.

  4. Respect to that brotha from Houston who admonished the West African community members who look down upon AA culture, and label us as "Akata". He clearly understands the effect that centuries of government sanctioned terrorism and neglect has had, and continues to have upon our community. He also acknowledged the respect that immigrant groups who legally flooded this nation after the passage of the 1960's civill rights bills owes African Americans because it was their sacrifices (blood, sweat, financial, and in many cases death) that enabled these people to come here. The brotha also paid homage to AA and Afro-Caribbean folks for taking charge in, and continuing to grow Pan Africanism across the Continental, Afro-Caribbean, and AA communities in order for us to cooperatively come together as one and grow culturally, economically…. Respect my brotha.

  5. I have similar issues with my cousins in Northern Ireland. Although we are cousins I’m not considered Irish in Ireland. The food is just like British food which is tasteless and sometimes awful like blood pudding which is made from cow’s blood. One man I met had iron shutters on his windows because of a drive by shooting. Yet they tell me we have violence.

  6. The world knows american born blacks are the greatest blacks the world has ever known be it science/higher education/the arts/music/sports/the only blacks in history to Invent anything to benefit mankind american born blacks/most black millionaires worldwide american born blacks/the only blacks to travel into deep space american born blacks/black president/black first lady of a super power nation american born blacks/most powerful minority in america american born blacks here's why more members in Congress than all the Latinos and Asian groups combined more mayor's in America city's than all the Latinos and Asian groups combined now tell me why should we care what you 3rd world blacks think about us we are 1st world blacks the only thing we have in common is skin color move to Africa y'all got to be kidding hahaha

  7. I'm not African or American I'm stolen property of TMH and of Ysrael
    We are of Shem and not of Ham do your bible studies read the bible concordance dictionary about the son's of Noah and Africans did sell black hebrews and their own prisoners of war to the Americas.
    If we're brothers why didn't y'all fight for us? Don't use Joseph as an excuse, That was TMH plan for Israel not to starve to death and to fulfill prophecy about his dream and his own brothers bowing to him.

  8. Do you know how much Africans put us down have you ever heard of the word Katta, Africans call black American's that, That means cotton picker, I am a descendent of Shem who's forefathers was brought into America, We are Hebrew from the igboland, We are not the same just just because we're black people
    I'm not African American that's a byword given to us, We are looked down upon because of slavery

  9. Shalom bro it's been a while , we are in a Babylonian state , it brings me back to Nimrod . The captors of our ancestors confused our Lashawan ( Languages ) and we scatter from one another . This kind of messege is like medicine bro keep up the good work. I truly believe that if we respect the Most High of Noah we could get along . And be able to peacefully coexist with them who don't want to be on Yah's foundation on earth.

  10. I actually LOOOVVEE Africans “accent” and the way that they speak. I wish that I could really learn a real African language and be able to speak it fluently. That is the reason why when I see an African person I always try to get them to teach me African words, and other little things..because I KNOW that if white people didn’t come and take my ancestors from Africa that I would be speaking African languages, eating real African meals, learning real African culture, and learning about African Gods and African religions and that’s why I’ve been trying to do some research myself but you can’t trust everything you see on the internet.

  11. The fact is you have lazy and dangerous people everywhere, you have scammers everywhere, you have good and bad people EVERYWHERE! It’s not just Africans or African-Americans. This is the reason I don’t like stereotypes, because for every stereotype about one group of people you can find another person of another race that’s JUST—LIKE—THAT!! I’ve always wanted to learn more about Africa/Africans because I’m an african America living in America, not just America but in the South of The United States, which is where slavery began for us and till this day it’s STILL VERY segregated and still VERY racist on both sides..white and black. I hate when black people say that black people cant be racist, literally anyone can be racist. There’s a difference between “racism” and “systematic racism” —A huge difference. I treat all people the same until they show their true colors and give me a reason to not treat them with respect.

    I’ve always wanted to learn more about African religions—not “Mythology”—I hate when people call someone else’s religion a “mythology”. It’s like you’re saying their beliefs aren’t real, well what makes YOUR beliefs more real or fake than anyone else’s? 🤨

    I believe in a higher power, I just don’t trust what the white people of America have taught us to believe in, there’s a lot of contradictions in the Bible and a lot of things that just don’t make sense to me, maybe I need to study it more or get someone to teach me more about it or whatever but for the years that I’ve spent in Bible study I never really believed in it. Yes, I believe in God/Gods..but I just don’t believe in white Jesus, and it’s because of that disconnect and trust between white people and black people that have stemmed from slavery, racism, and segregation.

  12. I'm so pleased with that young man who called in to support black Americans. He is right, because of the Black people in America we and many emigres got the Blessing of improving our lives for generations. We ought to Acknowledge the truth on that, and Not be Prejudiced against them and any others. Yes, there is prejudice against each other for various uninformed reasons. Bless up Phrankleen, for having this forum. Thank you!👍🏽👍🏽

  13. I've had 2 African Americans stop talking to me after suggesting they had African roots. Most don't want anything to do with Africa.

    Any African out here knows about being teased by AA in school even more than the "racist" whites lol