10 African Countries With Top Foreign Military Deployment & Presence!

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10 African Countries With Top Foreign Military Deployment & Presence!

10 African Countries With Top Foreign Military Deployment & Presence!

How many African countries have expelled foreign militaries and ended foreign bases? Well, recently, we have seen a new trend among some powerful African nations that are giving direct orders to foreign militaries to leave. Burkina Faso and Mali did so, after which Niger…



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  1. Now the blacks leaders are wish opens.
    They go makes a front.
    But i am afraid tha 1 or 2 of them go play a dirty game whit his one peopel.
    Why tink i in that direction.???
    Because in the slaves time are black peopels grap the oder black peoples for make money for his selves.
    That's why I am freed.
    In mine coutry says black peopel eat black peopel.
    And sin now they fight together for the white peopel.
    And now fight the black peopel for the rich hindu staan.

  2. The only joint the US is sharing is a child's version, in the meantime I'm sure they support terrorists so this situation only solidifies the need of them. This NY opinion, however it is a well known fact ISIS training came from the CIA of the USA

  3. They holding these countries hostage keeping the countries poor straving from developing so they can take the resources for there owen gains cruel injustice. Sum how Africa must get them out for Africa to survive for African people to develop get out of poverty.

  4. It is all LIES.Foreign millitaries based in Africa pretend to be preventing terrorism and piracy groups which NATO have estblished and supplying them weapons to destabilise the region. They are criminal foreign mecenries. Isis, Boko Haram and El Shabab are all financed and suplied by NATO.

  5. It is important Africa expel all foreign troops. These troops are in Africa to help Africa. They are there to ensure Africa remains subservient to the imperialist countries of Europe and America..

  6. There were no terrorist groups 50 years ago. They sprang up in subsequent years. They caused mayhem causing fear and panic. Interesting part, they occurred only in areas of interest. Areas which were either rich in minerals or in energy. The Western countries rushed to help out the affected countries. They sent their troops to help out the affected country. In reality, these troops were there to ensure the control of the country's resources. In effect, this was colonization in a different garb. African countries are right to boot out foreign forces and shape the destiny of their countries themselves.

  7. When will the Africans nation wake up andsee what going on they dont want a united countries of Africa they wanted divisions and weakened the continent

  8. These African countries should now expel these military forces ,if Africa wants to be independent these bases are for the benefits of their own countries why these African countries allowing this to remain get out of the United States trap and france they are the terrorist and also facilitate terrorism

  9. Why are your leaders let all of this happening in Africa with all of these foreign bases invading your country? This is poor leadership. Is there anything Africa can do by itself without enlisting help from some of your enemies? These leaders in Africa have open up Pandora box in some of these countries. The same people who claimed that they are helping with terrorist in these Africa countries, they cannot solved terrorist activities in their own countries. I applauded the leaders who are fighting their own battles without outside help. Africa have too many foreign invaders in their countries. They prey off black leaders. This is insane with all those bases. Will they let you do this in their country. Something in the milk that is not clean. Poor leadership, sad, sad. My people fight your own battles.

  10. All those countries are in Africa for their own profit not out of good will for africa
    All have to go back home and take their puppet governments with them and lef Africans choose their own leaders and run their countries and manage their resources themselves

  11. Foreign military bases on the continent are significant symbols of ever growing imperial influence and desire to permanently dominate AFRIKA by the world powers.

    They don't serve any positive purpose for the citizens of the host countries.

  12. African let's wake up nothing good n nothing positive that will come from the west this military possible we are being used as play ground where they train their on recruits n learn how to take a li*****v on us.

  13. African let's wake up nothing good n nothing positive that will come from the west this military possible we are being used as play ground where they train their on recruits n learn how to take a li*****v on us.

  14. Foreign forces are never helpful in Africa but for their own gain and interfering internal affairs. There should not be any foreign forces in Africa.

  15. In my humble opinion, the destabilization anywhere on the African continent the foreigners are part of the Neanderthal nation, and things will never be right in their house until they get the Neanderthal nation out because they bring trouble and disruption in the region,. that is their purpose

  16. Don't be fooled, all those military bases are there to protect not the people of those countries, but the exploiters in those countries. Where their so-called democracy fails they use military tactics.