Zambia | Life In An Old Truck | Deadliest Journeys
Zambia | Life In An Old Truck | Deadliest Journeys
00:00 In Zambia, a very old truck which was used to build the houses of thousands of peasants serves as a legend. After 46 years of activity, it still continues to work despite repeated leaks and breakdowns. But in the rainy season, the old cabin struggles on the tracks of the country. When the waters of the Zambezi invade the plains, the…
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Замбия – типичная страна, ограбленная цивилизованной и демократической Британией
Судя по тому как заводили машину – неуёмные оптимисты
put wooden boards under truck wheels when parking on soft ground. that way it won't sink down.
Africa….our land
The gods must be crazy
Where do thier clothes come from?
Itu truk rongsokan harus di daur ulang
36:50 that smile was great, made my day
Я в тойоте сижу и жалуюсь что нет комфорта, как я ошибался после этого видио
Sungguh indah danau nya ya Tuhan🙏🙏🙏
Mobil nya berapa orang naikin😂😂😂🇮🇩🇮🇩from indonesi😊
Air terjun nya menunjukan bahwa betapa indah nya alam
Ive had zinc poisoning before and the milk helped
35:17 is that Swahili? Wow!!
29:27 God bless that man driving the hazardous truck, my chest tightens just watching his face as he precariously drives sulfuric acid through a croud with no saftey measures besides the brakes and the horn.
After seeing this ,i feel really grateful to God almighty for providing us everything to live ..the government must provide them ,, construction of the road ,food , drinking water 😢
Я ничего не понял но оочень интересно
7:40why doesn’t Nicholas truck just drive the truck himself?
Soy mexicano y se casó lo que es tener un camión de esos solo que el camión de mi papá era 8 cilindros y no quemaba aceite pero habia que quitarle el cárter y poner una laina de aluminio a un metal de viela cada mes porque empezaba a sonar, lo último que hicimos fue poner un pedazo de cuero de vaca ese le duro como 2 meses para cuando hubo que poner otro! 👍👍👍
Next time authorities must repair those murram roads properly they're very dangerous, second Zambians should repair these vehicles accordingly, poor repairs contribute to these hardships and makes no meaning to have those old vehicles , let's not just praises mediocrity in the name of hand work
Se o governo não for ladrão a zambia tem muitos benefícios más quem sofre são os pobres um abraço para todos os zambianos que sofrem com o seu próprio governo um grande abraço da Bélgica de um português tudo de bom para todos vocês ❤❤❤
It's kinda weird watching a documentary about you home country, wondering is that really here😅😅😅 anyway I love my country
Those bicycles are owned by Congolese who come to get goods from Zambia. Learn to tell the truth.
Its incredible how resourceful people are in countries where you cant simply buy a new truck even IF you had the money to do so. Mad respect for these people and I wish good fortune upon them!
..and they re still breeding. Irresponsibility and stupidity at its finest.
Just how this reporter managed to put up this documentary which none of us indigenous natives hasn't done. Viva for a report well documented. Seeing is believing.
That truck should officially become eight ancient wonder of the world.
Looks like a stage managed video to give Zambia and Africa as a whole a bad name.
meanwhile in a lot of places on earth, life it is a lot more better, but people just don't give a shit about other's struggle.
Дайте спокойной уже умереть этому грузовику. Дайте ему уже покой.😅
Looting is the norm
The way you guys are filming 😂
Truck is most likely burning oil not leaking I think it was a translation error, I doubt guys smart enough to keep her on the road for 50 years can't find/fix an oil leak. Older a motor gets the weaker the internal seals will be and oil will start getting into the cylinders, not to mention machining tolerances were archaic compared to how accurate modern machining is. I'd bet a ton of cars came out the factory burning a quart every few months back in the day this truck was made.
Truck: Kill me please
😂😂😂 Africa rising😊
12:03 how could they have perfect teeth? I can't image they go to see a dentist regularly
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It's sooooo angering, to know that the state of utter despair these brave people have been brought to, are the fault of western influence……
Hope some top notch adventurer British mechanics can save the truck for the affected village! 😊😅
That's the most lit Christian ever. Holy Shit did he make compelling statement!