Your Rock Bottom Is Your Business // SAY IT LIKE IT IS – Ep 44

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Your Rock Bottom Is Your Business // SAY IT LIKE IT IS – Ep 44

SAY IT LIKE IT IS (Playlist):

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  1. Very true. Your agony maybe music in the ears of your listener. Sharing your greatest inspiration and aspiration can be the most boring conversation to your listener. Go ahead and clean your mess by yourself. Simple.

  2. Most people, when you hit rock bottom If they answer your calls, do so under the guise of wondering how you are holding up when in fact they just want to hear gossip. It's when you hit rock bottom that you find out who your friends/family are. I have always helped when possible, friends/family and strangers. Not always reciprocated but like my brother, a Marine, used to tell me the Marine Corp motto/philosophy, "the only helping hand you get is at the end of your arm" . I guess it's because it's the only reliable help you'll get.

  3. I do that sometimes…checking through my contact list for someone who could at least help me with 1k Naira…but I was surprised thT I had no one. I immediately knew what their answers would be. I have learnt not to believe someone owes me a favour. It is too dangerous thing for me to depend on human.

  4. Yo Phrank, it is because this is life, everyone has got their struggles, you only know what they tell you. Whilst, I totally agree with the helping/doing without expecting bit, because if you are helping with the mindset of gaining in the future, the purpose of helping in itself is defeated. More wisdom brotherman !

    I have always try to tell myself this "You are all you have got".

  5. Surviving Rock Bottom is Tough. But it sure gives one clarity of mind. No illusions! Be strong and survive Rock Bottom! Then you will know your strength and you will know your true Angels.

  6. it is not only the people in the diaspora go through this , the same goes for the people in Africa , when they think you have many come to get from you, and if don't give , you have them hate and talk dart about you , some relations think it is there right to get or to be given

  7. lesson; dont spread your own gossip. most of the contacts in your phone are useless, i see people with 300 contacts in their phones and i think to myself, havent these people been disappointed seriously in their lives?, i personally dont talk to a lot of people, i dont break relationships or isolate myself though, but i create space for people who are interested in me to reach out. dont make yourself easily available, you wont know who values you and to what degree, even family, and i agree with Phrankleen about being broke, in my heart i thank God for it coz its temporary(God made a way where there was no way, now im counting down the months-a year to bloom) and im taking it as a season to build the right circle and to find the right partner

  8. wow you didnt come to play in this video !! this is the bitter true people dont lke to hear !!!! the world owes you nothing .!!! and know who to even bother to share your problems with….most people dont give a toast !! ..great content !!!

  9. Thank God,lm a strong woman…
    at the tender age of 3 my parents divorced…
    my external world was confusing,chaotic,l was traumatized by parents divorce…
    As traumatic as it may have been,it made me a strong woman…
    lm fearless,lm resilient,lm a go-getter,a fighter,a trooper…
    To give up in life,no matter the circumstances,l literally have to be in my coffin…
    Life is not for sissies…
    To make it through this world,you have to be a fighter,determined,no victim-mode,no pity party…
    above all,trust God…

  10. Hi Phrankleen. I have seen a few of your videos and I must say keep it up!
    A lot is happening in the diaspora African communities and people just don't know what to do.
    I agree that rock bottom is a person's test however, you need practical plans to come through. Let's not forget, rockbottom can lead to several mental health issues. You may need another video that focus on plan of action during this period.
    What I do is to pray for wisdom to put in place plan of action on matters.

  11. What you say is true but to take it one step further: Folks, self preservation at all times. Help whoever is in need that you can help but don't put yourself in their situation by not using your common sense. This might sound harsh but it is a conclusion learnt the hard way !!! When we hit rock bottom, the only way out is up. Rock bottom is a teacher and if we have sense, we won't forget the lesson…….The lesson I learnt is imprinted on my brain, never to be forgotten (lol)

  12. So true. Rock bottom is were success starts.Some of us have been there. It is no funny place to be. It take a whole other mindset to grasp the reality of that process to find your grit and gifting to pull yourself up in the truth of your reality. There is a gift or a skill for you to find and use to make provision for you in that difficult mental space. You have made choices and discisions that have brought you to that place. But there is a way out! and it could be anything that is attached uniquely for you to find. This was a good talk Brother. Embrace your rock bottom.

  13. People are to busy looking around and stamping on or spraying all the cockroaches, ants, flies etc calling them PARASITES. BUT I have come to the conclusion years ago now, that it is the PEOPLE WHO ARE THE BIGGEST PARASITES ON THIS PLANET!!! They will literally, if you LET THEM, bleed you DRY of all your TIME, MONEY, ASSETS, EMOTIONS and sadly even your LIFE, as long as THEY are ALRIGHT! It has taken me a long, long time to get here, where I am today, as I am by nature a HELPER and HEALER, but that comes with a HEAVY PRICE!!! I have had to force myself to this end as a matter of SURVIVAL to this time SAVE ME, because when the boot is on the other foot, hell I AM ALWAYS RIDING it out ALONE, their GONE. And I am cool with that, but just don't expect nothing back from me no more either and I AM GOOD!! Hotep brother.

  14. True. Most people don't care about your problems, everyone is in it for themselves and rightfully so. When shit goes south then you'll know who's your friend is.