Young Woman Addresses Black Culture. Ghetto Black People Are To Blame!?

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Young Woman Addresses Black Culture. Ghetto Black People Are To Blame!?

Young Woman Addresses Black Culture. Ghetto Black People Are To Blame!?

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  1. She's making the case that the majority of black people are middle class which is true, but it begs the question…….why do the majority of black people continue to vote for democrats who encourage all the things she's opposed to?

  2. Zarria Simmons, very well said. Why don’t we hear from the mothers of these young black kids? Why aren’t the mothers questioning why their kids are coming home with low test scores despite the fact that white kids in the same classes score higher? Why aren’t black mothers/parents rewarding their children for bringing home good test scores? Why are the burned out kids in a neighborhood making fun of the kids on their street that are doing well in school? It seems all the bad behaviors are being popularized and rewarded while the good behaviors aren’t rewarded because the loudmouths on their streets make fun of the kids who do good. What happened to religion? Do black mothers/parents not take them to church anymore?

  3. What a wonderful video Kendel. I wish the lame stream media would ask you and Ms. Simmons to present this commentary on one of their stations. 🤔

  4. This young Lady is making one of the wisest points we've heard in a long time. & that young gentleman at the end, a Fethin' HERO! These are the people we should be holding up as examples! Why is it looked down upon for people to try to better their communities? THAT'S HOW HUMANITY & CIVILISATION GROW & BETTER OURSELVES!!!

  5. We're ALL being used as pawns & once each community realizes it as a whole or majority all hell is gonna break loose on our government! Accountability is necessary for the balance we need to live in a decent good society. Much ❤ to u Kendel for keeping it REAL 💯🥰

  6. This video makes visible so many thoughts going through my head. I'm a white male and I feel helpless about what I see out there. I keep asking what can I do to help the civil side of black culture become more recognized in the media. Keep it up, Kendel.

  7. Once in a while the show On Patrol Live are at a bar or someone's party (to turn down the music).. Always have those girls who think it's cute to Twerk. Parents must be proud to see you on live tv doing that..

  8. I don't believe you see a lot of white people willing to broach the subject. But I am sure many would like to have a civil conversation and even join in trying to assist in solving the problems. Both black and white working together. In general, when a white person broaches the subject, they tend to be attacked by many of the black movement groups as racist because they don't understand the situation. Now, it is true that I live in the Midwest, and don't have any experience in this issue. The closest metro area, and I know it exists there, is Kansas City, Missouri. My knowledge of the issue comes from media reports, and I've learned to dig deep as the media tends to distort reports for ratings. While what they report might be true, they present it in the context that misleads people.

    Many of the issues now stem from black on black crime and until a way is found to address that, I am not sure the situation will improve. Would you agree that if young people learn better morals instilled in them at home, black on black crime would perhaps go down? I am 64 and things were so different in the late 1960s and 70s. Most, everyone had respect for authority. People would never treat each other or the authorities like they do now. I've heard Kendel say it so many times. A father in the home would make a huge difference. I think many black parents live in such dispair, trying to make ends meet, that they give up.

  9. I’m a 66 year old white man from the UK and I would like to praise this woman and you my friend for saying things that I obviously couldn’t. I grew up on 70s funk and soul and Jamaican reggae ,music with consciousness as well as being musically brilliant. Now it’s a beat with lyrics about someone getting stabbed. God bless you 🙏

  10. I miss the vintage style and fashion. Swing dresses or pencil skirts with matching hats. That's actually the style that I wear, in hopes that it retrends. I've had people stop to compliment my appearance. Bugs will crawl all over an unwrapped sucker, but a person will be drawn to one completely, securely wrapped.

  11. IMO: Kendel – you asked why? My opinion is so that the black community (if kept shown these things and making them feel like a victim) will always vote Democrat party (like Biden himself said "you ain't black if you don't vote Democrat"). If (like that young woman said) things were shown differently, then attitudes would change drastically and everyone would wake up to the nonsense and we can finally move forward as people but those in power want to STAY in power and this is one of the tools they use.

  12. Though the term thug life is commonly misinterpreted to mean “criminal life,” this is not actually the intention of the phrase. Thug life is a term used with pride, to describe a person who started out with nothing and built themselves up to be something. We let the "industry" (does not matter skin color) redefined into something idiotic so they could make money. Remember, it was Tupac who help define it back in the day. And being a thug does not make you a gangster. Getting it mixed up might get you shot.

  13. Growing up in 70s and 80's, jimi hendrix, commadores,motown, tina turner, micheal Jackson, prince, stevie wonder, marvin gaye, paula abdul… that's the musicians we listened to. I grew up in New York state in a military base town. Totally different from inner city "ghetto " of today

  14. I stand behind this woman cuz she is right. I seen this video and I agree with her cuz I been saying this since I was 20 about rap music and hip hop. Watch the The boondocks cuz it summaries the whole ghetto for blacks. It's sad what the true black culture is getting destroy by black ghetto. I really mess up how they don't like the n word say to them from different races cuz they always ready to fight but when they call each other that word or change it to nigga…. really they must be stupid. When I was playing online game, I heard this year swearing and talking ghetto. he didn't know what he was talking about but he though he was gangster… I hate those wanna be gangsters bull crap. My father used to tell me how black was in the 30,40,50, and 60's but now I don't understand y they change. I don't understand y they lower themselves to be wanted be gangster or think they are hard but they not cuz they hide like cowards. I don't like listen to alot of rape cuz some the so call rappers today never been in real shit before or never lived in a ghetto before. just wanna be. I don't know why black male think it's cool to have their pants down to their butt thinking it's cool. cuz last time I check that show u was own by someone in prison or u was selling ur self. We live in crazy time and I hope black break this curse they are in cuz this is why they don't get respect so we'll cuz ghetto people.

  15. I don’t think it’s black culture causing all the major problems it’s not even close to the top issues. The problem is that it’s a semi protected class of people who have more rights and privileges than the rest of the population speak out against them and you will find out fast. The protected class is the LOUDEST group on the continent.
    Over protected get away with mdk and crime and almost worshipped by the media as a protected class of can never do wrongs and there lies the problem. It’s coming to the end soon, remember EQUALITY it’s coming back! It’s going to seem harsh but equality comes with consequences for actions and I can tell the protected class is not ready for it. The future videos will prove what I’m saying and it’s going to be filled with conflict until they learn to join society or bust. The police will not worry about upsetting the culture of thugs and tweeps that openly endorse the thug culture. It’s going to HURT! But it’s never too late to smarten up. Good luck yall

  16. black ,white, red , yellow, purple or green the moral code should be the same for everyone. Satan is ruling this world , and Gods rules have been tossed away. these influencers are doing so much damage to the younger generation and the media love to cause hate!

  17. I've always said that bad black people ruin it for the good black people, and to me, that's sad. There are so many successful black people, and yet their greatness towards a successful career only gets destroyed because of an entitled black person that won't stop thinking that the world owes them. None of those complainants has ever been slaves and yet it's brought up constantly. Hey Kendel, please keep staying you, man, because you're honestly a great example of how not to act. Your family must be proud and I really hope you have an awesome day. Stay safe and God bless

  18. Woman you telling the truth I'm a black man a lot of us feel the same way you do like it or not have some respect for your self been always talking about the white man holding you down you doing it to your own self

  19. 😮 Kendall noticed she didnt have caterpillar eyes.😂. She is so right!!! Im 60 yrs old white man grew up on both Coasts most blacks i met and or grew up with had both parents. But even they told me of their own relatives in the cities were not aload to visit!?

  20. Good to see voices of reason. That decay can be stopped. It can be stopped by the community. And that decay of moral values hits everyone. It is not limited to skin color or where people are living. Good video 👍