You Should Probably Fear the NHS

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You Should Probably Fear the NHS

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  1. As a nation you lost your religion. Or to be more correct, it was taken from you. That's where concepts such as 'fair play' and 'cultural relationships and responsibilities' came from.

  2. As a senior nurse in the NHS it is very clear to me that the NHS is dead. It needs to be scraped and start again. The quality of nursing now on wards is absolutely appalling. Yes, you should be afraid, avoid the NHS and take out private health care asap.

  3. England has a truly crap health system. Really shocking . We have to take medical supplies from South Africa to the UK when we visit as the general population can’t get basic medication and care . They also can’t get operations . Horrific

  4. It is also worth factoring in all the small but cummulative communication difficulties that arise from strong accents, cultural and language differences. How willing would a white middle manager be to report a foreigner when they know that they can be accused of racism at any turn?

  5. I love how some of them were more mad that people were exposing their parents fraud rather than being outraged that children were being forced to do their parents college work and getting jobs they aren't qualified for. Not a single shred of dignity or integrity in their bones🙄

  6. As someone who lost her only child had two heart attacks all because of a part of nhs I would say look after your health as much as you can so you never have to use them

  7. The blacks in the NHS are worthless just like they are in any place of work. If you get seen by one complain until a competent person can see you.

  8. There was a dentist in Turkey that i got a check up for while my mate was getting full dental work done. Which look very good and not the cliched cheap Turkey teeth… anyway i got a check up that cost me £20!!! In that check up the dentist spoke perfect English, they took a 3D scan xray of my jaw and teeth being able to zoom in and look around my mouth and all in a lovely modern clean dentist.

    Compared to the English one i last went to that did an old fashioned xray that the dentist and nurse couldnt be sure what was on there, even saying theres decay under my tooth that will need a root canal (the 3D imager at Turkey dismissed this saying theres nothing there but healthy roots)… and the treatment i received in the Uk was worst and costs a damn site more than £20.

    So even if i need minor work id probable just book a flight online and go to the Turkish place.

  9. The part of medical tourism was something I heard a far left activist praising after she visited Russia and thought after she could see a doctor (who did roughly as good as her own) faster for the same treatment.

    The real kicker, especially from a far left activist, was the only way she got quick treatment was by bribing everyone she could to skip ahead.

  10. Yeah, I live in the UK and go back to Eastern Europe for my medical needs. My husband was almost killed by NHS once, I also had some bad experience. Pretty much every Eastern European I know who lives in the UK goes back for that. Latvians, Belorusians, Russians, even Ukrainians (yes, even now!), Bulgarians – we all go back home to get medical help.

  11. So someone comes to the UK as a health care assistant and brings the whole family, then 6 months later decides to claim benefits because they’ve got a bad back, do they and their family get sent home? Nope.

  12. So I've genuinely been prescribed a medication that I'm allergic to (and has been clearly stated on my medical records since I was a baby that I'm allergic to) from a consultant in the NHS. My brother was also prescribed a medication that can be deadly with his preexisting medical conditions. The amount of incompetence is shocking!

  13. There was a story in either the US or Canada about a doctor that decapitated a newborn during childbirth some how. Of course it wasnt a caucasian person.

  14. These people hate you for being ethnic Europeans. They are coming here to take us for everything we have and destroy us. Your mothers and fathers will be surrounded by these "people". If you arent noticing by now and organizing with like minded Men and Families you better start. Tribe and Train. Wake up European Man!!!

  15. It's getting to the point where anytime I'm putting my life in someone else's hands (doctor, nurse, pilot, etc) I will walk away if that person isn't White or Asian.

  16. I would like to know who is registering these people? I trained in the nhs and used to be very proud of it but now I don’t tell anyone!
    I emigrated to Australia in 1989. When I went to register at the Nurses Board I was made to write home to my colleges of nursing for a complete breakdown of academics and practical competencies of the training. This was because I did 3 years sick children’s followed by another year to get my general. I also had post registered experience in both paediatrics and general and had worked overseas.Once I got the evidence however , there was no problem and was registered immediately.
    Now retired I latterly worked in tertiary education and have been involved in the very careful requirement of cross referencing overseas qualifications as sadly not all overseas qualifications are comparable. I even recently heard that even uk trained nurses will be required to complete bridging courses as they are falling short of the required competencies!! We are even hearing stories of unis passing graduates through before they are ready because the government is putting pressure to get more staff out there. That’s an accident waiting to happen. Where’s the duty of care to the employer and the patient? No wonder nurses are leaving in droves. Florence Nightmare will be turning in her grave!
    Finally, the comments on knowing a lot about sepsis are both outrageous and arrogant. Medicine and nursing are not and never will be exact sciences, therefore NOBODY knows everything. When I completed my first training our principal nursing officer said to us “over the last 3 years you have been given a solid foundation upon which you will never cease to build.”.
    That was and still is so true.

  17. One positive thing to bare in mind: People with a lot of melanin need a lot more sun exposure to get the required vitamin D. Our white skin is an adaptation to our climate. So most of the immigrant population are at a disadvantage when it comes to health. Within a few more generations they will be very sickly, a lot already are. Vitamin D is one of the most important. There's even been cases of their children developing rickets.

    A lot of our indigenous population are suffering from low Vit D, even with our adaptation. So imagine how bad it will be for them. I urge all indigenous British, Irish and Welsh people to supplement with vitamin D3 but keep this information from the invaders.

    Be sure to take D3 and not D2. And look into the correct dosage. The amount they suggest we take is far too small. You'll want at least 4,000 – 8,000 units per day, obese people need even more.

    We want the advantage here. And this serves as an ironic consequence for their abuse of our lands and our people.

  18. My mum died October 2020 and she had septus and pneumonia and if her treatment had of been much quicker should would not have died in 2 hours
    This is a disgrace and they should have to prove they are qualified I've worked in social care and now special educational needs and I had to pass my qualifications before I was employed this is putting peoples lives at risk

  19. It isn't just the NHS.
    I made an injury claim against my employer when I was delivering plumbing goods and they told me there was a forklift to unload at the destination, there wasn't and they said I had to push it out te van.
    When I eventually was sent for an examination months later the guy doing the examination admitted I had been injured but was making up my lasting pain which automatically meant my case would be thrown out.
    I know that there was conspiring between the company I worked for, the injury claims company and the doctor. I don't have any evidence other than my own personal brain which could quite easily work out what was going on.
    Our country has gone to shit.
    Diversity isn't the peoples strength it empowers the corrupt scum that fills seats in higher places.
    We need to stand up against them and I'm so grateful for the work peope are doing.

  20. The question I have is why the teenage kids were competent enough to pass the tests. Suggests to me that standards aren't very high to begin with, even when people bother to take their own course…