You Claim You Love Zimbabwe, Go Back And Fix It!

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You Claim You Love Zimbabwe, Go Back And Fix It!

Reneilwe Morema reports on an old interview from SABC ”Morning Live” that aired four years ago, where news reporter/Journalist Leanne Manas grisly asked Rutendo Matinyarare why isn’t he going back to Zimbabwe to fix it since he claims the country has many opportunities and resources. This interview highlights the unfair treatment of…



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  1. White woman telling africans to go back home in the soil of africa,the president of this country south Africa should tell her to go back to Europe she is not an African,why she is in south Africa.because her parents came to south Africa kill out parents and their lands and today she is opening her dirty mouth telling african to go back in his own continent africa

  2. You know one country those colonizers don't try this bs in is Mexico. They definitely do as the Mexicans do in their country. No bullying 😂 So many Here now they will be the ones to get revenge in this country. 😂 "Remember the Alamo " fr 😂

  3. He made Black holes look stupid. A spot of nothing in space that sucks so hard light can't escape. Yet there is light around its edges as if it's a 2D circle. They've been lying

  4. i am black south african but please watch the hole interview befor you comment and he is zimbabwen not south african the interviewer she is south african nor matter what the coulour of her skin south africa is the rainbow nation

  5. As a Zimbabwean who literally grew up with the liberation fighters who fought in the war of independence, I can honestly say that your media channel is doing a disservice to the continent of Africa. The Caucasian lady journalist is absolutely right. This Zimbabwean fellow should be returning back to Zimbabwe where he belongs as it is his home country and he has a birth right to rebuild his nation. It’s interesting how he plays the race card and attacks the white journalist just as your media outlet African diaspora is doing. It is the same as Netanyahu using antisemitism as an excuse for not changing and continuing to bomb Gaza and refusing to change. African diaspora news you are a disgrace and a cancer for our continent. Always Playing the race card will never allow you to progress in life.

  6. If this brother truly is attracted to under-adult girls and has no self-control as a man with a family, then this man was the wrong one to talk to the granddaughter of colonizers. That group needs someone with integrity to speak for it. Additionally, there definitely needs to be more freedom-minded Black folks, especially leaders in South Africa…and abroad. I heard that in addition to the Boer-invader of South Africa, there is an estimated 2 million illegal White immigrants in South Africa! Yet there's a predominately Black group in South Africa that is against Black immigrants from neighboring countries??!? To add insult to injury, a SA brother told me how some of the anti-apartheid people his parent's age took refuge in these neighboring countries. Now that these folks are fleeing economic colonialism, they don't get the same treatment. Meanwhile, White's in South Africa are allowed to form their own armed-to-the-teeth White's only enclaves in South Africa…like Orania, and they still hold a seriously disproportionate amount of the land and resources. Much like here in the states! Sad.

  7. I'm getting so sick of these colonizers claiming Africa as their own because they were born there. Being born their does not mean you are OF there. From a genetic standpoint I was not born in Africa but I am more African than she will ever be. This man was a bad example because of his behavior but at the core of the argument, the truth is there. She has no right to tell an African whose genetics make Africa his home, to go anywhere. He was right to flip the question on her and ask her, why don't Europeans go home? Why don't the Chinese, the Indians or any other people that have genetic ties to somewhere other than Africa, go back to their ancestral home? Because they are living their better lives wherever they are. So they stay. That took a lot of gall on her part, but then again, when dealing with colonizers AND their descendants, there is no other way other for them to behave as if it is their birthright. The bigger part of the problem is Africa enables this behavior. You should have sent them packing when Apartheid came down. Missed opportunity however. All I can say is you better get them out when the next opportunity comes. Get Malema in office and put them in their place. Listening to them talk the way they do just always infuriates me. They need a global wake up call.

  8. Despite the way my ancestors may feel, seeing the way Africa is these days, I'm so glad my ancestors was exiled from those African countries, it is to me the most discombobulated countries I've ever seen.

  9. I’m an American I don’t know South African culture or anything but from this video I feel that the man should step down whoever he is from his position because of the pedophilia issue. but I don’t want to see a white woman no matter if she was born there or not, tell a black African to go away. I don’t care if she was born there. she is benefiting from the terrible history that her ancestors caused so she’s the one that should leave the continent

  10. I think what she is trying to say is this guy is talking about how great Zimbabwe is. in response she is asking him why he is in South Africa if Zimbabwe is so great, but this channel is making it a racial thing for more views, they are playing you guys.

  11. That person should have told her, "I will return to Zimbabwe when you return to Europe! The nerve of this white b!tch! But the continent of Africa, this is your fault because when black Americans show up to help out, the red carpet is not rolled out. We are treated poorly for no reason, but your oppressors are treated like royalty! I don't get it at all! Stockholm Syndrome is a real thing! SMH!🙄😡😤🤬🤷🏾‍♀️😎

  12. Put in context, this white women is expressing the hate against Mugabe and Zimbabweans.
    If I was that Brother, my response to her would be simple:" I understand your pain for the lost paradise. Now you are emotional and irrational which is unprofessional. Africa is black motherland so put yourself together".

  13. I don’t know what the commentator is talking about deporting an African when the whole continent is his… any issues he has with young girls let SA police investigate as for his home he is at home in Africa…. i don’t care if he goes to Senegal or Stays forever in SA… He is forever African because Africa lives in him.

  14. We have the mind of THOSE folks. Sooo self hate lives in our minds. If I hate myself the hate spreads to everyone in my group. The rulers among those folks are wise but wicked. Experts on mind control. Now we think like them. Examine yourself & be honest with yourself. We dislike our hair, facial features, & skin color. Some of us still say " Good hair & Bad hair". Love hazel, blue, or green eyes, and not brown or black. How many of us will awaken from the deep coma we were placed in?

  15. If my mother and her mother gave birth to us while in China does that make us Chinese? Same thing as europeans born in Africa. Stop calling yourselves Africans and straddling both sides of the fence.😮

  16. She's a South African, a highly respected journalist at that.
    He's an arrogant Zimbabwean man, he is also a ZANU-PF member 🙄 go figure.
    I dont if whether hes black or green, he's a foreigner in SA, just as much as i am in his home country.

  17. President Museveni is right, Africans do not belong to countries! The concept of countries is colonial imprisoned mindset. Instead we the melanated belong to a nation, The Most High confirmed this in the scriptures. The interviewer does not understand this that is why she is interrogating him.

  18. Why do people forget their history and geography there were and are so many SA's in Zimbabwe? Nobody said much for a long time, maybe guilt but the ramifications of that 🤷