WS Students Hold Online Auction To Sell Black Classmates For $2 And $4 For Each One

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WS Students Hold Online Auction To Sell Black Classmates For $2 And $4 For Each One

Demetra Kaye reports on WS students holding online auction to sell Black classmates for $2 and $4 for each one.
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  1. Democrats want to keep you dependant on them. They stress jobs why? So you will remain a life-long employee and never an owner. They never talk about fixing our families or lowering crime because they know if we fix the family, that will fix everything else.

    They promote degeneracy and call it acting black, why? Becuase they want us to continue failing. As long as we fail, we will need them. As long as we need them, they will control us through broken promises that they'll blame Republicans for not making good on.

    Sixty years people. How long will we be suckers?!

  2. The the intergration movement was disguised as the civil rights movement in wich black businesses we closed and white businesses thrived AND TO THIS DAY our people dont support our own and spend outside of our community consistently.

  3. Let these pathetic so called people get their kicks off …shows you how ignorant, 😮 uneducated , uncivilized, barbaric, undeveloped they really are. We should call them The Un's.😅.

  4. I would like you tell me how the descendants of slave going to get something out of system that wasn't designs for them. The descendants of slave don't have much representation from the white supremacists government. This political systems in America was designs by the white supremacists for the elite white people

  5. A non vote, is a vote for the republican party. The republican partys mantra is "pull yourself up by your own bootstrp" they traditionaly want to cut social services, welfare, food stamps, sec 8 and social security. The black folk that are losing out to the migrants are mad as hell and going to switch and vote democratic makes me laugh. There cutting off their nose to spite there face.

  6. Our votes are are not even negotionable anymore. They have F around and about to find out what we can do as a nation of people. I'm ready to see the look on their faces.

  7. Sister, you got that right 💯! Why keep voting for someone who isn't doing anything for us? Let the ones they are doing for vote for them, and we will see how that turns out 😁😁.


  9. Brothers and sisters when will you wake up from your slumber? How long will you hate knowledge? The Edomite’s (whites) need to keep us(seed of Abraham and son of Jacob) to keep sinning, that’s why they encourage abortion(murder), sodomy(homosexuality) and the list goes on. Wake up my people you are the head and not the tail but for this to happen we must turn back to our creator.

  10. Brothers and sisters if you want things to change, then turn to the MOST HIGH our Father. This fight is more than what meets the eye, your heritage is in Africa the promise land, the richest continent by far in the world. We need to seek knowledge of history to know who you are, if we collectively turn from our sins and back to the Almighty who made us in His image and likeness He will restore our rightful place in this world.

  11. When will black Americans get it ? You are the consumers of America, you don’t own anything, the laws are against you, it doesn’t matter who gets in power the system never change. Chancellor Williams was right about American Africans, in my own words, very naive.

  12. You really tell it like it is , I enjoy hearing truth being spoken, so much lies get told today by politicians, till I don't listen to them , they open their mouths and a lie flies out. Pathetic

  13. We better wake up as black people and see what is happening in this country they are trying their best to take us back to does slavery and Jim Crow these people want their old world back. Yes all rights are being threatened.

  14. Biden and Harris told black people they weren’t doing anything for them. Black people need to understand this as well, Democrats are trying to rush those illegal to vote, Democrats are fighting right now to stop voter ID, because they do not want black people to be the face of their parties, so when Democrats get their way, they won’t need the black votes, because black people are not having children like the Hispanic. This is the reason for the opening border because Democrats are trying to vote the black out and Hispanic in.

  15. This country is morally finished. WHY !? Four hundred centuries and counting, America has shown no monetary remorse for the atrocities of slavery, with continued subjugation of Black people. The State of The Union event SHOULD have been a state of REPENTANCE. INSTEAD, there was a lot of smiling faces, and hoop-la; lets get a photo with GENOCIDE JOEY 🤬. SERIOUSLY ……

  16. After 4 decades of voting on EVERY SINGLE ELECTION I’ve decided in the last couple cycles to just STAY AWAY from the poles … JUST FED UP with NEING USED and NOW how in MY community US BLACK FOLKS HAVE BEEN DELIBERATELY TAKEN OUT of any sense of power when a SO-CALLED NON-PARTISAN panel redrew the district ALL the districts lines giving the power to the surrounding suburbs ( those SUBURBS ARE NOT GOING TO VOTE to give power to the inner city …. And if that’s not bad enough see how FBA are being affected in Chicago and New York it’s CLEAR WHAT THESE POLITICIANS PLAN IS , KEEPING US AT THE BOTTOM …. NOW EVEN BELOW these BORDER BUSTING ILLEGAL ALIENS

  17. Who were the black students that participated is the real question we neeed to be asking. Theyre just as much a threat as the wyte students who opted to orchastrate this madness.