Wooow!!! The best IT and computer school in Ghana. Pure practical computer training. Uniyat UPI
Wooow!!! The best IT and computer school in Ghana. Pure practical computer training. Uniyat UPI
For the very first time it has been verified and tested, that indeed there is a practical IT training facility in Ghana.
Programs taught
Software Engineering
Networking and Cyber Security Engineering
Computer Hardware and Phone Technician
Design Technology
Online Business and Ecommerce
Database Management
Computer Basics and Office…
0 %
Is it for both educated and uneducated ( jhs dropout allowed?)
Pls what kind of certificate is given
Lizzy I see you🎉I will go there too😅
Please is it a one year course ?
And can i get your real site
Because i see a lot on the net
Thank u
How long does it take,
Is there 1 year course
Network and cyber security duration
Please do you offer office administration course
Hi UPI, do I need to get a laptop first before starting
I want to know if WASSCE is needed before admission.
To introduce myself, Meya Johnson, a student at Carl Wunsche Senior
Highschool with a current project called Capstone. Capstone is a
culminating project for high school seniors. This project is an
assessment that allows students to demonstrate their ability to design
and participate in a multi-phased, research-based learning process.
For Capstone, my research question is: How does a systematic and
disciplined approach affect software engineers' adaptation to future
evaluations? My aspiring career choice is a quantitive software
engineer with a solution to build an affordable institute for the
basics of computer science. With your help, I will be able to take new
data to prove my statements about the lack of shared understanding
correct. Based on the information, are you willing to answer questions
about employee problems in software engineering?