WM Explains Why The Folks Ask Black People Why Everything Is About Race & Admits It Is

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WM Explains Why The Folks Ask Black People Why Everything Is About Race & Admits It Is

Emma Ansah reports on a WM who explains why the folks ask black people why everything has to be about race and admits that it is abut race



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  1. Edomites (white people ) , made every thing about race, not black people ! White people, invented the race card, and are using it ! It’s not only about what they’ve done to our aunt sisters , because they have never stop F—king us up to this day !

  2. It's Biblical, Nubian folk iF you haven't please read your Bible KJV1611, It's so clear, we must REPENT and Keep YAH COMMANDMENTS and do his STATUTES! SHABBAT SHALOM❤

  3. In order for you to be WHITE 😮 …. You have to be the color of MILK 🍼 and SNOW ❄️ or a gallon of WHITE paint 🎨🖌️ ….. I've never seen a WHITE PERSON 😞 this is not 🚫 about RACISM this is about STUPIDITY on their part 😭 ask yourself why do they call themselves WHITE which is very SCARY. It's a MENTAL DISEASE 😂

  4. It's called fight or flight that's where we're at and I don't see any of the gangsters fighting for the Civilized groups and I don't see the ones that are leaving so called civilized Negroes making a way so that the others can learn we are still on the plantation until we take our resources and leave we will forever have these issues

  5. There is no color in the blood group. When it comes to donating blood, why the same method doesn't reply when it comes to skin color?
    The question is why white people think they have the power to control the world, but they are still afraid not satisfied, and unhappy. why do white people are so afraid of black people, especially black Americans?
    Why are they afraid of black people to come into power?
    If white people are afraid it means, everything they have was stolen from black people. The wealth and they can not create anything. It also means, they know black people own it. And they are good In everything they do. On the other hand, the white folks knew themselves all they had was to destroy to steal. But black people's nature they are rich in everything.
    So l can see why white people trying so hard to stop black people from succeeding.

  6. Finally, it's been said by one of them with sense and willing to be honest. Them folks want it to go back to the old days when our people would not speak up and out. They really want us to SHUT UP and just TAKE IT. Those days are over. No more PUNKING OUT for US!!!

  7. They always ask that as a mechanism to dodge confronting their past and present atrocities and conveniently sweep them under the rug, especially by trying to “safeguard” their children from learning the truth. They don’t mind making other groups feel bad about themselves, but they never want this to happen regarding their demographic. You know they get triggered when they infiltrate black YT channels and are on every single comment, trying to refute any and every experience that doesn’t mirror theirs. Trying to always be “right” and simply not wanting to understand different perspectives.

  8. IT is hard for them to come to terms with the fact that they naturally a very evil and wicked people and blacks should avoid and keep out of their way.Not all bad though.

  9. But they are the bad guys, they lynched blacks dismembered the body parts for sovereign which was gruesome and I don't there is recorded case of blacks doing that them folks.

  10. Yeah, I’m open to everyone as individuals. I can be friends. But, it is clear to me how America sees me and AAs. I’m on a different path now. It’s not about convincing or trying twice as hard to be accepted. It’s about asding on in the human family but also focusing on restoring and connecting the shattered pieces of my folks.

  11. Its not even a skin thing theyre hatred for us is biblical and spiritual. If our people knew who we were then theyd understand. Get right with YAHUAH before its to late because hes judging babylon soon and he wont spare the stiffnecked even if they are yahudim.

  12. ya'll know palm colored people are insane right?….the same people who came up with the concept of race…ask why everything is about race…..go figure, smdh

  13. …because THEY didn't go through it with THEIR ancestors-others did. So it is easy for them to say! Then if and when we build up- The Black Wall Street?, the city of Rosewood, etc…., "they" come to destroy them!!!

  14. Dear white ppl stop pretending like you dont have a clue to whats going on. The fact that you want Trump as president is an omission of your intentions of keeping white supremacy going

  15. The biggest issue is not Honoring & Loving The Creator. Because who created Melanin, Human Creatures, or Everything? Anyone that discriminates against Melanin cannot Love its Creator. Though many, many of us say otherwise. Look deeply into it. Who is self created?

  16. They always the ones going around the world spreading their white supremacy everywhere they go but pretend now that black people are to blame for their white superiority complex.

  17. Freedom will not be given to black unless black people begin to embrace the blackness that is considered unattractive.most black people are hypocrites who hide in the name of being black but they would rather be inferior to white people rather than taking responsibility to make life for themselves 🧐🧐🧐

  18. We were asking those same questions during Jim Crow, “Why does everything have to be about race?” Because they made it all about race. This system and everything in it was built based on race. A house with a bad foundation will never sit right until it’s corrected.

  19. This guy is great, but watch out for white people who push the "victim mentality" story which goes, I'm paraphrasing Bush Jr.:
    "Some inner city youth feel as if they can't participate fully in society" because "they are misled by their leaders." These white supremacist politicians get ideas from ongoing debates within the Black community — and then turn them on the community to suggest that racism isn't as bad as Black people think it is! How many ways ways can somebody be wrong? Too many things wrong with this to list! But sadly it's the same old story. ✊🏻Love this channel BTW.