Witch doctors in South Africa | Documentary

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Witch doctors in South Africa | Documentary

Jonas Nilsson from the Boer Project visit witch doctors in South Africa that tells him about their traditional practice that includes medicine made on organs.
A disturbing practice filled with horror. Theft of human organs and grave desecration.
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  1. واضح جدااا الصحة مسيطره على جرائم القتل بحجج خطأ طبي!
    العدد الخيالي من الوفيات اليومية والمتضررين يؤكد انه فساد صحي بقناع الإنسانية
    يلفت بشدة وراء هذه السيطرة جرائم سحر وشعوذات وجن

  2. واضح جرائم السحر داخل الصحة واوضح في جرائم طعن الحواس والسجاير اليومية
    وهم ليسوا أغبياء علقولهم فيهم أطباء واعين وعلماء زمانه تم حل هذه القضايا لكنهم يقبلون الضرر علينا

  3. Truly speaking 2 guys against old lady, they would have took her but myth. Negativity and hearsay are subject of today. Witchcraft is real across Africa and human body parts are common Now exposing fake churches and Witchcraft has opened our eyes in this demonic activities. Human body parts are Satanism and Witchcraft are part of it.

  4. Interesting, and horrible. I am sensitive and not used to horror movies etc and had to watch it in two parts with a 🏃🏼‍♀️paus in between.
    I hope and pray for the couple who seek asylum here in Sweden gets it.

    All credit to Jonas Nilsson for what he’s doing.

  5. This Documentary is a lot of crap and degrading to the people of South Africa. The black translator is translating nonsense to start with, then the biasness portraying white people as victims. Please conduct more research and approach more knowledgeable commentators. I applaud the lady in the last segment for clarifying things for the ignorant.🤬

  6. I deeply respect the expert Sangoma/Traditional Enyana? Sorry about spelling/Nurse at the end. She is really very knowledgeable. Happy that she distinguished Wicca from how their tradition refers to the dark abusers as Witches. Respect for that. This lady is brilliant. I would have much preferred that her teachings came at the beginning as well as closing at the end of the documentary. The Water ritual was really wonderful. Much respect to her. The other lady was interesting and it would have been nice to hear her talk about her philosophy of medicine. I think she was using plants?How true her cures were I am skeptical, but she may have had some, traditional herbal teachings.

  7. So hoping for clarity here. With the advent of Christian missionaries most people seem to have lost their Indigenous knowledge and without that knowledge, it's gets really hard to know who is taking you for a ride or not. So does the public in general actually know the difference? I'm a believer in science, being rational and critical thinking as well as compassion and empathy. I do however believe in many things we don't understand yet. However, I draw a serious line with anyone doing things like this. Any and all abuse is unacceptable to me. There are genuine herbalists in all traditional cultures I believe, And genuine spiritual leaders. But who they are and how authentic they are these days are debatable and just because its old or even just b because it's new, does not make it right. We need to all stop using this term Witch Doctor. The fakes need to be called what they are…murderers and criminals worse that what use to be called Snake Oil Salesmen in the old west. Human beings seem to be able to pervert anything and everything for a buck. Authentic people are hard to find and they cannot guarantee you the result you want. That;s your first clue. Anyone who tells you something is certain, turn around and walk away but more importantly, if it involves taking a life or rape or anything like that ha is going to harm someone…walk away, you're in the wrong place.

  8. If you really want to learn something about this topic leave this video alone, it's sensationalist, biased and badly researched- a lot of racism so thats a trigger warning. wasted my time don't waste yours.

  9. White people will never understand African spirituality. Yes, there's bad, but that's not the whole story. Yin yang. We have sacret practices that we hold important to our existence.

  10. I am a South African.. I
    ND I tell you most of the Information on this documentary is inaccurate,,
    Sangoma use herbs,, they pray to God nd seek guidance to God through out their work consultations.. But unfortunately there are people who practice witchcraft who sometime hide behind the "Sangoma Title".. This are the people that does this horrific human body parts sacrifices.. Infact majority of the people doing body parts sacrifice rituals are ordinary people..

  11. Many years ago our tractor driver was accused by his kraal of becoming a bat and impregnating a young lady 4 huts from his. we were instructed to fetch a songoma from a mountain and bring him to decide the truth. one Sat pm this was done and the kraal started with ceremonies and dancing. tractor driver sat nervously watching 😮 jobs were scarce and he had a wife and kids. songoma threw bones and kicked up a fuss, moaning and screaming. I was kid and almost shat myself. 😊 after 2 solid hours of chaos and drama the songama declared driver guilty. violence almost broke out but songoma controlled kraal and driver and family and possessions were loaded emmediately for safety into truck and driven away permanently to distant relatives for new life. Few days later the young lady died in her sleep and the farm went into state of mourning and shock. Reports of bats in her hut on night of her death. I'm today a mature Christian man but still krap myself if a bat flies past my head. 😂

  12. A lopsided piece, sensationally plotted, but I suspect many of these commenters didn't actually finish watching this. The young Sangoma at the end provides some welcome clarity.