Will Missing Malaysia Airlines Plane Ever Be Found? Experts Review Clues | MH370: A Decade On

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Will Missing Malaysia Airlines Plane Ever Be Found? Experts Review Clues | MH370: A Decade On

It is one of the world’s most baffling mysteries of the past decade. On March 8, 2014, flight MH370 disappeared, taking with it 239 people. It is hard to believe that in an era of high-tech tracking systems, the disappearance of an entire aircraft was conceivable. ‘MH370: A Decade On’ hears from the people who were thrust into the centre of…



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  1. Everything became clear for me 2 weeks ago. Zaharie Ahmad Shah's doctor diagnosed a pancreatic cancer. There is no record of this in the medical history because Zahary's family paid the doctor to destroy it.

  2. I cross our great oceans on occasion. This case illustrates how so many people cannot comprehend just how large and dynamic our planet is. The same misconception lends people to buy into the, so called, “undeniable truth” of man made global warming.

  3. Add a dollar to all transit tickets esp air and commit it to search and Oceans Infiniti can map all oceans within two years 24/7 365 and all missing souls return.Rotary era says he was electrically programmable and pushbuttons for first officer not his right thumb cellphone

  4. Why on earth is a transponder able to be switched off?! Surely it should be hidden in a secret part of the plane, where only a limited number of people know where it is, and it should be locked securely away, in a watertight container – but must also have it's own signal so that it can be found in the event of a crash. It should also have a recording device, in addition to the black box system.

  5. So, so sad. The people left behind need to know what happened to their loved ones. No matter what length of time it has been, this search MUST go on. If only to find out what happened to further the cause of air safety….. but more for these people…

  6. The moot question is: regardless of who did it, whether intentionally / maliciously or by accident..the fact that no wreckage of the plane has been found even after 10 years of the tragic event, implies that the plane was controlled and guided by some rogue agency of a rogue govt, and made to land at an undisclosed / unknown military base or island (with an air strip, of course) and all passengers just put to ……. That's the only scenario I can visualise. Otherwise, not a trace of the plane or human bodies / parts???….Just defies all logic!

  7. Why don't new models of the aircraft location beacon use a "back off" protocol to save battery (e.g. Week 1 every hour. Week 2 even hours. Week three every 4 hours. Since GPS clock data can be provided by the communications bus when the aircraft is started up or it can have it's own antenna and transmit at the top of the hour +/- 5 min). Locator beacon's should only activate themselves 12 hour after catastrophic incident in order to save battery. This would have been impossible with 1980s technology but simple today.

  8. Conspiracy Theories exist because Governments lie to their citizens. Not all conspiracies are grounded in reality, Not any government statements are reliable. so here we are forming probable causes.

  9. Finding MH370 is not enough for closure because the wreckage is unlikely to tell us who hijacked the plane, for what reason, and why that particular night. We are treating this like an aeronautical mystery so we want to find the physical evidence, but MH370 disappearance is actually the result of a terrible crime that involved the plane an innocent occupants. The planning of the crime was prepared long before the plane took off. The plane did not malfunction, and it performed as expected for the hijacker. We need a massive criminal investigation, not a search. I hope the next $200Million goes to the world's best criminal investigators and intelligence agents. Hindsight from any MH370 investigation can help prevent future crime, but it will not tell us how to make a safer jet. This is not an aviation mystery, but it is one of the greatest unsolved crimes. Let's not get sidetracked with finding the plane because solving the crime will tell us what happened to it and will locate it.
    What about finding the black boxes? Whoever skillfully disabled all the radios on the plane would have also disabled the recorders so we should not expect anything useful on them.

  10. In my opinion; this is yet another organised terrorist government covered up event. Yes, they know what happened, why and where the plane is. It's all about money. People's lives don't matter. Just absolute sick!!!!!

  11. 45:46 ”…The final resting place of 239 souls.” …No, not really. The final resting place of 238 innocent souls and one demented, disgraced, psychopathic worm, Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah — a name that should be shamed forever.

  12. Are we any closer to finding 370? No. Because some powerful and well-monied people don't want the timeline of events investigated. Nor do they want liability in any form to be assigned legally. Let's start with the government of Malaysia for example.