Why South Africa is Taking Israel to Court for Genocide

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Why South Africa is Taking Israel to Court for Genocide

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Israel is at the International Court of Justice facing accusations of genocide against Palestinians in Gaza, having been taken to court by South Africa. In this video, we take a look at what exactly Israel is being accused of,…



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  1. I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonours you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” Genesis 12:3. Woe to the haters. “For you are a people holy to the Lord your God”, and the Lord has chosen you to be a people for his treasured possession, out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth." Deuteronomy 14:2 "I the LORD have called unto you in righteousness, and have taken hold of your hand, and submitted you as the people's covenant, as a light unto the nations" Isaiah 42:6.

    I don't understand why there is so much concern about Gazan’s suffering which has been caused by Hamas when so many other real countries have millions of starving People, and no one is calling for their help. Like this lady said about Sudan!!! So, what about the HOSTAGES. Aren't they FACING HARDSHIP TOO! HAMAS Is Now Selling Donated Food in Gaza While People In SUDAN are STARVING!!! People in Gaza are Not STARVING and There is No FAMINE!!! There is So Much Food Going in and Food being Air Dropped that Palestinians and Hamas are Selling the Food at INFLATED PRICES on the BLACK MARKET!!! The UNITED NATIONS Should Concentrate on Food Distribution and Preventing HAMAS Getting Their Dirty Hands on the FOOD!!! Remembering ISRAEL’S URGENCY is to Get Out the Hostages that are Kept in HAMAS FILTHY DUNGEONS and Another Urgency is to KILL and Remove the HAMAS Battalions that Remain Hidden in the Tunnels and Among Civilians!!! ISRAEL Do Not STOP UNTIL THE HOLY LAND OF ISRAEL RETURNS to SAFETY and PEACE!!! May God's Hands of protection cover them continually. Such Double Standards is Painful to Watch and See. May the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob continue to Help His People. We Continue to Pray for you our Sisters and Brothers in the Lord. Hope to Return to your Beautiful Country Soon. Blessings and Love Always!!!

  2. Apartheid Suffered at it’s Worst was the JEWS In 1930’s Onwards Until Well after the End of World War 2!!! Even Apartheid in South Africa Wasn’t Even Comparable!!! Remember This Included Death in Gas Chambers in Many European Concentration Camps and in Fact Was DEHUMANISATION of JEWS Until Death!!! Therefore, the Slogan Never Again!!! Unlike ANC Government the JEWS Have Progressed to PROSPERITY in Almost Every Area of Life!!! Examples are Agriculture in the Worst Desert in the World!!! Bulk water supply through Mekorot from the Sea of Galilee. Desalination plants, Primary Source of Water is the Saltwater of the Mediterranean Sea that Produces Fresh Water for the Population!!! The Poultry Broiler Sector holds 52% of the Production, the Laying (eggs) sector 16%, the Turkey sector 14%, and the reproduction sector 18%. In Israel, the production rate of the poultry Branches Stands on (US$895 million) per year. Israeli Company Farms Fish in the heart of the desert!!! Aquatech Fisheries, a company that has managed to raise Thousands of Tons of Fish in the Negev without Harming the Environment. Modern Day Drip Irrigation!!! Israel provides Universal Healthcare Coverage to Israeli Citizens and Permanent Residents via Four Independent Health Management Organizations (HMOs) and a Network of Mandated Benefit Packages, Including Hospital, Primary, Specialty, Mental Health, and Maternity Care, as well as Prescription Drugs and other Services. What has Israel contributed to the world? The development of Microsoft Windows, Intel computer chips, instant messaging, the Cellular Telephone, and many Medical Devices all have Significant Research Roots in Israel!!! Israel’s Status as an Advanced Economy was Sealed in 2010 when it joined the Paris-Based Club of Sophisticated Economies, the OECD. Perhaps the Best Measure of its Economic Strides is the Speedy Rise in the Country’s Per Capita Income: National Output Divided by Population. On this Measure Israel’s Per Capita Income Stood at US $54,847 at the End of Last Year. At this Level Per capita Prosperity is Higher than in Britain at $47,317 and Greater than Bigger Countries in Europe such as Spain and Portugal!!! Israel’s historic growth record is remarkable given the polyglot nature of its society. It reflects a triumph of immigration, with Holocaust survivors, their children and grandchildren, expelled populations from Arab lands, and waves of Russian and eastern European Immigrants Demonstrating the Entrepreneurial Spirit, Enterprise and Endeavor to Drive them up the Economic Ladder. The World Has Weapons of Mass Destruction! Jews Have Weapons of Mass Instruction!!! Show Me Your Friends and I will show You Your Future!!!

  3. Every country, without exception, that has taken Palestinian refugees in any significant numbers has lived to deeply regret it. They become a permanent, welfare dependent underclass and are grossly overrepresented in criminal activity. This trend even continues into the children of Palestinians born in their adoptive countries. Facts can be brutal things. You are absolutely Correct; however, you were a bit lite on the details of Lebanon. I am an ex Irish UN peacekeeper of the 70s and 80s in Lebanon and experienced them first hand. Not only did they sow unrest and cause a civil war. They also terrorised Israel from within Lebanon's borders, using missiles and children as suicide bombers. What kind of depraved individuals straps bombs to their 12yr old children. In the end due to lack of action by the Lebanese Government, Israel had no choice but to invade. A thriving Country, which some called the sin City of the Middle East was reduced to rubble. Make no mistake, the Ukrainian war and Putin’s dependency on Iran for weapons has left the world a very dangerous place now!!! Jordan took in Palestinians in their country in 1948. However, after helping them, they tried to overthrow Jordan's Hashemite monarchy. They're acting as a state within a state, the fedayeen openly disregarded Jordanian laws and regulations. Hence, they're kicked out of Jordan. What you are not saying is that every Arab country that has taken-in Palestinian refugees has the refugees foment political and social instability. Jordan had to fight a war with the refugees when the refugees attempted to overthrow Jordans’ government. Many refugees went to Lebanon, and there fomented a civil war which Lebanon has yet to recover from. In Gaza, the Palestinians allowed Hamas to take-over. And we’re now seeing how that has worked-out. The sympathy has run out. The Palestinians were given countless opportunities to have peace and have (with great Israeli help) prosperity. They chose a different course.

  4. The most important thing we all need to remember in these tough times to stay positive is that the Jewish people (even though they have been the most persecuted people in the history of humanity) have persevered and are the most resilient people. Every single empire that tried to harm the Jewish people are all long gone and are nothing but pages in history books while the Jewish people thrive today and are stronger than they have ever been. Israel is going nowhere, the Jewish people are going nowhere, and they will be here forever! Am Yisrael Chai! Cyril Ramaphosa be in the History Books I don’t So, If SHE is It Will be as Abysmal Failure!!! Regent Xami Thomas, from the Koi Tribal Kingdom of South Africa: Anyone who says Israel is not Indigenous Don’t Know what they are Talking About because There is No Indigenous Nation on the Earth!!! I Want to Apologize to the People of Israel About the Horrible thing the ANC Government Did to this Glorious Nation. We are Sorry!!! The Friends of Israel are Much More than the Enemies of ISRAEL!!! Long Live ISRAEL and the Beautiful City of JERUSALEM!!! Nobody in the World Really Cares About Palestine and Only Give Lip Service to the Issue!!! Rabbi Manis Friedman and Suddenly All the Antisemitism is Going to Disappear!!! Its No Longer a Winning Cause, “So, Who Cares” That is When Cyril Ramaphosa and Cohorts will Have Rotten Eggs all Over Their Faces!!! A Time is Coming When Nobody Will Remember What the Issue Was Because It Seems So Negligible!!! So What Cyril Ramaphosa Want’s is Really a Waste of Energy and Time!!! Time will Prove that to be the Case!!! Ecclesiastes 10 1The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. Even as he walks along the road, the fool lacks sense and shows everyone how stupid he is. If a ruler's anger rises against you, do not leave your post; calmness can lay great errors to rest. Nobody bats an eyelid about the atrocities happening in Syria, or Yemen either. And Mr Galloway certainly doesn’t seem overly concerned when Muslims are murdering other Muslims, it’s only when Israelis are introduced into the equation that Mr Galloway gets his soap box out. Personally, I think that’s questionable. Syria – 500,000 dead, Yemen – 377,000 dead, Afghanistan – 176,000 dead, Darfur – 300,000 dead, Iraq – 400,000 dead, Ukraine – 500,000 dead, Congo – 860,000. These are data from the United Nations, for your information.” Not a single resolution from the UN!!!

  5. Apartheid Suffered at it’s Worst was the JEWS In 1930’s Onwards Until Well after the End of World War 2!!! Even Apartheid in South Africa Wasn’t Even Comparable!!! Remember This Included Death in Gas Chambers in Many European Concentration Camps and in Fact Was DEHUMANISATION of JEWS Until Death!!! Therefore, the Slogan Never Again!!! Unlike ANC Government the JEWS Have Progressed to PROSPERITY in Almost Every Area of Life!!! Examples are Agriculture in the Worst Desert in the World!!! Bulk water supply through Mekorot from the Sea of Galilee. Desalination plants, Primary Source of Water is the Saltwater of the Mediterranean Sea that Produces Fresh Water for the Population!!! The Poultry Broiler Sector holds 52% of the Production, the Laying (eggs) sector 16%, the Turkey sector 14%, and the reproduction sector 18%. In Israel, the production rate of the poultry Branches Stands on (US$895 million) per year. Israeli Company Farms Fish in the heart of the desert!!! Aquatech Fisheries, a company that has managed to raise Thousands of Tons of Fish in the Negev without Harming the Environment. Modern Day Drip Irrigation!!! Israel provides Universal Healthcare Coverage to Israeli Citizens and Permanent Residents via Four Independent Health Management Organizations (HMOs) and a Network of Mandated Benefit Packages, Including Hospital, Primary, Specialty, Mental Health, and Maternity Care, as well as Prescription Drugs and other Services. What has Israel contributed to the world? The development of Microsoft Windows, Intel computer chips, instant messaging, the Cellular Telephone, and many Medical Devices all have Significant Research Roots in Israel!!! Israel’s Status as an Advanced Economy was Sealed in 2010 when it joined the Paris-Based Club of Sophisticated Economies, the OECD. Perhaps the Best Measure of its Economic Strides is the Speedy Rise in the Country’s Per Capita Income: National Output Divided by Population. On this Measure Israel’s Per Capita Income Stood at US $54,847 at the End of Last Year. At this Level Per capita Prosperity is Higher than in Britain at $47,317 and Greater than Bigger Countries in Europe such as Spain and Portugal!!! Israel’s historic growth record is remarkable given the polyglot nature of its society. It reflects a triumph of immigration, with Holocaust survivors, their children and grandchildren, expelled populations from Arab lands, and waves of Russian and eastern European Immigrants Demonstrating the Entrepreneurial Spirit, Enterprise and Endeavor to Drive them up the Economic Ladder.

  6. South Africa taking Israel to court for defending themselves is the equivalent of taking the U.S. to court over trying to find (and eventually kill) Osama Bin Laden.

  7. I cannot help but think that it is also an attempt by South Africa's ANC to present a "dead cat" to discract everyone from their own problems and focus on apartheid era problems and alliances in the forthcoming election.

  8. I have never heard so much bullshit! Are you aware of the fact that Iran paid South Africa to take Israel to court. There is a narrative here, which is created by the media. Why do they not talk about Hamas being a terrorist organization.

  9. How hypocritical of South Africa 🤡 They should take care of their own domestic apartheid on white people instead of trying to play moral justiciers on other countries.

  10. Not surprised weapon-selling countries did not bring the case. It's pretty awful what Israel has been doing, it is occupied settling, and they supported Hamas so they could claim Gaza was an enemy

  11. I notice Israeli political leaders keep saying Hamas is the one being genocidal, as if only one side can be genocidal. I do think that Hamas's actions, rhetoric, and probably common intent, are significantly MORE genocidal than Israel's, but that only affects the question of whether Israel is committing genocide by providing a defensive justification for Israeli actions that might otherwise be viewed as evidence of genocidal intent. Also, Hamas already has no international legitimacy for the ICJ to take away, and has less power to realize its ambitions (though only because the IDF can stop them, it should be noted).