Why should Africans care about UK elections? BBC Africa

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BBC News Africa

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Why should Africans care about UK elections? BBC Africa

On 4 July, the British public will be voting in a general election. Tackling the issue of immigration is high on the next prime minister’s to-do list. This is something that will widely affect Africa and African people. But why else should you be keeping an eye on what goes on in the UK elections? Khadidiatou Cissé explains.




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  1. Okay thanks you al international and community my family all brothers and sisters my family all amid and all international and community my family all African the government my family all African good happen my family all brothers and sisters my family all amid and all freedom and Democratic policies my family all African the government my family all brothers and sisters my family all Arab the government my family all Arab good happen my family all brothers and sisters my family all amid and all freedom and Democratic policies my family all palatine the government my family all west bank the government my family all west bank good happen my family all brothers and sisters my family all Gaza the government my family all South Gaza the government my family all brothers and sisters my family all north Gaza the government my family all brothers and sisters my family all Rafah the government my family all brothers and sisters my family all amid and all freedom and Democratic policies my family all palatine the government my family all brothers and sisters my family all amid and all from al Aqsa mijeda and all jeursalem and all west bank and Gaza all Rafah and all borders and all hunger and all food policies and gas and oil and bank and electricity and water and internet and all hospital and school and building and all health and all WHO and all human and all amid and all international law and all from Rafah and all borders and all hunger and all food policies and trucks and car and bus and borders and all amid and all security and all Egypt and all Lebanon and all Jordan and all amid and all international law and all from al Aqsa mijeda and all jeursalem and all west bank and Gaza all Rafah and all airlines and all company and all also export and import my family all brothers and sisters my family all South African the government my family all South African and all human and all history my family all peace OK thanks

  2. Go away Africa is a continent of 54 nations. We don't care who rule UK . WE ARE NO LONGER COLONIES .
    get real British bucket of crappy . Don't twist it it's UK who worries about who is elected to keep its hold on African resources. The lies and projections won't work anymore. We Do not have media house and military organs dedicated to UK affairs , Europe or Atlantic Ocean.
    Using those that look like us as mouth piece does not Make it true . Get out of your hinds . Lying to yourselves.

  3. I don't care about UK election that is their stupid business and there is absolutely nothing the UK govt can do to stop African countries from doing business with Russia and China they are the best and most trustworthy partners Africa got right now and Mali,Niger and Burkina Faso and currently Senegal if they play their cards right are better of with this our new trustworthy partners especially the partnership with Russia the only european country that didn't participate in Africa's colonization and regarding immigration it will make me very happy if the entire Western countries, Arab countries, Asian countries stop allowing Africans into their countries so that the Africans can stay in Africa and rebuild Africa instead of running from their problems which are the African politicians which are puppets hired from within our ranks by the colonists to run their colonial companies which have been rebranded and now called African Countries but they serve the same purpose as they did during the colonial era which is for profit and for siphoning the wealth and resources from Africa to Europe. Europe was built by the African people kidnapped from the continent as slaves and by the African resources stolen from the African continent and the resources are still been stolen till this day now Europe want to thief the most important resources in Africa which are the human resources,the African people who should be in the continent and fighting to liberate the continent from the claws of this Western puppets called Africas politicians they should all be executed for their part in neocolonization, looting and selling of Africa and her people into slavery in the 21st century.

  4. I think we in the UK should definitely improve our trade relationship with arfrican nations but it must be with fair and equal trade deals that benefit both sides equally, this is the only way we as a nation can show them that we have left the days of Empire behind us and want to prosper together as equals and not exploit them like China and russia do.

    We have much to be gained from working together, the past can never be changed and what we did to the African continent in the days of the British Empire was evil but we have the power to create a fairer and brighter future through mutual cooperation and i hope both the UK and the African nations grab that opportunity with both hands.

  5. Vote Reform unless you want millions of illegals with no background checks from broken countries replacing you & put an end to insane Net Zero policies when CO2 is only 0.04% air & plants need it !

  6. As an African I say vote Reform or even better resuscitate Oswald Mosley's British Fascist Union. After all since the 2020 operation lockstep and injections I've lost trust in nearly all Western political parties either right wing or left wing.
    They're all Chatham House Pilgrims Society cronies. So hail Britannia! 🇬🇧🇬🇧😒


  8. Africans can go to school in Central Eastern Europe, schools are free, health care is free, we have the lowest unemployment rate in Eastern Europe, shops are open on Sundays , you can earn extra money on weekends. Eastern Europe, Intermarium countries need labor for industrial plants, processing, highway construction, road traffic, sidewalk paving, infrastructure, food is cheap in hypermarkets , lunch in a milk bar costs 2/3 € 💶 euro per day, electricity in the summer costs 25 € 💶 euros per month in spring and summer, from April to October, in autumn and winter , electricity costs €50 💶 euros per month.