Why is GULLAH – GEECHEE special? African Culture Preserved in America

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Why is GULLAH – GEECHEE special? African Culture Preserved in America

The Gullah and Geechee culture on the Sea Islands of Georgia has retained ethnic traditions from Africa in spite of slavery.
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  1. This is interesting to listen to. I encourage you to research the Garifuna people who live in central America. They retained some African culture like the gullah people

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this black history. Getting the back story on the term "geechi" has been enlightening. And for those geechis that I do know, they have a very distinct way of speaking. Much appreciation….Subbed!

  3. This isn’t about disrespecting Africa or not wanting to be part of the beautiful African people. Respectfully Gulf of Mexico is where civilization started, but how is there any connection to west Africa? There was west Africans in America during slavery time that intermix with the “natives”, “African Americans”, and in the Caribbeans. Anthropology explained the differences with Australians, Americas, & Africa. Almost similar dialects but Guallh languages is no where to be found in Africa. The Gullah scholars are only giving an in general response to west Africa like ancestry, genealogy the perspective of Spain/France/ etc. & war document archives explain the story a little different than main stream media. I’ve been trying to find real proof of documents & artifacts from 1600-1700 that’s closely connected to west African cultures being found in Southeast America & California from “slaves” on plantation. Shared crops being shared were talked about in/before 1400s, America had multiple races of people here already.

    https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/P_2010-7081-586#object-detail-data (emblem of America) “Black” woman.


    1988 Jesse Jackson is why African American is a thing https://dp.la/exhibitions/outsiders-president-elections/african-americans/jesse-jackson

    https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1261&context=ees “The Use of the Terms "Negro" and "Black"
    to Include Persons of Native American Ancestry in "Anglo" North America
    Jack D. Forbes”.

    I can share tons of more documents

  4. I have always wondered if the Gullah name is synonymous to the "Jula" or "Jullah" people West Africa. The Julas were traders but gold traders in particular and they are widespread in West Africa among the Mandinka, Bambara, Mende, Fulani and other tribes. They shared a trading language called JullaKang, which basically means Jula Tongue. I even suspect that the English word "Jew-e-ller" may have had its roots in the Julla gold & precious stone traders. Some research needs to be done in this area. We've been told that the word "Jew" was derived from the name "Judah" who became the "Jullah". I have more evidence on this subject.

  5. Gullah and Geechee is a indigenous tribe we been here and all the tribes in America are really copper color labeled as African Americans but we don’t come from Africa, Catawba people and Cherokee people that’s labels African American by government in there system but we can let the foreigners tell our stories 🪶we been here💙

  6. Sadly Gullah Geechie have a problem with identity at times. The need for acceptance. Hm
    Take a close look at Clarence Thomas, Jim Clyburn, Katanji Jackson. All of the Gullah Geechie genetic marker! What have they done for blacks in this nation 😭???? Yeah something special about them alright. An unsettling trend!

    You can figure the rest out!

  7. The Gullah and the geechee be 2 whole totally different nations. Nation of “america”. They be not nations from the central & ivory coast of Ethiopia(africa). These nations BE the nations of the south eastern west indies coast(all of Florida included). The Gullah nation was many tribes derived from what is called Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia&a portion for Florida. Geechee be a nation of many tribes from what is called Virginias, Carolinas and most of Florida.

  8. We also have to consider while trying to make ties with Africa our bloodline are already from here. Because we are original ppl we were everywhere not just Africa. Peace and blessing a Gullah from SC.

  9. This was an awesome video. I have been looing more into my heritage. My great great grandmother was from this area and spoke of it often. She everbtually left and ended ip north. I was blessed to learn some of this information prior to this video but bot in such depth as is presented here. Thank you!

  10. The origin of the word "Gullah" can be traced to the KiKongo language, spoken around the Congo River's mouth from which the Gullah language dialects spoken by black
    Americans today come. Some scholars suggest that it may be cognate with the name Kongo, where the ancestors of some of the Gullah people likely originated. Gullah first came from Angola 🇦🇴 and later they bring west African people but mostly is Angola 🇦🇴 where most of Gullah slave taken from