Why Height Actually Does Matter

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Benjamin Seda

Joined: Jun 2024
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Why Height Actually Does Matter

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  1. Fun fact: Boys take their height from the mother most of the time. To all my guys on the tall side, AVOID SHORT WOMEN. They'll try to dilute their genes in yours, but the opposite will happen, your son will be nowhere near your height and will suffer.

  2. I am a 5"3 man from a country where 5"7 is considered average. 😢 I am probably gonna end up alone. But the hope will be alive forever.

  3. I'm 5'3 and i want a man who's 5'3 or up I dont prefer extremely tall men, i just want to look up in his eyes without hurting my neck😭 for any guys out there, there are so many girls who prefer shorter men dont see these girls on social media and think everyone wants tall men

  4. The second to last woman make good women look bad. Please men…. don't start thinking all women are like this, just keeping searching and you'll find your diamond. I do not stand with her whatsoever and I apologize that some women think like that.

  5. I’m 6’3 so I don’t want to hear I said this because I’m short, but this is ridiculous behavior. To my shorter kings out there you deserve better.

  6. What’s wrong with them having preferences?? They like tall guys, so what? I’m 4’11 and want someone short like me because if I have to suffer you suffer with me,but does that mean that I dislike tall guys? Of course not.

  7. Any girl under 5'7/5'8 that want a man to be 6 feet or over is really easily influence by the media or anything really, and if that the case those are the type of woman you want to run as far away from as possible, because she too easy, in simple terms any guy taller than you have a 99.9% chance of hitting, if not all

  8. I would be considered a conventionally attractive woman, and I'm about 6 feet tall (I use the metric system but I think I calculated right), I'm also from a country in Europe where most people are really tall, but I still don't care about height, most of my ex boyfriends were shorter than me, and some were the same height as me, and I genuinely don't mind, in fact I don't know any woman who cares about height, even acquaintances, so much so that for the longest time I thought (and still kinda do) that only influencers from the US care about that, as well as the money (but I've found out that's mostly not the case in the US as well). None of my boyfriends even owned a car, and I would usually be the one who pays for stuff, which I prefer because I would feel guilty otherwise and like I owe them, and also none of my women friends date rich guys as well. The same thing with attractiveness, muscles and p*nis size.
    I date guys that would be considered ugly, not to me of course, I think my type is guys who look kinda sickly lol, and I don't like muscles at all, I would never date a guy with muscles, especially big ones, unless I really like his personality and find him interesting in other ways. And about the p*nis size… I think any woman who has tried bigger knows how genuinely uncomfortable it is, there's no enjoyment, it's the opposite.
    Besides, the majority of women are unable to have an org*sm by penetration, and I've never met a woman who managed to reach it like that, so it's really weird that men think we like that. Again, all of this goes for any and every woman that I've met. When I was in highschool, there were a couple of girls who thought they wanted to have a guy with a big p*nis, but that's because they were virgins and they believed the story that "bigger is better", and of course when they finally gained a little experience, they ALL completely changed their minds.
    It's genuinely astounding for me to hear people, especially women, talking like that, it feels like they're either too young to know and belived whatever society tells them to want, or they live in a completely different reality than most women.
    I mean I guess these videos are made to illicit an emotional response, so perhaps that's why they've put only people who say stuff like that in the video or just they usually just fake the video for engagement idk.
    Anyways I'm not trying to console men and make them feel better by saying stuff like that, and I know some of them wouldn't care about my opinion because I'm a woman and a feminist, but I really don't like misinformation and I don't like for people to think and act under false assumptions, this just makes men feel worse about themselves, and portray themselves differently and according to false standards that they're made to believe, and then women are not able to find what they actually want in men, and they're not believed if they say they want something that doesn't align with misinformation that men have heard all their lives. This is not just my anecdotal evidence, but there's numerous studies and research that confirms what I've said here. I really hope this will change because I'm tired of hearing the same false claims again and again.
    Sorry for the long post and bad grammar, and I hope you're having a great day 🍀

  9. I will say as a guy who has stopped at about 5,4 and says he’s 5,5 cause why not I will say height does matter and will always defend the girls who care about height i understand that being an attractive thing it’s when the female dwarfs are like 4,8 and want a guy that’s like 6,5 okay midget relax you don’t need that save it for the taller girls

  10. I agree a man should be taller than his wife …you see these short male celebs with their taller than them wives ..who would'nt look at them if they did'nt have money or status ..

  11. It's hilarious how shallow women are and even more hilarious are the men who are tall, have zero clue what it means not beeing tall and then play this shit down like it's not on extremely hard mode. Stop talking bs

    This society and especially women are effed up. That its accepted to shame men (openly, mockingly and without shame) on their height, something that cannot be changed, while any other form of discrimination is widely unaccepted.