Why evangelicals influence US foreign policy in the Middle East | EP1 | Witness Documentary

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Why evangelicals influence US foreign policy in the Middle East | EP1 | Witness Documentary

Watch the second episode here: https://youtu.be/_iQhbcOgfqw

The first episode of Praying for Armageddon goes inside the evangelical Christian movement to explore its influence on US democracy and foreign policy.

Preparing for the “end times”, a grassroots pastor gathers an army of veterans in the heartland of the United States, and megachurch…



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  1. The Praying for Armageddon series looks at how and why evangelical Christians influence US foreign policy in the Middle East. Share your thoughts with us in the comments below. Please note that hateful and inappropriate comments will be removed. Watch the second episode here: https://youtu.be/_iQhbcOgfqw

    Q&A with Tonje Hessen Schei, the director of the series:

    1) Could you tell us about the image in the poster? What was the creative thought process behind it?
    ▫The poster is a literal presentation of what some of the Evangelical fundamentalists believe, that Jesus will return as a warrior with an AR-15. As they interpret the Armageddon prophecy literally they believe Jesus will come down from the heavens on a white horse. This symbolizes the beginning of Armageddon.

    2) Can you tell us what surprised you most when shooting the film or researching the story?
    ▫We started working on this film over 8 years ago, before Trump & Pence, and it has been a wild unbelievable ride with lots of surprises. Most concerning to me is the increase in the real political power the fundamentalist Evangelicals have in the US now.

    3) Will Tonje do a sequel regarding the new events happened since October 7th?
    ▫I have no plans of making a sequel at this point, but there are many films being made on this topic and on this catastrophic time in our history.

    4) Why is he trying to make Christianity look like they are wack jobs or terrorists?
    ▫This is not an anti-religion or anti-Christianity film, and we are treating all of our characters and protagonists with the utmost respect. This film takes a hard look at fundamentalism, which is important for all of us to do within our communities, cultures and societies across the world.

    5) According to Tonje will the election of Trump worsen the situation for Palestine?
    ▫Unfortunately, there is no way to know what Trump would do, and I hope that the rest of the world and our international institutions will step up to take more responsibility and help with the governance of the catastrophic situation of Palestine.

    6) Have you had any backlash from the evangelical community about the film?
    ▫There has been quite a bit of buzz about the film in dark religious corners of the internet, but most Evangelicals who see the film are surprised and support the message of the film that we have to fight religious fundamentalism.

    7) Brazil is full of evangelists too but it shows support to Palestine, are they different from American evangelicals?
    ▫There are very strong similarities between US Evangelicals and the Brazilian fundamentalists. I am not an expert on the Brazilian situation, but Praying for Armageddon has been shown at several film festivals there, and from the response we are getting their relationship to Bolsonaro was very similar to the bond these groups had to Trump.

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  2. Ask America's natives about the " Christian Warriors" . Read " Bury my heart at wounded knee". Justifying war just perpetuates endless wars. If these people are the last tribe standing I'll be happy to leave this Earth.

  3. ﴿ الَّذِينَ ضَلَّ سَعْيُهُمْ فِي الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا وَهُمْ يَحْسَبُونَ أَنَّهُمْ يُحْسِنُونَ صُنْعًا﴾

    [ الكهف: 104]

    "Those whose efforts have been wasted in this life while they thought that they were acquiring good by their deeds!

  4. They don't understand how blasphemous they are, describing Jesus as a sort of assassin and crime enabler.
    And despite their convictions, their theological ignorance is embarrassing even for a child.
    The world is in the hands of fools.

  5. Jesus son of Mary was sent to fulfil the Message of Moses and not abolish it.
    Muhammed was sent to fulfil the Message of Moses and Jesus.
    They carried the same message and Commandments of God.
    Do not kill
    Do not steal
    Do not lie
    Do not corrupt
    Do not eat pork
    Do not drink Tranquit wine alcohol
    Do not comit adultery
    Do not comit abortion
    Look after your neighbour
    Love, respect, protect family etc…
    Zionism, Nazism, Buddhism, Hinduism are all man made Cultural and racist political ideologies against God Almighty.


  6. As a Christian, this is disgusting. Jesus calls us to love God and to love others. Full stop. Jesus does not support mass death of innocent people. These folks are going to be in for a rude awakening one day when they do meet Jesus

  7. Like the Babylonians, Christians worship a human image. Instead of listening to the messenger, he worships the messenger, calling him the almighty God. It is not good for them, but neither for the messenger, because the One who sent him is jealous and will be angry on everyone.

  8. There is nothing more dangerous than a radical ideology being professed by batshit crazies. Radical, far-right, Christian evangelicals are those crazies.

  9. The most HILARIOUS part of these evangelicals is their undying support for isrehell: either they're woefully and willingly ignorant and don't understand what the Bible says or either they're straight out atheist zionists hiding behind isrehell to further their agenda. Judaism DOES NOT ACCEPT JESUS CHRIST. They had rejected CHRIST. Yet, it is Christians that believe in Jesus Christ and through him is the ONLY WAY to the father, GOD. In the old Testament these people broke and disobeyed God time and again. At one time he did choose them but because they disobeyed over and over, God scattered them, they were no longer THE CHOSEN. He allowed other nations to conquer them and enslave them. You've got to be a real fool to believe these these people are anything but the chosen! 😂😂😂 I call it Willful ignorance!😝😜 NO ONE IS FREE UNTIL WE ARE ALL FREE, FREE PALESTINIA FREE!! PALESTINIA!

  10. Do those people realize that they are for one of the most racist regimes and murderers since Hitler? And all in the name of God.

  11. I grew up in an evangelical church, I fully understand the mindset, and I think this journalism did a good job. Religion helps people when they keep their world small, but politicians always use it to fuel unnecessary wars.

  12. Just plain evil. Shame how these people justify violence by twisting the words of the almighty and even worst they are like blind sheep to the slaughter. They are on the wrong side of history and they will surely be bought to account. The almighty does not sleep

  13. I feel sorry for these "Christians" Jesus will not look at them let alone take them to heaven. They will be cursed in this life and the next for their wicked support of tyranny in the world.

  14. Hidden in plain sight Zionism (Khazarian mafia name stealers) exiled from every nation for their evil intent, now infiltrated into most governments, psychopath, schizophrenic, narcissistics devoid of empathy

  15. These aren’t Christians. These are old white supremacist Christian Zionists and Nationalists some of them a just Papal instigators and heretics.. A true Christian knows that these bodies we occupy are temporary and that DNA doesn’t matter. Their hatred is exhibited by using various End Times narrative/scenarios as if they came from the gospels.

  16. I would suggest that everyone read his or her bible microscopically and ask God for understanding .Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world .