Why Ethiopia is About to Recognise Somaliland

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Why Ethiopia is About to Recognise Somaliland

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In today’s episode, we run through the agreement between Ethiopia and Somaliland. Also, we discuss the South Korean opposition leader stabbed in Busan; the fallout from the…



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  1. Somaliland is the only democratic country in the horn the world knew this was coming by recognising so ethiopia became the first country to have the balls to recognise Somaliland

  2. Waw ! 32 years of resilience, peace, democracy and rapid progress has at last yielded fruit ! Somaliland is now once again recognised as a sovreign country as it was in June 26, 1960 when it gained official independence from the United Kingdom and was recognised by 35 countries before it entered 5 days later into a Union with ex- Italian Colony of Somalia and went into a nightmare of 31 years ! Congratulation Somaliland ! Rise high in the New Dawn of Success ! Congratulation too, to Ethiopia our African brother and neighbour wih whom we share the great history of the Cushite Peoples ! The leaders of the failed, terrorist state know that they're lying to their people and the World when they know that Somalia had no whatsoever political, military, economic jurisdiction or physical presence in the Republic of Somaliland !


  4. Hawiye, Darod& Rahanweyn majority Somalia vs Isaq majority Somaliland.
    Somalia deals with Isaq, a sub-clan of Dir, in a way which is worse than how Israel deals with the minority Arabs under the Israeli government!
    Somalia is an apartheid government designed to oppress the Isaq clan in order to give up their political rights.
    Isaq clan is the first unionist tribe to innovate the idea of a greater Somalia in 1960. They dedicated the majority Isaq Somaliland's independence to save the Somali race from the outside danger.

    However, the other Somali clans failed to appreciate the vision and decency of the Isaq clan.
    Of course they were jealous and they still keep fighting with Isaq clan out of jealousy!
    The world has already seen the holocaust in the Isaq majority Somaliland by general Siad Barre of Somalia. Tens of thousands of Isaq clan were indiscriminately massacred including women and children, thousands were jailed specially elites  and students. cities were fiercely shelled to the ground and some of the ruins can be seen up till now after long years of reconstruction. Hundreds of thousands fled to the neighbouring country of Ethiopia. (Somalilanders should ask their parents or grandparents how not only Oromo but the Ethiopian government accepted and welcomed the displaced people of the  Isaq clan). After the holocaust Isaq clan's armed forces of S.N.M defeated the dictatorship government of Somalia and won the war.

    SNM armed forces were the only true freedom fighters with a decent political vision different from the evil intentions of the other Somali militias in that time. SNM's political and military victory brought Somaliland's re-declaration of independence in 1991. Somaliland has successfully done a wonderful job in the following 32 yrs. It became the strongest democracy in Africa. It was clear and understandable that the other major Somali clans such as Hawiye,Daarood & Rahanweyn were not happy with Somaliland's development. After many previous failed attempts they have had a successful conspiracy against Somaliland in the end of 2022 and there was a war in the following year 2023 in Las'Anod. Somali major anti- Isaq clans  used Dhulbahante, a sub clan of Daarood as a tool to destroy and start a war in their city of Las'Anod for the sole purpose to push back Somaliland government from reaching the borderline between Somaliland and Somalia.

    The Hawiye,Daarood & Rahanweyn clans can not handle the Isaq majority Somaliland to be internationally recognised. May be they think its unfair because Essa which is a sub-clan of Dir has Djibouti as an independent country and so Isaq which is a sub-clan of Dir should not have Somaliland as an independent country too!. 
    Hawiye, Daarood & Rahanweyn are not ready to accept two independent Dir dominated countries out of jealousy and so they want to destroy Somaliland before it is recognised; may be that is their hidden agenda which is by the way obvious to most of the young educated generation of Isaq.

    Now in the very first day of the new year 2024, President Musa bihi of Somaliland signed an MOU with prime minister Abiy Ahmed of Ethiopia. Recognition of Somaliland as an independent nation is part of the deal and Somaliland to recieve a stake in state-owned Ethiopian airlines. Somaliland and Ethiopia win-win deal allows landlocked Ethiopia to have access to a leased military base on the red sea and to have commercial marine operations. As usual Somalia's frustration and out of control hypocrisy got into crazy levels because of jealousy and hatred towards Isaq clan.  The funny thing is that all of Somalia's politicians, Conservative and opposition & the terrorist organisation of Alshabab were on the same side. They were all shocked by the mentioning of just not all but just one word in the MOU which is their only nightmare " Recognition".      
    The Hawiye, Daarood & Rahanweyn dominated government of Somalia uses Somalism and international law as a tool to implement its evil intentions against the Isaq majority Somaliland. President of Somalia and his evil government called  their friendly countries around the world for help. The anti-Isaq government of Somalia's fake propaganda of Ethiopians provocation is just fake or crocodile tears  but the real hidden agenda is to use the international law to close the door from the world to see and deal with the isaq-dominated Somaliland as a country. There is nothing practical they can do about the Ethio-Somaliland MOU because Somaliland governs its territory but What's  annoying and depressing is that the so-called Federal Republic of Somalia is acting as if it is anti-Ethiopian to convince the ordinary citizens of Somaliland to boycott the recently signed MOU between the Republic of Somaliland and Federal Republic of Ethiopia.

    Somalia forces Somalilanders to see Ethiopia as an enemy. Yes, Somalis and Ethiopians were rivals through history but this is not the case after 1977. The first Somali clan to have co-operated with Ethiopia is Majeerteen, a sub-clan of Daarood.  Of course ordinary citizens of Somaliland are not professional politicians and they can not understand or feel they're incited by Somalia against their own national interest.

    However, the world knows what the Somali government did before and now it is time to tell the world that Isaq clan could be attacked at any time sooner or later.
    The only solution is to recognise the Isaq majority Somaliland to save this clan from the other blood thirsty Somali clans whose only wish is to eradicate Isaq on the face of the earth. The world should know president Hassan Sheik is not using his diplomatic muscle against Ethiopia but he is using it to oppress the Isaq clan and to deny their rights.
    The Somali government is a threat to the peace and cooperation in the horn of Africa. The fact that Hassan Sheikh used his diplomatic muscle against Somaliland shows that he is no different from Siad Barre because he could have used military force for Somaliland people if it was possible for him.

  5. Somaliland is older then Somalia and has s a bright future in the Horn of Africa and Africa have to recognize Somalilands colonial borders given in June 1st 1960 5days before Somalia on July1 1960

  6. It is not our problem that Ethiopia doesn't have a sea port they have Ogaden. Everyone wants our land, so they will pit Somali against Somali. The Somaliland leaders only care about fame and recognition and will sell the land and make a deal with the devil to get recognition. How many Somalis have to die for your selfish ambitions? You are just like Barre somebody said no to him and he started a war and ran off. Leaving the Somali people to pick up the ashes. Somali people rise up and vote these leaders out and vote for someone who is for all Somali people and their land. It is not yours, mine it is ours. The land belongs to all Somalis. Peace!

  7. Somalian irredentists would love to take Ogaden from Ethiopia, while Somaliland just wants independence. A disunited Somalia makes the Greater Somalia movement much harder to achieve. Well played, Ethiopia.

  8. The world is packed with fake politicians across the globe. Somaliland are the only counties in the Horn of Africa that fully exercise democracy over 30 years. While Eritrea is the fake country that never carried out a single election for over 30 years. And Eritrea is part of Ethiopia forcefully isolated from her mother county, Ethiopia by Ethiopia historical enemies and corrupt politicians across the globe. Time will come, the Ethiopian people who live in the isolated Eritrea region will rejoin their mother country, Ethiopia.

  9. Somaliland is region of Somalia which is part of states of federal government of Somalia.
    Federal government of Somalia only could inter the foreign agreement 🇸🇴🇸🇴🇸🇴

  10. Somaliland and Somalia were two independent countries, then joined to make the Somali Republic in 1960. The terms of unity were immediately violated by Somalia, particularly power sharing where among other things the 1st two presidents and the first two prime ministers were taken by Somalia. Then just when things started more fair and for the first time Somaliland was given the post of prime minister in 1969, the military made a coup within months to sabotage this. From there started 20 years of oppression which became finally a massive genocidal campaign to the people of Somaliland. Without grievance of all this happened. people of Somaliland came together and made their minds. This has resulted the Somaliland people to disband the union and restore its lost sovereignty in 1991, by declaring the Republic of Somaliland to restore their independence. Since then Somaliland has been peaceful, independent and democratic country. Ever since the reclamation of its freedom, Somaliland neutral did not interfere Somalia affairs, where the later has done all sorts of things to aggravate Somaliland. Now Somaliland has became tired of the fruitless talks with Somalia (13 rounds over the last decade), therefore its compelled to take a different approach after 63 years of destruction and wasted time. Thank you for the upload.

  11. Ethiopia will recognise somaliland as one of its regions rather 😊in long term it will become like the ugaden region(Ethiopian region populated by Somalian people)

  12. I never got why nobody has recognised Somaliland, they've essentially been running their territory better than (the rest of) Somalia for a very long time, yet nobody recognises them.

  13. Wow this is historic game-changer , thats why haters frm the failed state of somalia are whining like a weasel 😂 as a original somali frm somliland we say viva to Sol-ethio agreemant ,simple as that

  14. As a somali, We dont hate Somalilanders. We are just worried about this agreement. Ethiopia will not give it back after 20-50 years, I promise you that. they literally threatened war in order to get acces to the red sea and yall think they will give it back voluntarily?. They will also have a military base there.

  15. considering how Somalia is/has been falling apart for years now, im honestly surprised that more countries haven't recognized Somaliland. Its been defacto independent and runs itself fully.

  16. as Somali this is a sign of war, Ethopia is an aggressive state, they have problem with every state in East Africa and Egypt, and we don't want Ethiopia in our land, Threatening to invade one country and violating the integrity of another are hostile acts in the part of Ethiopia that very much show why East African countries aren't too keen in making deals with Ethiopia. we will fight for our land.

  17. Alot of Ethiopian trolls are everywhere on you Youtube but mark my words NO Somali person weather is In Somalialand, Somalia, Ogaden or even Djibouti will ever accept such agreement to take place.
    This Ethiopian dream started in 1400 years ago. Nothing is new.

  18. The deal between somaliland and Ethiopia has to fall apart. Its a precetend, the un and african union could Have a Dozen of Seperatist in other countries.

  19. Fun fact Somalia 🇸🇴 has been in a 7 way civil war for over 50 years… stability and Somalia goes about as well as using a drill to screw in a bolt… it’s why Somaliand broke away in the first place