Why Black People Aren't Joining the Republican Party In Mass? #africandiasporanewschannel

Why Black People Aren't Joining the Republican Party In Mass? #africandiasporanewschannel


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  1. Here's a Question for All Blacks….
    Would you Vote for People that lie to you and Promis to give you things for Free?
    Or Vote for Politicians that make everything Fair across

  2. We are on our own as the Old Timers spoke to us when I was a kid an hope for the best that good comes out of it and majority of the old timer was in there ,90's strong black men and women

  3. Phil what really is the purpose of black people voting? It doesn't matter who you vote for we still face discrimination, racism injustice and oppression. No party will get you out of oppression.

  4. This is true, both parties are the biggest racists in this nation. However, no party has been more utterly destructive, has done more damage, deleted many Americans since 1829, including the unborn child, ruined many cities, ostracized the father out the home, indoctrinated your school students, created a spirit of victimhood mentality, and destroyed the black family more than the democrat party. 🇺🇸

  5. No stay with those Democrats they seem to be treating you really well. They’re shipping a bunch of migrants in to replace your voting power and giving them a bunch of free stuff that you’ve never received but yeah, they’re doing great. Stay with them.