Why Black Men Are Walking Away From The Democrat Party

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Phillip Scott Podcast

Joined: Mar 2024
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Why Black Men Are Walking Away From The Democrat Party



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  1. We may feel lost and tossed, with no roots or foundation….But we have ancient roots in God Almighty and his word, in Our Holy book the Bible…. It's time to Repent and Return to God Almighty……He is Our Only Deliverer. .. Vote for God Almighty 2024.

  2. Husband say if they have nothing for us, then we have nothing for them Either 🚶🏿‍♂️🚶🏿‍♀️🚶🏿‍♂️🚶🏿‍♀️🚶🏿‍♂️🚶🏿‍♀️👀

  3. Forget man…. We need to repent and return to God Almighty, and Walk to Him…. Because Both "Parties" have said some disturbing remarks and statements against "Black People"…. look it up 😳

  4. No Anti Black Hate Crime Bills/Laws and Cash Reparations, plus Land…. Equal No Vote and Don't Compromise this is very Serious If Not Now When..🤔

  5. Fam we'd better All walk to God Almighty in 2024, and repent and return to Him….Just look at the writing on the Wall, and it's not good for Our Community, as Planned…..We can not afford to put our Faith and Future in the hands of man… We're literally caught between a rock and a hard place and we can't trust…. Because they All make good sounding "Promises" but once in office, they forget about us and write us off, and this is Nothing New Both "Parties" have been "Playing us" for Decades…… We have marched and walked trenches, as deep as the Grand Canyon, with very little or nothing to show for it… As planned….
    God Almighty is waiting on you FBA Men…
    The system wasn't made to work for us, from the beginning… Because while the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, was being signed, several men singing those papers, were Active Slave Owners, and had Our People Enslaved On Their Plantations in Chains….So what can we really expect…

    Only God Almighty Can Help and Deliver us….🤔
    FBA Men You Play a Major Part On The Future Of Our Community …. With God Almighty and men. 🤔

  6. If they had any sense they would walk away from both parties… Neither one mean us any good. Both parties goal and objective is the stabilization of white supremacy.

  7. It's been beyond time for our people to walk away from the Democratic party. Pay attention to all the government controlled churches and how they are trying persuade everyone to stay. Like Biden and Kamala did anything for our people! Biden passed that Asian Hate Crime bill within weeks yet Black Americans have been waiting for decades.

  8. I’m walking away and I’m 52. Have not voted Democrat since Obama. I’m done. Been done. Voted 3rd party and felt better about it since day one.

  9. Every time one of you stupid blacks walk awanother suburban woman steps up to the plate. Thank god there's more women than they are men in this country. Because we're going to be a little more perfect union without you guys.

  10. I'm female and I walked away from the democrats after Billy Clinton. I could see way back then, that they did not mean any good for "Black" people. Joe Biden is the final nail in our ⚰️ coffin.

  11. I, too, will not vote for the Democratic party this year, and I'm 73 years old. You need to stop excluding us older people because of a few who are complient. We know what life was like before affirmative action and the voters' rights act. We protested wars and have the scares of integration seared into our memories. We need to rebuild our family unites, communities, which will give us a financial foundation. Businesses and minority industries will follow. True freedom.

  12. OK, Black people had 8 years under Regan .Four years under Bush. Eight years under Bush Jr. and four years under Trump. Can anyone please point out the list of things that they did that helped Black Americans.

  13. Republican party removing black history out text books. Here in Arkansas the governor called black history "woke". Mississippi republican wants all HBCU'S in his state closed. You think they are better than the democratic party.😂😂😂😂.

  14. I left the demoncrats in 2020 and as long as their values and morals remain where they are currently there’s a great chance that I’ll never return to that political party💯✔️

  15. Too vote democratic at this point make zero sense. What more do black people need to see seriously. Are we not tired of the disregard & disrespect ..