Why Asian Women & White Men Are So Desired

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Why Asian Women & White Men Are So Desired

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  1. I have always been attracted to Asian men. But still, as a white woman, I mostly dated white men. But I ended up marrying an Asian dude. Race matters less than you think. People just sort of date who is around them. Once you get to know someone you dont really think about their race much, so the best thing you can do is make friends. Then out of those friendships will come love interests.

  2. My Asian sweetie knew I was sick of the UK and the way men were treated, especially fathers and I was an active father's rights activist. She challenged me, could I be a house-husband and raise kids while she built her career in a Muslim country? Sure, go ahead and oppress me? What started as a joke grew. I ended up moving to Malaysia and we've been happily married 20 years now. She financially supported me at first, more than a year, while I built my own online business, so no, it wasn't for my money as I didn't have any then. I love her because she's beautiful, sweet-natured, intelligent, with a wicked sense of humor and fun to hang out with, and yes I know how lucky I am. In turn she loves how I respect her for everything she is, including her intelligence, that I give her freedom to travel for work without being jealous, and while I've grown a pot belly on all the rice, I was quite muscular 20 years ago… I guess we both give each other a kind of freedom we didn't have in our own cultures? Also opposites attract. She loves my blue eyes, I love her brown eyes etc. I can sum of why we love Asian women by something that happened when I told my (Pakistani) friend that I was dating a Malaysian woman. He said he knew what she was like, describing her cheeky but ultimately sweet and respectful nature, her humor, everything. I asked how he knew her, thinking they had met? "You said she's Malaysian." Yeah. If it helps any I love Malaysian guys too, they're lovely people, but I'm not gay, so Asian women it is, or my one anyway. And I'm keeping her 😛 (Edit: forgot to mention, she is a uni lecturer and not in the slightest "submissive" or "docile", and no I wouldn't want that. She's womanly, not a doormat)

  3. Most latinas aren’t attracted to Asians guys… you all are delusional
    Latinas attracted to sexy Latin men or white men… very few attracted to black then Asian men would be last

  4. Asian women in general are enamored by the Western culture and it's beauty standards. Asians lead the world in cosmetic surgeries. We can assume that they are not asking their surgeons to make them look even more Asian. Instead, they are striving to acquire sharper noses, bigger eyes, thinner faces, bigger breasts, fuller lips, shapelier buttocks, etc … With that mindset, of course they are attracted to Caucasian features, and desire mix children that have some of those highly sought after features. If you gave an Asian woman a choice of being an attractive Asian ( an 8 ), or a Caucasian woman ( a 5-6 ), close to a hundred percent would chose the latter. If they could choose to be an average blue eyed blonde, it would be a wrap. Add long legs, and big boobs, and there would be a stampede to the front of the line.

  5. I'm white, tall, handsome, never had a racial preference but they all seem to prefer me I've dated everyone but Asian. More into the specific person over superficial traits outside general appearance you gotta look good. Cheers.

  6. I think I figured it out! So back in HS I was dating a white girl but all the Asian girls liked me and i didn’t give them a chance cause honestly they were not attractive at the time and turned them down constantly even into college; flash forward I know at least 5 of them now that now only date white men and I think the correlation is that due to rejection from Asian men in the early days, also with their daddy issues Asian women will turn to white men because white men are easier to control!?

  7. The real insight is that black men and black women have the lowest response rates overall. Quite an insight. Makes you THINK. (P.S. YouTube practices censorship.)

  8. Bottom line is this: the more "even tempered" a woman is and loyal to her man the more worthy she is to be "wife material." Don't believe me? Just ask your grandma or better yet, great grandma.😉

  9. Asian women are more "even tempered" and not so demanding as American women are. Asian women can whether the ups and downs of relationships better than other races however; they CAN be more materialistic and do expect "upward economic mobility" from their man. They're also more petite than American women. Have fewer weight issues. It's their diet. They also prefer educated men with a good careers. Ya up to it? Then go for her.

  10. I'm at best an 8 and I have been sought out by some Asian girls because of my blonde hair, blue eyes.

    This self-aggrandizement aside, Asian men have a huge upside I believe most so not tap. I have seen handsome Asian men, who have obviously worked out (squaring the jawline), dressed nice and have worked on becoming socially deft.

  11. It all comes down to financial status. All Whites are wrongfully perceived as wealthy while all Blacks are wrongly perceived as poor hence most Asian girls wanna date White to appease their hunger for money. On the flip side, if a Black dude is seen wealthy and all that, he would be having Asian chicks lining up anytime, everywhere, every day. I see this all the time here in Asia. It’s just so fckd up cuz it’s not really about skin color, it’s all about your pocket at the end of the day. And this alone also proves that most chicks are basically hoes just looking for fat pockets to take from. Same reason why most Asian parents would rather have their daughters married to a White man than a Black person. But once the same parents see how capable financially the Black guy is, all over sudden the story flips instantly! We don’t have sincerity anymore in our modern society. Unfortunately, even very young kids are flooded with very same nonsense in their homes here in Asia. I have seen very young kids (talking of 7-9 year olds) in these English cram schools telling their black teachers that they’re poor and dirty because they’re black, literally!!! You know how kids don’t know how to filter words…It’s really pathetic to see and that’s exactly the mindset these Asian girls have cuz they grew up in that same environment where black is perceived poor and white rich.

  12. Feminism has ruined western white women. I can definitely see white guys saying screw this noise and just look elsewhere for a mate. Do you really want a tatted up used up girl in her mid 30s who will finnally take the good guy after she'd been ran thru but all the bad boys, or do you want a younger asian girl who might still be able to count on one hand how many men she has been with? I get how people reach this point and stop dating their own.

    Nerdy white guys and asian girls just click. I've mostly dated white women, but the first girl I ever fell for was from Taiwan. In some other version of events I could have easily married that girl but this not the timeline I exist it. I tend gravitate towarrd white, asian and latina women so which will see if I even seal the deal though with any girl as the dating market rough these days.