Why and Where is Democracy in Decline?

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Why and Where is Democracy in Decline?

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The death of Alexei Navalny has prompted many to think about the state of democracy around the world, especially in a year full of elections. In this video, we take a look at where democracy is most at risk, why it’s in…



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  1. Most people that live in "full democracies" can tell a few things about how untrue that statement is. Voting and openly support the "wrong" party in these so called "full democracies"? Too bad you just lost your job and got ostracized by banks, friends and family and no company will ever employ you because now you see – you are dirty for "expressing such unwanted opinions" and we don't want that now do we? Most people are too dependent on their jobs for money so they keep silent and never use their so called "rights". I know this because I live in such a place and it happened to me. So much for claiming I have so many rights I've seen very few of in practice. Democracy is garbage and a pretense. Democracy is so inept it's remarkable. What is the point of having a democracy if I can't use the "rights" a democracy claims I have? If that's the case I'd rather have something else since they'll actually get something done. I could go for whatever at this point. Haven't voted in the last elections – if you could call the EU election "an election".

  2. «Лучший аргумент против демократии — пятиминутная беседа со средним избирателем» — Черчилль. А вообще любой индекс составленный на "экспертных оценках" полный, лютый бред. Архетипичный пример Украина. В прошлом году Зеленский отменил выборы в стране. Также недавно заместитель Верховного комиссара ООН по правам человека Нада аль-Нашиф сообщила, что только по одной «политической» статье «коллаборационистская деятельность» на территории, контролируемой Киевом, возбуждено более 6 тысяч дел. Можно поговорить об аресте журналиста и главреда издания "Таймер" в Одессе Юрия Ткачева, или о гибели в застенках СБУ американского журналиста Гонсало Лиры в январе 2024 года, который с начала СВО находился на Украине, после чего за критику преступлений режима Зеленского был посажен в СИЗО, где и скончался. Но видимо это является демократичными действиями. Украина получает оценку 5,42 ( гибридный режим). Исходя из выше перечисленного можно сказать, что единственная польза от этого рейтинга, если его распечатать, и использовать в туалете! Всем удачи, и всегда проверяйте источники.

  3. This video unfortunately has a central unstated assumption, which is: Democracy is always optimal and inherently a good thing.
    I'm sorry but you failed to show why that it is the case for even one nation let alone every single nation observed (but of course you assume democracy is always good everywhere and always because it is just a universal good). Give me a break. The political analysis here is obviously limited by your own biases.

  4. Take a few minutes to read the Wikipedia page about voting in Germany. You will realize that Germany is not a democracy.

    — The two big parties almost always join hands after the election (there is no real opposition)

    — A 5% minimum vote share is required for any party to enter the Parliament (so small parties cannot exist, and the two big parties always join hands)

    — Who will get how many seats is decided by hi-fi formulas like the "Hare-Niemeyer method" or the "Sainte-Laguë/Schepers method." The formula changes every few years!

    Do you think the average German understands so many formulas?

    No, the system exists to confuse people and keep a permanent political class in power.

    But of course, "international" agencies like V-Dem will always give Germany 100/100 for democracy. Home of DW Propaganda House sponsored by Woke Soros Corporations. So you see, the house itself was never in order, but they dared to lecture others; that's what Western countries do. High self-esteem as in colonial times.

  5. You forgot to note the use of Lawfare in the US election. And your gratuitous reference to Trump "destabalizing the election in 2020" is a statement without grounding. He has Never been indicted on insurrection nor treason charges, not even "election interference" despite there being a host of Democrats who would love to see that. Even the Democrats know that they would lose in court. So… on what do you base your accusations? On Georgia's DA (the corrupt DA whose special prosecutor has just been dismissed)? How can the evidence and indictment presented by as supposed "independent" specual prosecutor who has been dismissed for a lack of independence and integrity be considered legitimate? No, your bias in this case is evident. Perhaps you could be Georgia's next special prosecutor.

  6. Full democracy does not exist anywhere. What we have is a representative democracy where a group of people in a political party is elected to control the resources and write the laws of the nation as they see fit. A real democracy would be when everything has to be voted on by the whole population before any decision can be made. In my knowledge, that has never happened, because we rarely get to vote on anything that the politicians decide on. It would be nice to try it though, a direct democracy instead of a representative democracy would certainly remove the people who are in politics just to line their own pockets and the pockets of the corporations they make deals with. Politicians are only there to make it seem like we have a choice. And we all know deep down that that is not true. But we can take back that power, and i really hope we do someday soon.

  7. Funny this video doesn't show the EU which has probably seen the sharpest decline in democracy in the past decade of any region.

    The ruling elite literally doesn't give a flying fuk what the people want.