White Sounding Names Get Called Back For Jobs More Than Black Ones

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White Sounding Names Get Called Back For Jobs More Than Black Ones

Naledi Moloe reports on recent studies which have uncovered a troubling reality: job applicants with “white-sounding” names are significantly more likely to receive callbacks compared to those with “Black-sounding” names. We explore the implications of this systemic bias in hiring practices, shedding light on the barriers faced by Black job…



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  1. This is why the black community needs to focus on community infrastructure more than bs entertainment like actors, artists, and the like. Had we done that, we would realize that this ☝️is nothing new.
    How is it that a community that coined the phrase "stay woke" be so damn unaware. TF

  2. white supremacy will never die if black people would stop buying expensive good from these Illuminati Companies blacks in USA could do better with the 1.3 trillion dollars they spend with the white race every year blacks pay and keep the white supremacist industrial military prison complex working if black people want power they will have to take it just like the white race did

  3. Radical leftists are also quicker to disrespect you online when your name is presumed black, and will cross the line way further with online harassment. Try it. Make 2 handles, one presumed black, the other presumed white, then express a rational but unpopular opinion from both, in any online space. You’ll see. Those people are not your friends.

  4. I worked in HR for 2 years at a major medical university. We received a lot of applicants for the medical school side and for the employment side of our 7 hospitals and 142 clinics, surgery centers and imaging centers. Because of this our IT dept had crawlers built in behind the scenes that found duplicate or suspicious duplicate apps. I'm willing to bet a lot of these companies do the same thing because it's overwhelming and a waste of time.

  5. As usual, promoting SYSTEMIC RACISM because some blacks just can't bear the thought of other blacks doing well, and not IDENTIFYING AS OPPRESSED VUCTIMS. I think it's called "CRAB BARREL EFFECT" 😮🤔💯👎🏿🤦🏿🙆🏿

  6. I’m so glad my parents gave me an easy to pronounce name. It’s taken me far in life. I’ve gifted my son with a simple name as well. It is just not easy in this country to have those “fancy” names. I’ve seen those names get skipped so often. One reason is the hiring managers don’t want to be embarrassed- then face an attitude when those names get butchered.

  7. AND YET AGAIN demonstrates the BLACK PROBLEM being no more than their "Reliance on White Hands to do the feeding" Why are Black People so hellbent on White People's Approvals! In damn-Near every aspect of their lives! ..When will Black people ever realize that DOING FOR SELF eliminates their dependencies of White People!🙄

  8. The same dynamic still plays out in the US. My question would be seek history on a company, say 10 – 20 years of hiring practices. I do this to try and ascertain possibility of underlying event(s) that may have percipitated diviation, sudden change, or a thread shedding light outside blatant racisim.

  9. This isn’t my real name. But my name does sound like it’s Irish. On paper, I probably have a Caucasian sounding name. Til they see me in person. 😂. I do get callbacks for jobs often tho. Not sure if it’s because of my name or resume or what. But I wonder if my name were Tyrone or Jacobi or something.

  10. If people are so petty that they will overlook your qualifications because your name and face are too Black then you probably don't want to work there anyway. It's time for Black people to stop trying to conform to these people backwards ways and create our own opportunities.

  11. Nothing new here with this story! Applicants with names that sound “ghetto” get their applications sent to the dumpster “file cabinet” with a “thanks for applying” standard notice.

  12. So cute : announcer looks a lot like one of my nieces: must be related to Jamaicans?
    Most large employers I work in US, IM THE ONLY ONE! And YES i have a very white sounding name

  13. This study has been performed many times over the past few decades. Similar studies have found that even Black managers prefer to hire White/Asian people. There's a judgment that Black applicants won't work as hard.