White House Whistleblower Says Former President Barack Obama Was To Be Treated ‘Above Black’
White House Whistleblower Says Former President Barack Obama Was To Be Treated ‘Above Black’
Vicki Dillard reports on a White House whistleblower who revealed former President Obama felt he transcended the Black community.
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He is half white….we are not clever race so they can play those tricks on us
I recall all of them unjust killing of black people that was caught on police video cam doing the middle to end of Obama's administration I recall it.That it's true. In my factual opinion. And the Democratic party of the white houseb had a very lack of concern.I was shocked doing that time.
He they give us reparations they will have no one to prey on. No locomotion in their engines. Now isn't that LOCO! 😂
I seen this as me and my family has fell out and I pointed out that if he can throw his pastor who he knows dirty and if he can do him dirty and he will do us dirty in 2008
When I hear more of Sista Vicky's content by the end of the shows, I'm rocking my Kufi, with lit incents wanting to grow my afro back✊🏿
That traitor OBAMA gave many RED Flags to black ppl a TOTAL SELLOUT he was & still is.
Obama was to be treated as ? what, you mean he was to be treated as human
What is the truth? Obama is not from America. He was born in Kenya. You just have to research it.
And he did nothing😮😮😮😮😮😮
Keep res
Keep putting it o
Kindly take a look at the Ethiopian Coptic Bible 🙏🏾
Do not ostracize any of Yah’s people be they Black or White or shades in between – We are all created in the image of the Most High!
In the defense of former President Barak Obama, subjectively, he did the best for this country. He wasn't perfect just like no human on this earth is perfect except God. All he tried to do is to escape the controversy that pleages black folks in America and beyond. If you guys think Democrats don't like you, I can assure you that the Republicans not only that they don't like you, but they also, don't want you in this country either. By the way most of the things you are saying is false. I pray for you people. It seems like nobody can please you. Why don't you guys find a country that will accept you and stay there. Thank you for your time.
Ms. Vicki, I believe her pronounced. EE-T-N…It's French…just for future reference.
Great video, thanks
Please help them they know not what they do.
Fffffffff Harris and Obama bullllllllllllssss policy's
He is a Marxist trained by his grandfather, also a prominent Marxist. Didn't Scamalas dad write a book on Marxism.
When they want opportunities they are suddenly black
He'd always ascendant race. He even put in his book the few blacks he knew said when he was in hs, " Barry is talking about the Malcolm autobiography " but we live it everyday. They saw Barry wasn't for us. He was sent around blacks to advance him over us. It was by designed. We have a lot of them like him in his party. That's why we don't vote for any of them. They r using our own ppl to hold us down and keep us from getting what they r giving everybody else. Now it's pairing us w white men and white women to dilute our race. Malcolm taught us that. U r being used to destroy urself in everyday and erase urself and linage. In other words white washing us.
Yea sis
The Dems are going to cheat by using illegals, too 🗳! These federal judges are helping the Democratic Party to cheat!
His name is Barry Soetoro. We need to stop calling him Barack Obama.
I was done with him when Miriam Carey was executed with her baby in the car in front of the Capital building. He didn’t say one freaking word