What’s behind the armed conflict in eastern DR Congo? | The Take

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Al Jazeera English

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What’s behind the armed conflict in eastern DR Congo? | The Take

Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo is rich in resources, from gold and diamonds to coltan, used to power mobile phones. It’s also the site of recent heavy fighting between government forces and the rebel group, M23, and whoever emerges on top will have control of the region’s wealth. But trapped in the middle are Congolese civilians….



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  1. Global conspiracy of silence on all crimes being committed in the Congo,,,
    NO CONGOLESE is killing their own,,,
    we are being murdered by the international community

  2. We need to stop talking about events dating 30 years ago,,, this are lousy excuses.
    today we have evidence and facts that , M23 used Rwanda as a base, Rwanda in turn is sponsored by France,USE,UK,Poland,NATo and more, not forgetting all big tech firm.
    We know the truth today,,,, and we will come out of this trap>
    We are human just like the rest of the world, no one likes or want wars,
    You are creating war in order to loot our resources.
    Justice shall prevail just as human history has proven truth

  3. Full of LIES,there’s no 100 groups armed , but the groups armed by SORROS, Mo Ibrahim. Looking to steal mineral in DRC,using the dictator’s Hitler Kagame, to kill people ,for to run away from their lands . Be honest , your media is manipulative.

  4. By God's grace I teach Farming God's Way along with the Gospel of Peace. Armed conflict in the eastern DRC blocks the witness and bars access to Kisangani and continuation of Congo River Mission. The international Church sees no evil and hears no evil. But by omission Christians worldwide do evil by ignoring the crisis in eastern DR Congo.

  5. This is very heartbreaking and painful facts. Hope whole world will become a better place in the form of safety, security, enough food, shelter, hygiene and freedom. Most importantly world be free from sadistic people. 🤞🤲

  6. Kagame came to power in BLOOD , ruling in BLOOD while KILLING political opponents ABROAD as well as HOME.
    Kagame IS USED by Western countries to STEAL MINERALS in Congo.
    Kagame knows 99% in all presidential elections for 30 years.
    Kagame is the kind of leaders Western countries want for Africa , NOT:
    T.SANKARA , they KILLED him.
    P.LUMUMBA , they KILLED him .
    N.MANDELA, they said he was a terrorist.
    Western countries are in LOVE with Kagame.

  7. The reporter explains everything except the fact that FDLR is fighting alongside the DRC military. She does not also mention millions of tutsis in exile for decades living in refugee camps in Rwanda, Uganda, and Kenya

  8. The war is waiting poeple to die and wake up.Remeber what happened in Rwanda it can happen in DRC.UN where are You? Being refugee it's not easy and UN this days its holy spirit. Nooooo

  9. Catherine Soi should get more professional as a journalist and instead of just repeating hearsay without evidence, get interviews directly from the horse's mouth.
    – From the DRC government, on why they are still supporting the Rwandan genocidal Hutu rebels FDLR against the Tutsi's 34 years after that conflict started in the Rwandan civil war 1990-1994. And why they canceled the peace deal they had with M23.
    – From the FDLR on why they still want to overthrow Kagame.
    – From the Banyamulenge Tutsi people on why the M23 is fighting the DRC govt.
    – From the UN "expert panel" on how they collected evidence against Rwanda, on their support of M23 and who was on it.
    – From Rwandan government on why they are claiming to not support M23 in-spite of the UN "expert panel" report.
    – From the DRC mining Industry :
    – the total number of mines and where are they situated ?
    – which foreign companies and rebel groups are mining where, and at what profits ?

  10. The Congolese government’s lack of accountability and their incompetence is the reason behind the instability. Congolese people will be the first to point fingers at former colonial rulers and neighboring countries before holding the people they elect accountable for anything. No one can save the Congolese people but themselves. This conflict can only end through negotiations with M23 and respecting the rights of all Congolese people, in-spite of tribe.

  11. lol the international groups are not unable to stop the conflict, they are unwilling. Rwanda is far from innocent but they’re a scapegoat for monusco, the true murderer looters or should I say the most prolific