What Were Black Women Saying About Dating White Men in 1987?!

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The Pink Pill

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What Were Black Women Saying About Dating White Men in 1987?!

Throwback to black women discussing interracial relationships back in 1987. The same rhetoric then, echos today. How much has changed?

In this video, witness a candid discussion among black women who’ve navigated the waters of dating across racial lines. Hear their personal accounts, the societal pressures faced, and the shifts in perception…



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  1. You have a lot to comment on. But I will just add, in reference to your coffee story, that when I first met my lady (originally from Africa, we are heading towards a decade together now), I picked a place near her work, which was a stylish lounge in midtown. She has repeatedly commented over the years how much she appreciates the efforts I put into arranging our social activities. So she is happy, and I'm glad she appreciates it. All good!

  2. OMG! Chris, I saw this broadcast when it aired. Even then I thought just why?. I was in my mid-30s then? I laughed my head off at some of the men who commented. Dr. Grant is a whole mess. The agenda is for brown & dark-skinned BW to be the 'community's' mules. PERIOD.FULL STOP. Cheryl struggled at times to make her point but here's the thing, BW who want BM need to stay out of the decision-making of those BW who have opted out of the madness. I found then and watching with you again really how dismissive Richard and Gwen were to the lived experiences of the guests, especially Cheryl. I'm never surprised by BM commenting as they did, I mean BW having a different set of values than them, must mean they hate themselves, etc. Nothing and I mean nothing has changed in the verbiage from that collective. The kicker in a way for me is I've met Richard and he really is a lovely man but this show was a miss in a great many ways. The folks in the studio and of course some watching were not there to really listen. Finally, as it has been said there is zero reward for any BW insane enough to do all she can to find the 'right' BM and put her back to the wheel for the collective, so NO! Life is very short and BW deserve to have the mate and life that can best serve her. We owe them nothing, we are in no way obligated to them and in my mind the sooner BW get that fact, the sooner we can leave people to their own outcomes whatever that may be. Miss keeping up with you!

  3. I really don't believe that. BW were not exclusively looking for WM to date. If we were doing it back then, it wouldn't be so hard to get us to do it now. In the '80s and 90's we were TRUE black male worshipers.

  4. Its amazing how they DON'T hold BM to the same standards that they hold BW to. BM have been praising WW for CENTURIES, they dog us out on the process, we don't do them like that.

  5. No one cares if y’all date white men Jesus. You don’t see a panel of white men, Hispanic Men or Asian Men expressing there love for black women, just like you not gonna see a panel of white women, Hispanic woman or Asian women expressing there love for black men either damn. I’m so embarrassed how black men and women be acting like it’s a competition to get a white person or a non black person smh. Work on your self esteem before you marry anyone or date Jesus Christ Stockholm Syndrome is a hell of a drug amongst black people.

  6. Ham of the Bible was not cursed. It was his son Canaan. (Genesis 9:25)

    Also God created everything. (Genesis 1:26-28, 31) Including different races from 1 man and 1 woman, Adam and Eve.
    Evolution as it is called, came from God.

  7. As far as the uptick in ww/bm relationships, one part of it is Hip hop/Rap really started to take over in popularity in the suburbs a few years after this. Young white girls grew up admiring black men and american black culture. Most of the sports stars were also black. Skip ahead into the 21st century. Mixed kids everywhere.

  8. I think it looks pathetic. Black people are having the exact same conversation. 80% of black men date and marry black women ( light or dark it doesn’t matter) BLACK!! So all the fuss looks stupid!

  9. No. The benefit of black women marring white men today is white men dont only except dark skin women they perfer them. In 80s when white men were less brave, they may have settled for lighter women. But please, women, dont sammy sosa your skin. If you cant be you, it'll never work to be with a white man as a fake white women. You have to be black. You have to be you.

  10. So, while they're examining reasons for Black women with White men, Sydney Poitier, Sammy Davis, Jr., Quincy Jones, Richard Pryor, OJ Simpson, etc. are married to White women in 1987 and no one's having a talk show segment about that. The panic comes when Black women see that White men were always an option for them and they start dating and marrying them.

  11. I've been saying for years now that people both inside and outside our race are not ready for black women getting what we deserve . As long as we were at the bottom, broke, busted, disgusted, used, abused, etc nobody gave a damn! and now…..we are coming into our own and they hate that for us because who is left to hate and use/abuse?

  12. The problem i have with this conversation is black male and female divesters take the worst experiences with black people and compare them with the best experiences with white people. Both sides should just admit they worship white people.

  13. No one is telling black women anything.
    In fact it's black men who are castigated for being Passport Bros.
    If black women are so great why are they the most unmarried in USA.

  14. Notice how all of the bw sound. Real feminine, docile, not argumentative but yet, they’re stilling having the same issues we have today… See bw been putting up with bm shit since the beginning of time. Now bw defend themselves and it’s masculine. Just another excuse on top of excuse to keep them subpar. I say bw should totally stop dating then until they work on themselves. No, I’m not saying bw are perfect, but MEN are the leaders in every community, whether they want to except it or not.

  15. 53:11 God made different ethnicities, not races. We are all the same race, which is human. My question to the ignoramus who called in would be is he the same ethnicity as his wife or did her marrying him compromise her relationship to her ethnic background. Skintone does not equal unity. If it did, he is saying there is no difference between a German and an Italian and there are cultural and ethnic differences between all groups. A marriage between two different ethnic groups is a mixed marriage even if their skintine may seem similar and white and black is a social construct created by racist white men si that they can engage in a pissing contest with black men, who they feel sexually inferior to.

  16. 1980s was the decade Black men were massively incarcerated due to the impact of systematic unemployment.

    "Crack cocaine" was intentionally demonized in the WHITE media in order to criminalize Black men.

    Unfortunately so many Black women fell for the brainwashing that says:

    "Black fathers are deadbeat dads"

    because so many fathers weren't there to help raise their families……

    Truth is the federal government led a full-fledge war against Black families that exploded in the 1980s.

    Pushing "interracial relationships" does nothing to help solve the ongoing war against Black families in America

  17. Hello Christelyn, I'm new to your channel. I was reffed by another BW…she told me that you had a video breaking down the black male curse…that you broke down this "gender war" between black men and women that has been going on for thousands of years and black women are interrupting their karma to their detriment…I would love to listen and hear another breakdown on the curse black men and women have across the diaspora…or you can refer me to a video you already done…😊

  18. Ladies this where the coffee thing isnt giving free meal energy. So a guy spends $600 on you at an up scale spot. Great. So what about the $600 date that says this guy is not a cheater. Not abusive. Has morals. Isnt secretly married, Isnt in the closet, etc.
    Him spending $600 on a date doesnt say anything except he's horrible with money.

  19. Anything to make yall feel better. Screw this video review. Simply look at the stats. Nobody is marrying bw. Those are the facts. Even on dating apps bw are the least picked by other groups. This is a fact. So where is all this love white men have for yall?

  20. I have nothing against interracial dating but I would not go to lengths that black women and black men go to to just say that they are dating a white person. They do everything to suppress their culture or anything that relates to a black person. I could not do this just to please a white person.

  21. Evolution is an unproven theory that has generally been debunked. There exist no linking organisms to support the theory. Also, race is genetic it has nothing to do solely with adaptation to environment. Black people have been in Earth's Northern hemisphere for well over 400 to 600 years. In all that time, they haven't grown white skin and adaptive features. Arabs, who invaded Africa over 800 years ago have not become racially black through adaptation to the hot environment. GOD made humanity, the light skin is a genetic mutation.

  22. Chris to be fair. This man may be born in the Caribbean, but he lived his life in the US, so really he is American – culturally.

    In the Caribbean, there is a culture of men providing. Its a very hyper masculine place….and part of demonstrating masculinity is your ability to spend money on women.

    In traditional Caribbean culture men pay for dates and drive to pick up their date. And are expected to SPEND money on their woman. I still have a hard time understanding a woman paying on dates. Living in the US, my horror at men (bm) expecting me to go dutch, was such a culture shock. Hence I stay away from these cheapo AA men.

    In my grandmothers time and before, a woman, unless ahe was a nurse or teacher was expected to leave her job, upon marriage. She would engage in a cottage industry from home, and that money was hers. I grew up hearing " my money is mine, his money is ours"

    Unfortunately, a lot of this tradition is changing because of social mefia, career/boss lady mentality, media and other outside influences.

  23. BM where being put in jail for being with a WW that why it was low. In 1987 it was considered taboo for a WW to love a BM are vice versa. There was no such case for WM BW.

  24. 28:38
    What you're explaining is low interest. He wasnt that interested. It has nothing to do with Black men as a whole. That particular Black man wasnt interested, why does that become a reflection of millions upon millions of individual Black Men?

  25. Do what works for you. The frustrating part is when these statements are made about Black Men, devoid of context. Also, my experience as a Black Man is one of largely being guilty until proven innocent as it pertains to dating Black Women. Just being honest. I've dealt with a lot of attempts at emotional manipulation and outright abuse at the hands of Black Women and feminists for that matter, which is why I support everyone's liberty to date who they choose. But ultimately, for some reason im able to appreciate and acknowledge the diversity within Black women as well as the various reasons behind so many of the negative experiences I've had with Millennial Black Women in particular in dating and a number of Black women as a whole. I can differentiate between my negative experiences and the broader spectrum and Im by no means unaware of the positive examples of Black women. I've been for the most part surrounded by Black women my entire life. My initial experiences were largely loving and positive.

    If your initial experiences, or maybe the predominance of your experiences with Black men haven't been positive, I sincerely feel for you and empathize with you.

    There's still something about the tone of this that feels dismissive or disrespectful. I could be wrong. Even if I'm right, it doesn't mean you don't have a right to express your thought but there's a framing of the overall conversation the leaves out some many important important details, context, etc.

    The final outcome does matter but focusing on the end result without acknowledging the process just feels negligent and superficial. Saying "Black men do this" vs. "White men do that"… comparing two things like an experiment without acknowledging the variables in the two subjects is an incomplete report.