What They Discovered In This Ancient African Library Shocked Them
What They Discovered In This Ancient African Library Shocked Them
What They Discovered In This Ancient African Library Shocked Them
Prepare to be amazed by the astonishing discoveries unearthed in an ancient African library. Delve into a world of mystery and intrigue as hidden secrets come to light.
#Africanhistory #BlackCulture #BlackHistory #africa #blackscreenstatus #culture #black
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Islam, Christianity and Judaism should be completely erased from the Nubian Soil 😘🔥 if you agree, then you chose freedom for Africa, if not your worthless as the Invaders at the end of my longbow
Greetings Respect and Louv from the brethrens and sisters of Jamaica and the Louv Rastafarian brethrens of Jacksonville, MD, CT and people around the globe, respect the preservation of Knowledge.
I heard someone say that the problem with Africans is that they never understood that the people approaching them NEVER meant them any good.
Make Africa all black again better and smarter, Africa don't need no other people
Wish the world will copy/digitise all these documents…
At least a library haf been built to house them correctly…
Now they need to be photographed to preserve them for the future
Mansa musa was a big sell out !and squandered the wealth of the empire to appeasement of the Arab invasions! You talking about Arab history in Africa
We been great since the beginning as a Malian we are the first to navigate through America before European plus Columbus didn't discovered America
About time we get this information
E black plague aka the bubonic plague was a result of intense filth and nastiness. Them people was leaving garbage, dead animals and bodies, human waste and the ever present habit of not bathing was the root of the bubonic plague.
Arabic influence
We got this knowledge from the Black Panther Party back in the late 1960 70s this is als when we learned about Alexander the so-called and caeser who burned down the Alexandra library which had the real information on UFOs giants and other beings beside humans there conflicting about who and dates so do your own research.
The Greek Middle Platonist Plutarch ( c. 46–120 AD) writes in his Life of Caesar that, "[W]hen the enemy endeavored to cut off his communication by sea, he was forced to divert that danger by setting fire to his ships, which, after burning the docks, thence spread on and destroyed the great library."
Rich hidden facts
WHY UN TRUCKS in Desert in beginning???? Why
Keep up the history! You can't find this everywhere.
Africans appear to be stupid, but they are not! Their intelligence is hidden in their genes that have been de-activated for 400 yrs plus, for the sake of an experiment to see how robust their DNA is, & to see how long they can survive for. This was done by Higher Forces who control our planet. This de-activation kept them spiritually asleep, but their time to wake-up is now! Their genes are gradually being re-activated. This is why Africans are fighting back now, & why this conversation has gone viral; & we can all discuss it now for the sake of disclosure. This was not possible in the past bc the experiment blocked unity & unison b/w Africans. Soon, Africans & the so-called black ppl’s genes all over the globe will be re-activated, & they will take their rightful place & birthright as kings & Queens of this world again. They are the most rooted-original-robust & intelligent ppl of all time on this planet! Africans are the oldest ppl on planet Earth. The oldest are the most experienced & the wisest with the most profound knowledge about this planet, regardless of whether you see proof of this or not. They are the grandparents & ancestors of all humans, & the beings of this planet. Only the strongest & wisest are put through tough tests like enslavement, & they are still surviving while others are declining. The Western world now need Africans to survive their declining population. Respect to all Africans!!!
We are Africans not black Africans stop
Oh no, blk people come from nowhere, not even Africa. Mediterrans were born in Africa. We didn’t contribute, we weren’t smart. All images, even Cleopatra are European. Africa is still supporting France.
Right that’s they religion not our Islam is not a African religion
Love the video however the term sub Saharan is a fake and should be nonexistent on this platform in addition to the term Middle East.
Muslims burned books when they invaded.
islam is like garbage thrown on every country it enters. Africa was oppressed by the muslims.
Protect the books and don't allow Westeners take them out of the country, because they will keep them in some museum claim8ng some bs protection. Let them go to Africa if they want to see them. Do not trust foreign scholars
This is why Africa relies on its groits to pass on the knowledge and traditions rather than writing them down… Ethiopia also had loads of books that were destroyed by various invasions like Muslims and Portuguese priests.
So what happened! Timbuc-lose! It's nothing now! And why hasn't all this knowledge been published and shared with the ordinary people? We bet it because radical Muslim's don't want ordinary people to know!
I find it odd that the orator will call and describe the era and time line of this library?
As ANCIENT in origin?
When the creation of the Muslim religion didn’t start until around 600 to 635 A.D.
At which time the European and Catholic religion ALREADY existed .
YESit is quite true the African nation by and large Muslim amassed a great wealth of knowledge.
Where did THEY get it from?.
The orator being quite clever at letting the listener ASSUME MUCH.
Did when they subjugated their people to their NEW religion.
It amazes me how the West writes themselves into all history. We should do our own fact checking on their true entrance into Europe – how Europe went from Black Nobility to Caucus Mountain invasion.
I clicked to get a closer look at the woman in the thumbnail. I should've known it was bait. Smh.
Great information… need more information and knowledge… thanks
It is an Islamic Library in Mali Not an African Library…..Africa is NOT a country where you can just include everyone and everything under one umbrella
Our problem in Africa is rediscovering our pre eminent roots.
Everyone wants to use us,but that's why we are almost doomed
Africa's shortcomings present hope for humanity,not nukes.
What's new
Wealth and power are not tge same. Where are yhe weapons manuscripts? Where are the war manuals?
If you can't protect what is yours, it's not yours.
Thank you for your never ending efforts….stay blessed!
Africans should have stayed spiritualists instead they were forced into believing islam and Christianity that hasn't benefited them at all
Very good.
If you know the history of Timbuktu, you should know that the Muslims from Arabia tried to destroy the library and steal its gold. That's information that should be shared with Africans and African Americans who are so anxious to follow the religion of the political/religious opportunist pedophile Muhammad.
I watched the entire video and still didn't see or hear anything about "what they discovered in this ancient African library (that) shocked them."
Africa blessed with everything but colonisers stole and destroyed Africa 😢
T think you should please be careful of who you give African knowledge too please or history repeating itself.
We will depopulate Africa – Dr. Robert O. Young exposed western countries plan about Africa…How Bill Gates and other rich Westerners plan to kill most of "unworthy" Africans or prevent further birth in Africa and other Southern countries…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9uRAZkN5HY&t=301s video by UncutAfrica you tube canal.IMPORTANT!!!!!
Egypt is part of Africa. Tunisia is part of Africa. Morocco is Part of Africa. Libya is part of Africa. Madagascar is part of Africa. All non-black.
The Bible said the Devil is the Father of all liars.
They came to stealed, killed and destroyed. Hallelujah !
Their kingdom is ending.
They was Hebrew first before Muhammad islam got to them
AFRIKAN from USA checking in
Great video!
I didn’t know ‘Learned ‘was a word, was this to dumb down the video or the learners?