What if Africa was Corruption-Free? #africa #free
What if Africa was Corruption-Free? #africa #free
#africa #corruption #free
Welcome to our channel! In this thought-provoking video, we delve deep into the potential of a corruption-free Africa, painting a vivid picture of a brighter future and igniting meaningful conversations. Join us as we explore solutions, highlight success stories, and tackle the challenges hindering progress….
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That would be huge, except at present a few control, the many
Well said, corruption one of the main reasons keeping Africa from moving forward.
Corruption has destroyed and continues to destroy Africa.
Imagine Africa without Western countries exploiting, plundering its resources, assassinating African leaders who don't want to collaborate with Europe and the US. Get your facts right and do away with narrow views
Its funny how corruption was unheard of before the arrival of White imperialists and especially typically those countries that extracted wealth from Africa is the one preaching morality to Africa. Call your channel Peace Love or whatever feel good word but most of the tragedies in this world is because of Western imperialism. Africa would have thrive with or without the "so called moral" Western nations.
Even America and Australia does not have these wishful thinking you expect. And they pay very high income taxes!