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WHAT HAS THE BLACK COMMUNITY LEARNT FROM RUSSIA VS UKRAINE ? is a YouTube live stream that looks into the ongoing Russia vs Ukraine Crisis that’s displaced a lot of Ukrainians and black people within the country. We look at the lessons learnt for the black community and how we can do better.

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  1. Of course, we own the lands that the "zoo" country was built upon. The "zoo" being actually an open air prison, where our rights don't count. To get back our rights, we must recognize that we have different cultures and ideologies and fight to return to a restructured confederation or we go our separate ways in peace.
    This is because, our rights must be exercised within our identities to the fullest.

    But I am saying even after this is done, we must cooperate with a single mission to develop if we must survive and thrive.

  2. Worse is also some brothers and sisters have changed their ancestors cultural names wiping away their children’s identity completely
    Some use Africa as a punishment ; telling their children they will be taken back to Africa if they don’t behave!!! Very sad!!!! Denying our identity , we have a saying ‘if you don’t know where you are coming from , you won’t know where you are going’

  3. I see the west the US infrastructure development, I see europe infrastructure development, I see Asia infrastructure development, and all the other continent infrastructure development. Africa have the least infrastructure development. Its not like you don't have black people in the US that are doing this work in most cases supplying the entire world. Their is a conscious decision to develop Africa the least. Black people globally are hurting ourselves for not uniting making Africa our main focus.

  4. Hi Phrankleen, this video resonates with me. There isn't one line or sentence you said that wasn't true. Please do am a favor, block the unreasonable people when they comment without mentioning them. Some of them just want to the attention and want to distract and re-direct your focus with the important points you are making. My only concern with Nigeria is the security situation from the south east where i come from. Other than that, we have no other real country. We have to make it work!

  5. Unfortunately Folks in the Western world (UK, US, Canada ) don’t think this can happen to them – oh it’s Russia/Eastern Europe ! “Deep darkness shall cover the earth” – it will happen . And then folks will wish they had something back home in Africa.

  6. Yes my brother, we have a long way to go, they’re building these countries, look at how England treat our people, and look at how we’re being treated in the US, but I still blame Africa for selling my ancestors into slavery. This is 2022, and we’re still considered slaves. We are being suppressed in the school systems, and their prison systems. They don’t care. Like Bob Marley said ‘emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind’. Black People WAKE UP 🇱🇷🇯🇲

  7. Thank you for your ensightfulness. Such a powerful message. Black people are programmed to hate ourselves and ancestry. This message I pray reach open hearts.

  8. Our black comminitys need to learn to come together and stand as one as a black community of people, verses being divided. Together we stand, divided we fall. Our men need to stop fighting and killing one another and see how irs weakening our communities, women and children. People hating the black race, yet blocking our black families from leaving and being starved. We are on our own. We must realize everyone is not our friends and get back into dating and marrying outside our race and keep our inheritance in our race and pass it down to our children and not others races taking it out the community giving the enemy power over our race. Let us stop and help hold each other up. Its time to stop defending the enemy and start defending our own beautiful race of black people. We must realize, they wanna destroy the black man and make the world one race the white race. Stop standing back watching in fear, and get up and make a difference fighting the oppressor back. Support your own race. Deep in there hearts they care nothing about us as a black race. Ladies stop bleaching your skin to look like the oppressor, coloring your hair etc like your ashamed of your race. Stop it. Men need to stop turning there heads on the black women and stop embracing the white women making our black women and children weak. Love your black women, and black women be submissive to the black man and be his helpmate. Everything our ancestors went through, was it in fain? I pray not. They are called gentiles for a reason. Our children is our future, what are we teaching them? Separate yourselves from the enemy's of another race. My brother your speaking 100% truth. Our black man marrying the oppressor women, taking his paycheck out the community letting there families, children etc starve, to give it all to the white woman and her family. Our black men or brainwashed. I watch Nigerian movies from time to time, yet I see how the oppressors has brainwashed the black people to basically belittle themselves, yet they praise those movies as though that's what they love by. Wake up my black race. It's every where! It was our ancestors disobedience that cause our ancestors to be forced on that ship and sent to the 4 corners of the world to a stranger unfamiliar land. Now we have a chance to make it better, and we rather fight and kill one another. I would love to feel the dirt of the motherland between my toes and the beautiful scenery God created.

  9. We are all guilty of the way we behave. the black man does not like themselves. In Nigeria, there is a lot of tribal hatred. It is a crime for one tribe to get a job in another tribe. how do you expect the white man or Europeans to tolerate us. We have more churches than hospitals and we are okay with that.

  10. The African politicians are shameless and they don't care. They are more interested in killing their brothers and sisters, subjugating them to poverty and nothingness. They are the culprit in keeping African citizens homeless and poor. The Africa that I am talking about are the Black Africans. We don't like ourselves. Africans hate themselves. It is a pity. There is no human pride left in us. We cursed ourselves and nobody cursed us. A rich Nigerian preferred to be worshipped by members of his/her community .Again, the African politicians are th BIG CULPRIT destroying Black Africa.

  11. I like your commentary sir I totally agree with you we must stay on code and do keep it 100 thank you I like how you waste no time blocking people that legitimacy that's what I look for

  12. We black americans have been telling all yall for the past 100 yrs what was up with these folks,but yall said we were lazy and lying,now you see the truth in the cold light of day,its about time.

  13. I READ that this is a systemic setup to allow a good reason for nonblacks TO invade and re-colonize all of AFRICA. (Read that NONBLACKS have already mapped OUT WHO gets WHAT sections of the African continent.)

    ALL of the NONBLACK countries WANT AFRICA because they feel they can conquer it and force black people to fight for them OR do THEIR menial work for little compensation. Thus, they can rule the world with Africans fighting/dying on their fronts WHILE their people remain SAFE.

    However, ALL of them want to rule the world but NONE of them, NOT ONE of them TRUST each other. That's why they ALL want military support from black people.

    Research the RUSH To Control Africa by different countries, etc. in the PAST, 1400s to present. (Banana Republic in 3rd world countries).

  14. Don't weep, READ ALL:

    *What we NEEDED TO KNOW was HIDDEN in the scriptures that our black preachers weren't allowed to cover in their Sunday morning sermons.

    Read Deuteronomy Chapter 28 in its entirety.

    IF WE are TRULY children of the MOST HIGH GOD, we must FINALLY do things HIS WAY:

    Our COLLECTIVE Prayers CAN change things.

    In our weakness, GOD WILL show HIS STRENGTH.
    2nd CHRONICLES 7:14:   If MY people who are called by MY name will humble themselves, and PRAY and seek MY face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal/RESTORE their land.

  15. After 500 years, we have to live somewhere! GOD IS EVERYWHERE, SO WE CAN LIVE ANYWHERE! We understand WS! Everything comes to an END? You have to be ready for the beginnings! We all need each other in one way or another! We lack Leadership in the right places, and management of our legacy!❤