What DR Congo’s silent protest at AFCON was about | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

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What DR Congo’s silent protest at AFCON was about | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

Ahead of their defeat in the AFCON semi-final DR Congo’s players staged a silent protest against the lack of media coverage on the growing violence in the east of their country.

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  1. It's really shameful when media doesn't show particular genocide like people don't matter. They do matter, and everyone matters. The only ones that don't matter are those who start terrorism like Israel, the US, the French, and the UK government.

  2. After all blood shade and all suffering we have caused to our salves we have failed to learn that love, unity peace and use of wisdom is the solution of our problems.

    Instead we have allowed to be influenced by hatred, greed and ego. And also we have allowed differences in belief, region, nation, education, talent or ability and technology to separate us and sow in us hatred, ego or selfishness and greed. Now we fight, kill and do all sorts of evil to each other for land, money and resources. Innocent people are dieing as a sacrifice due to wars and fighting over things which we will leave when we die.

    No matter what we do if we don't learn how to love each other, to be united, to know how to live in peace and to use wisdom we will never prevent suffering.

  3. IF inded Rwanda is funding M23, THEM Rwanda is just a proxy for the West (Roman Empire remnants). The west is after the resources in that area. Africans MUST resist. No more recolonization!

  4. All wrong.
    M23 is fighting to regain their rights, to repatriate hundreds of thousands of their parents and relatives found all over the world for more than 40 years now. Their land is occupied by FDLR, a terrorist group which fled there after committing genocide in Rwanda. M23 is battling a coalition constituted of FDLR, FRDC (Congo Army), SADEC, thousands of Russian and Eastern Europe mercenaries, a plethora
    militia recruited and armed by Congo, Burundi mercenaries etc.
    M23 speaks the Rwanda languages among over 100 of other languages spoken in Congo.
    Rwanda has nothing to do with that group
    History is being distorted for the sake of money, minerals and other goodies this coalition is getting from an intransigent President
    Let the world researc and know what is happening.

  5. To all of us saying "may God this, mau God that" in this day and age are we still waiting for some god to come and save us???




    Where is that god y all crying to when more than 10 millions were killed over the last 2 decades….

  6. English & French Kagame African Hitler

    English version (Congo Genocide)

    More than 10 million dead, 500,000 women raped… and still silence. Until when ? Between April and July 1994, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), formerly Zaire, was invaded by an influx of Rwandan refugees and since then it has been constantly attacked and looted by troops from Rwanda and Uganda. What is happening in this country where the deaths are now counted in the millions and the rapes in the hundreds of thousands? Charles Onana demonstrates that since 1994 we have been witnessing the masked invasion of the Congo by militias and troops of Paul Kagame, the Rwandan head of state initially supported by the Clinton administration and then by France in Nicholas Sarkozy. Based on exclusive testimonies and documents from the CIA, the archives of the White House, the Elysée and the European Union, the author reveals how the United States trained this man without faith or law, to serve their interests in the DRC, the Central African Republic, Congo-Brazzaville, and other Central African states where the war between the West, China and Russia is fierce for the control of strategic mineral resources. Insatiable predators carve the DRC and plunder its wealth. After 20 years of research, the author alerts the public to the programmed extermination of local populations when several heads of state in the region and a European ambassador have already been assassinated. Charles Onana explains above all how the killing of the DRC is organized by using terror and lies in order to seize essential minerals for the world industry of armaments, mobile telephony and transition energy. An explosive document behind the scenes of the gigantic massacre of human beings which takes place a few hours by plane from our Western countries. Charles ONANA is a doctor in political science, specialist in the Africa of the Great Lakes and armed conflicts. Author of several reference books on this region including Europe crimes and censorship in the Congo (Duboiris), Rwanda: The truth about Operation Turquoise (The Gunner), Investigations into an attack: Rwanda April 6, 1994 (The Gunner), he worked for a long time with the investigator Pierre Péan on Rwanda and the DRC. Charles Millon, Jacques Chirac's Minister of Defense from 1995 to 1997, experienced the invasion of Congo-Zaire at the political outposts and recounts his personal experience in the preface to this book.

    French translation:

    Plus de 10 millions de morts, 500 000 femmes violées… et toujours le silence. Jusqu'à quand ? Entre avril et juillet 1994, la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) ex-Zaïre, a été envahie par un afflux de réfugiés rwandais et depuis lors, elle est constamment attaquée et pillée par des troupes venues du Rwanda et de l'Ouganda. Que se passe-t-il dans ce pays où les morts se comptent désormais par millions et les viols par centaines de milliers ? Charles Onana démontre que l'on assiste, depuis 1994, à l'invasion masquée du Congo par des milices et des troupes de Paul Kagame, le chef de l'Etat rwandais soutenu au départ par l'administration Clinton et ensuite par la France de Nicolas Sarkozy. A partir de témoignages exclusifs et de documents de la CIA, des archives de la Maison Blanche, de l'Elysée et de l'Union Européenne, l'auteur dévoile comment les Etats-Unis ont formé cet homme sans foi ni loi, pour servir leurs intérêts en RDC, en République Centrafricaine, au CongoBrazzaville, et dans d'autres états d'Afrique Centrale où la guerre entre l'Occident, la Chine et la Russie est féroce pour le contrôle des ressources minières stratégiques. Insatiables, les prédateurs dépècent la RDC et pillent ses richesses. Après 20 années de recherches, l'auteur alerte l'opinion sur l'extermination programmée des populations locales alors que plusieurs chefs d'Etats de la région et un ambassadeur européen ont déjà été assassinés. Charles Onana explique surtout comment la mise à mort de la RDC est organisée en utilisant la terreur et le mensonge dans le dessein de faire main basse sur des minerais indispensables à l'industrie mondiale de l'armement, de la téléphonie mobile et de la transition énergétique. Un document explosif sur les coulisses du gigantesque massacre d'êtres humains qui se déroule à quelques heures d'avion de nos pays occidentaux. Charles ONANA est docteur en science politique, spécialiste de l'Afrique des Grands Lacs et des conflits armés. Auteur de plusieurs livres de référence sur cette région dont Europe crimes et censure au Congo (Duboiris), Rwanda : La vérité sur l'Opération Turquoise (L'Artilleur), Enquêtes sur un attentat : Rwanda 6 avril 1994 (L'Artilleur), il a longtemps travaillé avec l'enquêteur Pierre Péan sur le Rwanda et la RDC. Charles Millon, ministre de la Défense de Jacques Chirac de 1995 à 1997, a vécu l'invasion du Congo-Zaïre aux avant-postes politiques et raconte son expérience personnelle dans la préface de cet ouvrage.

  7. All of this war in East because of Minerals as we moving to Electrical cars this part has 60% of reserve materials to make phones and 70% car's batteries. So it is a economical war. Watch the news all those big industries who makes (electrical cars, iPhone, Tesla ect.) Signed or signing with Rwanda. It has been more than 25years and the same Rwanda sending Troops in DR Congo (M23) looting all the minerals to his country to give to USA, Australia, France, UK etc. Almost something Israel doing to Pakistan……. we need a new block (China, Russia, Iran, Turkey, North Corea, Indian ) so that we can have some balance in the World

  8. Why US is fighting DRC?? Why the entire NETO countries are fighting DRC?? DRC wanyed to be good friend of the West but they refused and start a war using the rock sates of Rwanda and Uganda to destroy the hart of Africa.. without reason.