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Joined: May 2024
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Many modern women are not currently ready for marriage and do not realize it and f-eminism tells us to act like a man rather than understanding how to be the best partner to a man. Truth is, a masculine man will be turned off by a woman who displays masculine behavior. If you desire marriage, I challenge you to do some self-evaluation and begin…



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  1. The first hairstyle I ever had as a child were locs. I was about 5 years old and I honestly hated it. I wanted shiny bouncy curls like Shirley Temple after seeing that my older cousin achieved that look with her hair.

    I was fascinated with those big bouncy curls and hated my hair! I begged my mom to comb my locs out and she did. I didn’t feel pretty or feminine with the locs. I was often mistaken as a boy and I hated it. I thought that if I combed my hair out and had it straightened like my cousin (whose hair was naturally straight btw) I could finally have those spiral curls.

    My mom combed my locs out and permed my hair. It never grew. She didn’t know how to care for it. Back then, having straight hair was deemed “professional.” I hated my hair.

    When I got older I wore weaved and braids to hide my hair. The natural movement helped me learn more about my hair and how to take care of it.

    Although my mom would look at my afro and say my hair is “not done,” my husband adores it. He prefers the Afro everyday. The constant need to wear weaves, wigs etc are a symbol of bondage, oppression and self hate in my opinion

  2. I can remember being natural before my mom gave me a relaxer when I was around elementary school age. I remember thinking when I was older that my hair was healthier and even longer when natural. In middle school I met my best friend and her hair was natural and I loved it and wasn’t used to seeing hair like that. So I took it upon myself to cut off my straightened ends without asking my mom in the 8th grade. She wasn’t that mad lol. I’ve been natural ever since!

  3. Thats why black men have so many problems and some how we are always the issue. This is insane and you teach our Daughters this same self hate. What I really hate is all yall profess to be Christian as if he made a mistake…

  4. I am a Black man married to an Afro-Brasilian. It is interesting and informative that you speak on the "mental bondage," but it can be noted that it goes hand in hand with "financial bondage." Women who are addicted to wigs and weaves are financially bound to spend money each month, and the rest of the world knows it. My wife owns two salons in Rio and is a partner of a salon in London. Having been in the hair industry for 20 years, she let me in on a secret. There is NO SUCH THING as "Brazilian Remy' or these other types that they put "Brazilian" in front of. Brazilian women hardly, if ever, cut all their hair off. Think about that… When is the last time you saw a bald Brazilian woman??? Probably never. Hair companies get hair from women of Chile, Peru, Uruguay and some other relatively poor South American countries, and label it 'Brazilian' because they know that to some of the world, that name evokes images of beautiful women. They know that Black American women will pay a premium to be able to put it on their heads, bounce it around, and flip it over their shoulders. My wife's hair is more than halfway down her back, and when she has it out, she never has to fling her head all over the place. Black women have to create natural styles for themselves and take pride in their beauty. Shout out to you, sis, for your maturation and transformation that has allowed you to share your story. More sisters should see this and take heed.

  5. Half the reason why i tend to date African women more than black American women is because African women tend to rock their natural hair.I really wish black women would stop using men as their excuse for why they hate their hair

  6. I remember about 6 years ago i asked blk women on Facebook when they 1st straightened their hair most said before they were even 5, before they can even remember. This why they don't know how to take care of their hair, their mothers do this to them.

  7. Im telling you this hair "preference" was never on us. You're telling me if EVERY woman wears their natural hair, we'd all stop talking to yall? It's self hate an laziness

  8. When I see a our women black women with fake hair, I will not give her the time of day, I don’t care how fine she is, why because when I see our women, black women with wigs / fake hair that’s a automatic sign of self hatred. A woman can’t be any good to a man who hates herself, because if you don’t love yourself how can you possibly give love to me. Ladies take a survey and count how many black women you will
    See with their own hair, I see it once every 2 months now. Men hate that fake hair, they give you a pass on the fake hair because they want to have sex. Myself I’m not doing it, I see the fake hair I keep it moving, if I can’t find a black woman with her own hair then I will go and deal with another Melinated woman at least they have their own hair.

  9. Biblically speaking from a Hebrew/jew perspective.

    Our hair can be classy however the lifestyle doesn't promote class like our most recent ancestors before just after American slavery. Now with that being said according to the Bible God Yahweh made the hebrew woman "bald" and changed your skin color and texture "like that of tree bark" during the slave days of Egypt, now God himself did this because the nature of the Hebrew woman is defiant almost all the time so can it be classy yes but only if your lifestyle promotes righteousness because the condition of our people is under the curse and you are supposed to be brought down according to god because when your up you are too much for god to allow you to walk in your former natural state where your hair would rather be like "clustered dates" and a skinncolor of bronze like "jesus"

    Black women have been brought down so i do understand why black women "hate their natural hair" however the nature of black women will not even allow themselves the time to grow a "power affro" this i assume is impatience because we all can grow an affro yes, but it takes years to grow an inch yet every inch of hair we grow long is appreciated by black men and it gets called out at every corner with "i love your hair sister" by some passerbye brother. However Gods punishment over black women is so severe he personally went out of his way to specifically bring you down.
    On top of this statement of being like that of queens only satan himself offered all women through eve "to be like that of kings" not god and this is why women have flipped the roles between men and women especially black women so imagine if black women had everything together? Under gods understanding blalck women would be way too much then what they are now as pioneers of degeneracy if you disagree look at "sexy red" and how many sisters promote that lifestyle and teardown righteous women calling her a "pickme" because she is willing to put in the work and be obedient to a man that would be with her yet the Bible says that there was a woman who went out into the courts to find a man asking men to marry and God did bless her with a great son and a great husband but she was in those courtyards calling out to any man to marry her before she got too old that woman our sisters our black sisters today tear down and call her names and shame them out of virginity and do not promote virginity and do not save anything special for a man in marriage like virginity.

    The attitude changes because black women have a means to their degenerate state and rebelliousness against God so instead of having the patience and the lifestyle of righteousness and seeking men who would desire them in their natural state they would rather appeal to the greater masses of men rather than humble themselves before God.
    If black men in general which we prefer afro over wig then why do black women promote the wig and say black men prefer the wig when we clearly do not? It's because of the rebelliousness in the heart of black women in majority, these are just examples as to the why black women's Spirit changes when they dorn a wig this is why God made black women bald imagine if he didn't do that how out of pocket how out of authority black women would further be if he had not done that. Black women say there are no good men especially black men yet they stay pregnant by the same rotation of men imagine if black women weren't bald in this case with their Spirit what would they be like? I personally can only imagine more degeneracy within our Hood within our communities that we don't have but we pretend to have and the only sisterhood that sisters have are under black men are not this and that and I Don't need no Man imagine this scenario that we are in today if black women were well put together and not bald with clustered dates for hair and skin of bronze imagine black women today if they didn't need a wig and that's why the spirit of women change when they Dawn a wig.

    The reason why black women feel better when they dorn a wig is because they are allowing themselves to compete for the same men it goes along with the same concept as makeup if you are ugly wear makeup and you can compete with other women to get that man if you are bald wear a wig so you can compete with other women to get that man sprinkle sprinkle and that's why black women feel better about themselves when they put on a wig but they will never know these specific black women how it feels to have a power afro because they don't have the patience to grow it in their current condition where everything has to be now I need it now I want you to do it now everything now I need it now do it now when they have a man everything that they tell their man is to do it now I got to have it now you understand impatience instead of building themselves up making themselves better in other ways having fitter tighter bodies making sure they have the best genetics they would rather eat what they want live the lifestyle that they want sleep with whoever they want have as many kids by themselves as many times as they want ware as many wigs as they want put on as much makeup as they want because it's easy in a world where we went from a washing rack to washing clothes by pushing a button yet the same women divorce their husbands because they have to wash his dirty socks so now that we have the wig black women have the opportunity to restore some of their dignity that was taken back by God himself all in a rebellious spirit and they wear it against black men because it's clear that black women in general do not want us they do not want the majority of black men it is very clear and they shun us when we put on suits but they adore us when we come out of incarceration because when we have a suit on we won't accept a wig but the brother that just got out of prison doesn't mind the wig he also doesn't mind degenerate behavior as his loins burn with fire and desire the man in a suit won't accept any woman out of the guide of righteousness he would rather take the wig off wipe the makeup away put her on a treadmill oil her hair every night and when they make love not worry about a wig or any other form of falsehood damaging her or exposing the damage caused by wigs so as long as you don't touch her hair she will be happy as long as she can purchase and wear a wig she can compete with not just her own sisters but women of other races because majority of women of other races have straight hair everything in between is scarce yet she will feel better wearing a wig because it's easy to cover up than to put in the work in areas where work needs to be done especially when it comes to being a righteous woman majority of black women in my eyes who are natural are some of the best of our sisters yet they know it they put in the work for it and most of them that I have seen are with white men in Blackhawk California so the top men of other races don't seek for themselves women with wigs they seek a natural state but the wig makes black women feel good but they're only competing for the men that do not care and that validation from those men make them feel good because they got a man of another race as soon as they put on that wig and yes it will make them feel good because its cheap and easy sprinkle sprinkle

    Black women are under punishment so they don't hate themselves you don't hate yourselves you hate the punishment because you know in your spirit it's unfair it's not right it's wrong it's unnatural yet God did it to you because of your rebelliousness because when men say they like a natural state our women say no black men like fake wigs we like the makeup we like the BBL but we don't and we can scream it to the top of our lungs but our women won't listen to us and if our women won't listen to us then they sure as the day rises won't listen to God himself, black women love themselves into the sin of self love and they say as much out loud yet self love is a sin according to the Bible because what does loving yourself promote? Nothing but selfishness clearly so too is the Almighty wig that promotes self love because all that matters to black women is does it make her feel good and self yet black men dont like it but they will lie to get you to like them and its cheap and easy and makes them love themselves in a wig because male validation yet unless you have a nice lace your hair in a wig hardly gets compliments.

  10. I grew up with 2 older sisters, 4 and 5 years older. I remember when I was 5 years old sitting at the kitchen table when my mother was using an ironing comb on my sister's hair. I was staring at the comb on the stove with the flame coming up over the teeth of the comb thinking, "Damn, that thing must be hot!"
    Then my mother picked it up to do her hair.
    I was gone.
    I was out of the kitchen.

  11. As a Black Man I prefer to see black women with natural hair but I understand the sister ….smh. Sad the situation we are in mentally , physically and spiritually. They have did a number on us threw social Engineering and propaganda. 💯



  14. I come from a very small white town and I went to middle school with a black girl and she was just so much fun and sweet and we still talk today and one thing I love about her is she never tried to fit herself into that small hole and she always fully embraced herself and who she was even when she went to a primarily white middle school and I just think she’s fabulous and I always loved her confidence and I loved that she never tried to twist and turn herself upside down to try to fit into a small box of white beauty because I’ll never be a black woman and black women will never be white women were just physically very different but just because we’re different looking from eachother doesn’t mean one is inherently prettier than the other or more talented etc