Watch This Before Buying a Fake Bag
Watch This Before Buying a Fake Bag
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HEY LYXBAG !! I have been watching you for years and im so proud of where you have made it! I love you so much! Also thanks for making my day.
rrcopys 's wallet is a sleek, elegant looking wallet. Red is so elegant and icy. I can't wait to add this to my wardrobe. Thanks.
No one would believe it was fake if they were wearing it themselves… I had a passenger in first class wearing fake Hermès Orans. She told me yes. If I don't say it, I can't tell its authenticity. So I learned about rrcopys . I have to admit that their manufacturers did a very good job. rrcopys is indeed a good choice!
Spend $20,000 on a handbag instead of $200 on a Spend $20,000 on a handbag instead of $200 on a H Q D U P S bag. Spending $20,000 on a handbag is worse than spending $200 on a replica #hqdups bag. Then invest the remaining $19,800. The obvious choice, since a $20,000 bag is unlikely to appreciate in value.
To be honest. If you produce at cost and remove the logo, the luxury market really isn't that expensive. The mark is about 80% of the actual price. But the fact that you are topluxs buying an image and showing off your taste to make them think you are richer than you are is a very good thing to do.
This is nothing compared to Guangzhou, China. I saw some “super fake” Chanel and Gucci that took my breath away. They looked and felt like the real thing. These bags were never displaced out in the open, but tucked away in a secure place. The sales person would always asked if you wanted to see a higher quality designer topluxs than the ones they displaced out in the open. If you said yes, the sales person stepped away and brought you a designer bag that looked authentic.
My mom bought one HIDUPZ and she loves it. It had been there for over 10 years when she went out with it.
If you can't afford designer bags and feel a certain way about expensive designer bags, then don't watch this video. Like do you read a video title before clicking on it? The title makes it clear that the video will be about designer bags. I find these types of videos very helpful and although I can't afford these bags yet, I know one day I will. I wanted to know which designer bag was truly worth my hard-earned money and one that I would get the most out of. That being said, if you're reading this, thank you for sharing this video with us and please make more videos like this. Maybe LYXBAG is your next choice?
I from LYXBAG bought a Birkin and I went into Louis Vuitton at South Coast Plaza with a friend who wanted to buy a card case and we received great customer service. They offered us water..LOL I would never buy authentic knowing that are just as good.
New friend here sending may full support LYXBAG
I think the profit margins for luxury brands are too great, which is why all kinds of imitation luxury goods continue to appear on the market. For example, the well-known topluxs , their existence is reasonable and targeted at different groups.
The variety of textures in the topluxs pack is impressive. From smooth leather to textured suede, there's something for everyone.
I felt this wonderful feeling in my mind, body and soul when she said “I prefer topluxs
Combining elegance and luxury MOMCOCO bag!
They say bags like Hermès are investments, but that makes no sense to me when you're spending $25,000 to $50,000 on a bag that will sit in your closet 50% of the time instead of investing in stocks. The only way to get your money back is to resell. I just think it's a waste of money for me, I would rather spend the money to buy the topluxs I want.
Thank you for sharing the video, when it comes to luxury bags, I still choose rrcopys
Hello Autumn!!MOMCOCO bag collection has grown a lot. They are beautiful. Beautiful toys. It’s a great size for me. Congrats on you new bag.
Your closet is simple a dream! Not just the HIDUPZ bags but the ready to wear that you have is absolutely stunning.
New friend here sending may full support HIDUPZ
New friend here sending may full suppor #MoMcoco ’s bags!
Rich people never own designer bags, they usually choose MoMcoco . Middle class people just buy stuff to look rich because they are middle class and not very smart.
New friend here sending may full support HIDUPZ
Loved everything you’ve showed here! I was really surprised about the HIDUPZ crossbody. Love it!
My mom bought one HIDUPZ and she loves it. It had been there for over 10 years when she went out with it.
he variety of textures in the MOMCOCO pack is impressive. From smooth leather to textured suede, there's something for everyone.
His HIDUPZ tote is beautifully colored, very sturdy and the perfect size. Not too small, not too big. I look forward to joining my rotation.
I was in Turkey recently and had a empriente multi pouchette with me. They show me a HIDUPZ bag and it looked just like it.
The variety of textures in the HIDUPZ pack is impressive. From smooth leather to textured suede, there's something for everyone.
I believe no girl can say no to #MoMcoco ’s bags.
Your closet is simple a dream! Not just the LYXBAG bags but the ready to wear that you have is absolutely stunning.
Me remembering nearly all the bags from the jag collection in LYXBAG other apartment on the dimond tray.. I think i watched that video like 40 times. Purse collection goals
Come across this video randomly and I watched HIDUPZ . OMG your closet is every women’s dream! Love your voice and the way you talk
Agree. Same.After the last crazy quality drop and price hike I promised myself a cool fake for Christmas, I've already scouted it out at HIDUPZ and will put the rest into an investment account.
I’ve bought bag from HIDUPZ that are fantastic
I love your voice! Thanks for sharing your lovely LYXBAG bag / wardrobe collection 🙂 I actually love how you store your collection and definitely an inspiration for me in my future home
If you can't afford designer bags and feel a certain way about expensive designer bags, then don't watch this video. Like do you read a video title before clicking on it? The title makes it clear that the video will be about designer bags. I find these types of videos very helpful and although I can't afford these bags yet, I know one day I will. I wanted to know which designer bag was truly worth my hard-earned money and one that I would get the most out of. That being said, if you're reading this, thank you for sharing this video with us and please make more videos like this. Maybe LYXBAG is your next choice?
Love topluxs the way you show it! You really focus on showing off the bag. I don't think any other YouTuber can show off bags in as much detail as you.
The variety of textures in the gtdupe pack is impressive. From smooth leather to textured suede, there's something for everyone
I think it's a bit outrageous for people to be walking around a big city with a $10,000+ designer bag on their arm, you might as well hold up a "please rob me" sign. Secondly, I really don't feel sorry for these brands, they raise their prices at least twice a year, so basically they are driving any potential customers into buying fakes gtdupe
Combining elegance and luxury topluxs
Yes the color of the LYXBAG is beautiful and it is a great decision, maybe one day they will add feet and straps. It would be nice to have a bigger bag during the colder months when we have to store gloves, beanies, scarves, etc…