VIRAL SKINCARE ROUTINE FOR ACNE😱 (follow for more💗) @jiustinchung #acne #skincare #skin #beauty

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VIRAL SKINCARE ROUTINE FOR ACNE😱 (follow for more💗) @jiustinchung #acne #skincare #skin #beauty



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  1. I love the cleaning oil it's so good and leaves my face so soft and as well my nose and sending love keep up the work loving it ❤❤❤❤❤ its my dream one day to get pinned by you , you my role model

  2. Funny, you said that "I lobe that we are normalizing acne" but you're excited to see someone's skincare routine that eliminates acne. You just want the views

  3. i have cystic and nodular acne on my cheeks and nose , i m currently using salicylic acid facewash ,azelaic acid and gel based moisturizer and sunscreen, i want to
    try benzoyl peroxide . will it help full with azelaic acid

  4. when i was breaking out, any active ingredients made my acne worse (salicylic acid, glycolic acid, vitamin c, retinol). i stuck to a simple routine of cleansing, moisturising & applying spf + spot treatment for new breakouts. now that my skin is completely clear, i’m back to using serums with actives in it. none of the serums have caused me to purge now that my skin is stable. there’s no point trying to brighten scars when ur acne is still active, resolve the acne first. if u insist on using one, just use a salicylic acid cleanser twice a week, making sure ur skin gets 1-2 mins with the cleanser. that’s it.