Utah field trip part two. Elevate black voices! Where you at CNN? BLM?

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Utah field trip part two. Elevate black voices! Where you at CNN? BLM?

Where are the people who support elevating our Black Americans when it comes to the dog culture?

Why are we Allowing dogs tear up black people like this? https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjgcFv2e36W-vHWKGv9baZge0Kl0pUkUP&si=EJatbBOhrgn1zvWx

Why are the states with the most dogs also full of the most pedos?

Bat versus pit bull…



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Kissie poo poo games 😂


Reading the comment section on the "Leonard" video made me eyeroll so hard…

The cultural disparity between black and white ownership of dogs is interesting; I've seen it referenced before, and if I had to take a guess, it would be because of how dogs were used as weapons against both escaped slaves and later against civil rights protestors. But, I could be completely off-base there.

I'm also guessing those black men are more apt to fight back against a dog going after their family because they know the cops/other LE probably won't care or do anything about it, so they solve the problem themselves.

I generally think the term "cuck" is over-used and applied to men as a political slur, but in this case, any man who doesn't immediately defend another person against a pit bull or other dog attack is DEFINITELY a "cuck", regardless of their political orientation.

good work.can you research outside us too.i suposse you will find few data from turkey like tip of the iceberg bur the sitiation here got overboard,we are close to epidemic world wide


Yep I'm a Brotha' & nope I don't play With Mutts.


All lives matter because all lives can splatter 😂😂😂