US Legislators Express Concern About Nigeria's Draft Legislation Approving Chinese Yuan v. US Dollar

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US Legislators Express Concern About Nigeria's Draft Legislation Approving Chinese Yuan v. US Dollar

Vicki Dillard reports on US legislators worrying about Nigeria dropping the US dollar for the Chinese yuan.



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  1. Who cares whether US legislators are or are not concerned with what Nigeria’s legislators do? After all, US legislators are owned, dominated and controlled by Zionists.

  2. If the Eonomics we have been taught all our life makes any sense, then this is something Nigeria and African countries should have done since the 80s – EVERYTHING in these countries comes from China.

    It makes sense that they will want to whole their reserves in the currency they use 100% of the time.

  3. America has nerve questioning what any African country chooses to given their support of the apartheid state of Israel and its ethnic cleansing there. Hypocrisy on another level. And its absolutely none of America's business.

  4. Nigeria has expressed its interest to join brics and has plans to summit its application and removing the Dollar will quicken their entry into Brics… Its just a step forward in weakening the dollar in the country

  5. Stop using US dollar & euros for buying oil.
    Buy oil use relevant country currrencies :
    russian oil use rouble
    iran oil use rial
    iraqi oil use iraqi dinar
    uae oil use dirham
    suadi arabia oil use arabia rial

    RMB freely for buying any country oil.

    Above theirs country natural resources , why must use US dollars & euros?

    Your countries own resouces , why let US or EU control you ?

  6. US has 800 military bases around the world, they've been increasing the number since the end of WW2. Since then they've done nothing to help poorer countries get ahead, on the contrary, they establish control of their internal politics by supporting someone who is sympathetic to Washington. Regime change and color revolutions are the overt manifestations of these efforts. US has been meddling in world affairs for so long they are used to condescendingly being "concerned" about other countries, that's why the false belief that they have a say in every part of the world.

  7. Get real. Whether you like it or not. This is the world we live in. As the most powerful nation in the world, USA has always adopted the attitude that they own the world and everything must go their way. Thats nothing new. People – please wake up.

  8. Thank you Vicki. You are a warrior Goddess. We appreciate your contribution to keeping the melanated people of this planet informed. We will defeat the enemy because time and prophesy is on our side. As Tehuti said, the Kemetu Sun 🌞 will rise from the West, which alludes to a seismic shift in Geo Politics. ASE

  9. You're doing a good job sis but I think you'll be better off with your natural hair beautifully plated with braids to look like a real black daughter instead of the plastic hair to emulate white ladies.

  10. Why is Nigeria not respecting US opinion lately? Also, Nigeria has very close ties with UK – and should therefore consider accepting UK king (who is democratically selected) as their king too.

  11. Be present in all matters related to humanity because humanity birthed from Africans in Africa. And we must enlighten our African diaspora of the need to unite under this perspective of being present in all matters. Take back what truly belongs to humanity-equality, justice, equanimity, truth, honesty and integrity to name a few. Our Village must be on these foundations. Thank you Sister. The systems in the West are based on manipulation and control. GAME IS UP! Africans Unite!