US criticism of S Africa's genocide case is meritless, counterproductive & baseless: Marwan Bishara

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US criticism of S Africa's genocide case is meritless, counterproductive & baseless: Marwan Bishara

The lawsuit filed by South Africa against Israel at the International Court of Justice in The Hague drew criticism from the United States on Wednesday. White House National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby dismissed the submission, labelling it as meritless, counterproductive, and lacking any factual basis.
Al Jazeera’s senior…



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  1. The bible said israel wou ld be in this position.
    God is giving israelites a chance to do what is right.
    Again israelites are ignoring God.
    For the israelies who supported peace, god bless you and your bravery.
    Stay safe.
    I am for the Palestinians because of God 🙏 q

  2. Israel killed more people with airstrikes in 2 months on Palestine than Russia in almost 2 years of war in Ukraine and USA says that Russia is a genocide State but also says that Israel is just defending himself… So how hypocrite can be the foreign policy of America?

  3. OH! the U S critized south africa genocide is baseless ,how dare JOE have u not seen on the televisions n witnes the brutal killing of Palestinian civilians ,damaging of infrustructure as well as homes of civilians ,surely u have not seen the evil deeds of your ally israel the terrorist,Joe wake up spread the truth do not protect the zionist ,but anyway same feathers fluck together,……….

  4. To call the decision of ICJ meritless is ridicules. Why would you have such a court in place, and be a party to the convention, if you ignore its ruling?


  6. PLease correct you heading. It is not South Africa filing the lawsuite. It is the idiotic ANC (communist government). I am a South African representing 90% of South Africans not supporting this bullshit case

  7. The separation of powers is at the core of the much touted western democracy, so when one of its politicians offhandedly dismisses a matter of jurisprudence, he demonstrates the disdain in which he really holds the said democracy; and why not? After all, it’s hardly a secret that genocide is the bread and butter of the system he represents.

  8. Why are we not surprised that the USA is quite happy to keep funding and arming Israel they have a long history of supporting some of the world’s worst leaders.For example Augusta Pinochet or Alfredo Stroessner who among other things was the inventor of torture by music.Why are the USA such a great supporter of Israel well it’s nearing election time and the Democrats want the Jewish vote.

  9. This war wouldn't have started had the Palestinian Hammas not initiated it, the Hammas attacked Israel unprovoked and killed many civilians there, but when Israel responds with their own ammunition it's called genocide, quite amazing!

  10. Strange SABC doesnt air this. We dont agree with our ANC government they dont realize we can be sanctioned because of this stupidity. Why hasnt South Africa doing the same with Russia???

  11. I have said this many times: when a country decides to kill thousands of people in another country, this creates so many enemies that will exact revenge in the future, that a constant state of war is a certainty. This answer by Mr. Kirby smacks of disrespect for the world view. The arrogance is so glaring!

  12. The actors in the Biden administration are exactly that , a bunch of spineless punks The Gaza war has already claimed more than 8000 chidren killed some of them on ivs, prenatal,others refugees camps and since when did old ladies and prenatal chidren vote for Hamas.

  13. Please human being g, think of yourself. Stop allowing the western nato alliance to open military bases or drone in your countries. Things those friendly foreign bases become occupying military threats if a foreigner is voted into power or overthrows your patriotic government. I can think of some ways to be economically efficient or successful without negdative fireifhn interference. What mohamar gaddafi was trying to do for the African union and Arab stats as in gold backed or payment for raw materials in gold rather than currency is a very solid world foreign agenda not just in your countries region or continent. Fact remain quantitative easing is the main source of the west wealth. Printing of money. With this they are buying everything loyalty human beings women political parties educational success anything you can think of.. I don't even think they add the illegal money they print to their national accounts because it could lead to deflation. They are simply printing money and paying Jewish children born in foreign land to own your communities and societiess and economies. It's a classic example of laundering. Most of their agents in these countries are living as civilians with no political or military powers but weild more power than some world leaders and military generals who sacrifice their life to help their nations or free themself from economic dependence. So the state story ycture become useless because the wealth of the nation is in the hand of the minority foreigns who are not loyal to the state though they are asked by the western nato alliance to keep claiming loyalty and do charitable deeds and present this image of wanting to save the nation but the only thing thhey doing is increasing the foreign population waiting for the right numbers to overtake the government with the aid of un USA UK or nato. I am sure this resonates with many nations on earth. The south African story is the best example of this it was a test stte fir how to rule the world and still is today. The things they get away with in south africa to the extent of even having real africans in power in their pocket this makes it very difficult for the country or it's people to ever be fee. That what he means by the all egat ions are baseless.