Understanding The End…From the Beginning

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Understanding The End…From the Beginning

Revelation is a book full of good news! God will get the victory over all His enemies–but how?

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  2. Thank you Brenda, this was helpful as I found many videos confusing. I think we are getting to the end very quickly, I only wish my family would believe and I am hopeful my prayers will be answered. God bless you.

  3. Very good way to look at it I believe God is going to have a lot of Mercy on a lot of people before it gets too bad I pray and Hope we ready for the rapture God bless Brenda and everyone who is watching

  4. The 'truth' always makes sense. Your teachings make sense all the way around. Not just a piece here and there. You are the most sensible end time teacher and we love listening to you! God bless you!

  5. Excellent video, Brenda! I have a question that is somewhat unrelated, which is: why does God keep Satan and his angels in heaven until he releases them? I've never understood how evil is allowed to occupy God's place of perfection and Holiness. Thank you.

  6. Sister Brenda, I have 2 important points to make; one Biblical and one not pointing to the same date;

    1) The rapture is shown in Rev 4&5, which shows that the "body of Christ" is in Heaven when Jesus gets the 7 SEALS to open.. So to me that's a Pre-Trib rapture just before that Evil one AC is revealed as Paul stated. It appears to be from March 11 to April 22, 2024

    2) I seen yesterday a young woman deciphering the Hollywierd demons and their coding in their talk.. She deciphered by their chat, something big to happen on March 11 as well – the great EXPOSING of these demons. Odd that these demons know that they will be exposed on March 11.. Because they are not repenting, to me, it appears that they are Nephilim knowing they have no chance..

    3) I posted a lengthy text I had made sometime back about the "Old Testament" foreshadowing of Abraham of what's coming and if anyone remembers it, I pointed out that from March 2024 to May of 2025 we would be raptured.. It appears it could be this March 2024 now.

    4) Back in 2007-08 timeframe, I also found this 1537 date to restore Jerusalem. but I went about it all wrong, and forgot about it until I just seen a gentleman showing this again.. Yeah, all this fits Biblically, 1537 + 483 = 2020 leaving 7 years. I also pointed out in that text, of the Sept 2020 Abrahamic Accord then the 3 1/2 years bringing us to March/April 2024.. The AC goes into the Temple (the mount) and proclaims himself a god most likely on Passover April 22-30.. Some of you might have already seen a person over there running around as the Messiah. It's not been on the news that I know of.

    The Degree to Rebuild Jerusalem by Suleiman the Magnificent was on 23 January 1537AD. (etched in stone in Jerusalem)

    1537 + 483 = 2020AD for our calendar today, and NOTICE what the Bible states;

    Isaiah 60:10 And the sons of strangers shall build up thy walls, and their kings shall minister unto thee: for in my wrath I smote thee, but in my favour have I had mercy on thee.

    Only the Judeans rebuilt the 1st temple under Nehemiah.

    So next Monday March 11 looks like something big might take place.. If this goes along with the Bible, we should be redeemed by April 22nd. I'm not sure exactly what all we the believers might have to face for a few days, but be on guard against these demons and demonic activity.. Washington DC is full of demons – Just keep you eye on Jesus – DO NOT FEAR

    God bless all

  7. According to the gospel of Mathew, immediately after Jesus died on the cross,
    The earth shook, the rocks split and the tombs broke open. The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. They came out of the tombs after Jesus’ resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared to many people.

    The continuation of this will happen when Jesus comes into our atmosphere during the rapture…Earthquake may occur due to Gog of Magog's entry into Israel, tombs will be opened due to the earthquake and the dead will rise first and we will be raptured..In the midst of all these chaos, the antichrist will arise

  8. Hi, we had a teaching at our church from our head teacher. Putting the Mellinuim just after Jesus' death and resurrection. Just before he preached, a lady brought vision seeing the sun bright from above and a refiners fire burning from below. Her saying, her Interpretation as HS leads… This word comming will be under God's light and in a refiners fire 🔥… Yes, allot of people disturbed that this guy saying, its just His theory!! Using the church to present his theory and obviously just confusion!! He decided to start studying Revelations 6 mnth back and then come up with his interpretation… The Base Church, Christo Koch 25 Feb…
    Believe the refiners fire will expose and surface all the rubbish!!!

  9. Why would God allow anyone to “worship believers” or bow down to us? I realize we will be glorified and God loves us, but only God deserves worship. God didn’t want people worshiping angels, in scripture, why would he want them worshiping us? (Around minute 42:20 mark)

  10. Hi Brenda, question: if a regular person who doesn't choose to serve God during the millenium, if they die, where do they go? Does Sheol still exist? And what about regular people who love and serve Jesus during the millenium, where do they go when they die, do they still go to heaven?

  11. I’m sorry, but I don’t see a “gap” in that first verse. To me, it just reads that God created the heavens/earth, and until he added sun/moon/water/trees/filled it and added light, etc, it was incomplete/formless and void.

  12. Brenda this is a brilliant compilation of “the plot” and “the war plan”.
    Interesting that the first word “was” Gen 1:2 and “let there be” Gen 1:3 is the same Hebrew word “to become” Strong’s 1061.
    Are the graphics in this video available in pdf?
    Thought it interesting that Stever Gee mentioned on TFaaB that the 3rd rapture may happen sooner than later. Closer to the beginning reign of the Beast versus towards the end of his 42 months giving the earth dwellers plenty of time to declare “peace and safety”.
    Ruling with a rod of iron may also include Proverbs 27:17 “Iron sharpens iron and one man sharpens another.”

    Speaking of man’s dominion on earth:
    “The heavens are the LORD’S heavens but the earth he has given to the children of man.”
    Psalm 115:16
    The Holy Spirit outpouring that you mentioned that will occur at the beginning of the M, is this another Joel 2 outpouring or the 3rd Joel 2 outpouring?
    I most especially have shared and will share this video! Thank you Brenda!

  13. Hello Brenda, Could you explain what the fall of man is, and what is the tree of good, and evil, and what was/ is sin?
    Is it plausible that the two races are the seed of satan, and the other the seed of man, or in other words could the tree of good, and evil be because Eve conceived Cain, son of Satan, and Able the son Adam? Could the sin be that Satan seduced Eve?
    I so ponder these things, and would love to understand scriptureally how this could or couldn’t be.

  14. 24 Elders = 12 tribes of Israel and the 12 Apostles. I have heard you say the 24 Elders are the church (us) and they continually recycle on the thrones. Have I rightly expressed your point of view? The video was good and understandable. God absolutely has a plan for his creation. God bless

  15. This is truly the greatest story ever told. No wonder it has taken ages beyond ages to complete
    Thank you Brenda for explaining the message of Revelation and God for letting us know what is going to happen

  16. Just sooo. Good Brenda … You laid this out very very well. Thank you so much for your time, your effort and your love of your Brothers & sisters in Christ…. And for all those others who would listen, share, and hopefully spark interest in what is coming.. especially in light of how short a time we actually have in my opinion and I know it is yours too… Love and hugs. See you on the next live with Tom and you. On Tuesday❤😊

  17. Hi Brenda, I have been watching your videos for a couple of years and have learned so much. Thank you for sharing! It’s fascinating! I can’t get enough…❤

  18. Doing a study on Quicken in the Bible, As most looking for escape, rapture, taking away. Finding a timeline for this in Psalms to go from spirit body to new Earth and new body. As we will learn in spirit body then come back. If people just get new body with out learning the world will just be the same. Chapters in Psalms 71, 85, 119 , 40 ,and 44 planted back on new Earth as rest at verse 8. Hope this helps some one❤.

  19. Welp Brenda……looks like your teachings continue to draw quite a few comments from each lesson, and these are only those commenting. I like reading the comments section to see what others have to say or contribute. It's quite obvious to those of us that have followed you for a couple of years now that God Almighty and the Holy Spirit have charged you with inspiration and understanding to keep digging deeper into His Word for greater truths for all of us. I could write paragraphs more, but this is a comments section, LOL.

  20. This may be the best video to have downloaded and ready when the sign of the dragon happens. People will be scared and confused and this video outlines the big picture so well. All praise and glory to God for bringing the body of Christ teachers like Brenda.

  21. Hi Brenda! My husband and I have been watching your videos on our TV lately. We watch every video you put up and we also watch the videos you have done with "Two Friends and a Bible" and enjoy your teaching. It has opened both of our eyes. We have a Cocker Spaniel, Lily, who runs and jumps on the couch when she hears your voice now to watch your video with us. She likes you too! Lol! Thank you for teaching us what Revelation actually says. We would be lost without you! Hugs to you!