UN official says ruling will bring changes among Israel’s allies

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UN official says ruling will bring changes among Israel’s allies

UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese tells Al Jazeera that today’s decision from the International Court of Justice will make it more difficult for Israel’s friends in the international community to continue to defend it.

While she admitted that the US has often used its veto power in the UN Security Council to “prevent basic…



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    There are two possible explanations for the extraordinary number of college students and others in the United States and Europe (including phony “progressive” journalists) who are taking the side of Hamas in the current conflict with Isarael. One of them is simple ignorance, the other good old-fashioned anti-semitism. Some Arabs might disingenuously object to this term by pointing out that Arabs are semitic people, too. OK, so let’s call it for what it really is: Jew hatred.

    Most liberal Jews, like myself, are opposed to the settler movement. And yes, it is illegal.

    You know what else is “illegal”? Killing Jews just because they are Jews. The current settler movement is the inevitable result of a century of Arab refusal to acknowledge the rights of Jews to any national presence in Palestine, and the unremitting series of wars, suicide bombings, launching of rockets on Israeli cities, and countless other atrocities, including those perpetrated on October 7. Colonialism? Consider this chronology:

    7th century C.E. – Mohammed and his followers invade the areas we now call “Palestine” by force, killing all those who might resist, including 7,000 Jews in Medina, and colonialize the Middle East in the name of Islam. For the next 1,400 years, Jews in all Arab and other Muslim lands are treated as dhimmi – second-class citizens.

    13th – early 20th century C.E. – Ottoman Turks from central Asia conquer the Middle East, including Palestine, and continue the practice of treating Jews as dhimmi. Just another colonial master, but still Islamist. And ever since the 13th Century the region had ceased to be an “Arab” nation, much less a “Palestinian” one

    1880s – Ashkenazi Jews who had been relentlessly persecuted and killed in European pogroms begin to immigrate to Palestine. Big difference between immigrating and “colonizing.” They have no armies, have no government, no state. They are simply individuals trying to survive, and do so by legally purchasing land from the Arab landlords in a land that is NOT known as Palestine, NOT ruled by Arabs, but simply a part of the Ottoman empire. In 1867, the Ottomans legally end the dhimmi laws, making all residents of Palestine equal under the law. The local Arabs don’t like this at all.

    1917 – Having defeated the Ottoman Empire, the British assume control of Palestine. In the Balfour Declaration, they state a desire to help the Jews establish a homeland there, but a couple of years later, they begin to walk back this promise with the Churchill “White Paper” of 1922 and the installation as Mufti of Jerusalem the rabid anti-Semite Amin Al Husseini (who would later collaborate with Hitler), and from that point on, until their withdrawal from the land in 1947, England severely limits Jewish immigration, even during the Holocaust. Except for providing some assistance to Jews being murdered by their Arab neighbors in 1920, 1921, 1929, and 1936-1939, the British mostly took the side of the Arabs – especially during the 1948 war of independence, arming and training in particular the Jordanian Army.

    1937 – With 384,000 Jews settled in Palestine – again, having legally purchased their land – the British convene the Peel Commission, which offers the two parties each their own independent state. The Jews, about 28% of the population, are given a very small area, consisting of the mid and north-coastal area and most of the Galilee. The Arabs are given the rest, including all of the West Bank, much of the southern coast, and the Negev. The Jews accept a two-state solution, but the Arabs reject the offer. They would rather rid themselves of all Jews rather than establish an independent state of Palestine.

    1947 – With 630,000 Jews now established in Palestine, representing about 32% of the population, the United Nations partitions the land into one state for the Jews, and one for the Arabs. Again, the Arab hatred of Jews keeps them from accepting a state of their own.

    1948 – The Arab Palestinians, with assistance from their surrounding Arab nations, invade the newly-created Jewish state. All Jews living in the West Bank are killed or driven out. Israel wins the war, and is able to hold to the territory it was given by the U.N.

    1948 – 1967 – Egypt maintains control of Gaza, and Jordan maintains control of the West Bank. Instead of turning over the land to the Palestinian Arabs so they can establish their nation of Palestine, Jordan keeps the land under the control of its Hashemite kingdom, and in 1967 once again attacks Israel with the help of its Arab neighbors. By this time, the Palestine Liberation Organization is created, led by Yassir Arafat, vowing to rid the region of all Jews and establish a Palestinian nation “from the river to the sea.”

    1967 – Arab armies attack Israel, to ethnically cleanse all Jews “from the river to the sea.” Israel wins the war in less than a week.

    1973 – Arab armies attack Israel, on Yom Kippur, in another attempt at ethnic cleansing. They fail again.

    1967 – 1993 – Israel controls the West Bank, but chooses not to annex it, instead remaining open to a two-state solution if a workable peace plan can be reached. The Palestinians respond by attacking Jews and around the world, including the massacre of Jewish athletes at the 1972 Olympics and the blowing up of airplanes with innocent people aboard.

    2000 – With the help of the Clinton administration, representatives from Israel and those representing the Arab Palestinians negotiate a peace plan. The Palestinians are offered a state of their own, in about 95% of the West Bank, and Gaza. Arafat rejects the offer. Soon after, Palestinians engage in the Second Intifada, once again killing Jews and demonstrating vividly their complete rejection of any two-state solution.

    2008 – The Omert administration gives the Palestinians another chance to get a state of their own, with terms even more generous than those offered in 2000. It is rejected, as it was in 2000, because of the Palestinians’ insistence on the “right of return” of a million Palestinian refugees to re-locate to Israel, which would end Israel as a viable Jewish state. These descendants of people displaced during the 1948 war should long ago have been relocated in neighboring countries, but have instead been used as political pawns. What few people know is that the 750,000 Arabs displaced from Israel during the 1948 War of Independence, what Arabs call the “Nakba,” or “catastrophe,” is about the same number of Mizrahi Jews who were subsequently kicked out of the surrounding Arab countries during the 1950s, most of them having their properly confiscated, many killed by their Arab neighbors, after having lived in those countries for more than 2,000 years, long before the 7th century Arab conquests. (By the way, this is known as “ethnic cleansing.”)

    So, despite all the talk in the West about a two-state solution, the so-called “moderate” Palestinian leadership has consistently opposed it. College students who aren’t just virtue-signaling, but really care about the sad plight of the Palestinian people need to put the blame where it belongs – on the corrupt leadership which has repeatedly failed them. So, if we are far away from a genuine two-state solution, it has until very recently been 100% the fault of the Arabs. Even now, if Israel were to cede the West Bank to the Palestinians, history tells us that it would soon be attacked, just as it has been from Gaza.

    The truth is that Arab claims to sole possession of Palestine are based on religious and ethnic chauvinism. The chant “from the river to the sea, let Palestine be free” can only be justified by the initial 7th century Arab conquests, and the assumed status of Islam as the one true religion, superior to Judaism and Christianity. But this claim, based on military might, is inherently contradictory. An Arab nation in Palestine ended with the Ottoman Turks, because of the latter’s at-the-time superior military capabilities. Now Israel has the power to control the region, should it not have the right to claim it? Ultra-religious Jews tell us that the bible says so! Are we to resolve the conflict according to the separate demands of Jewish and Muslim fanatics, or should we consider legal arguments? The Palestinians cite U.N. resolutions of pre-1967 borders, and yet have refused to accept peace plans that reasonably meet those conditions. And won’t accept the reality of a Jewish nation that defends itself through military might, calling this “occupation” and “colonialism.” Anti-semitism as the better explanation for why Israel is blamed for everything.

    Hey, progressives: Do you actually care about human rights? The Palestinian leadership, and many of its people, are corrupt, authoritarian, lying hypocrites who oppress women, gays and other minorities and stand against all that you ostensibly stand for, but who have done a great job of convincing the world that they have been the victims the past 100 years. You should know better. What the Palestinians are cheering right now, what happened on October 7, is not “resistance”; it’s just more of the same old murdering of Jews. If you care about Jews living in Israel, and the Palestinian people themselves, you should take the side of Israel – not the hard right and the extremist Jewish settlers, but the majority of Israelis who are still willing, after a hundred years of conflict, to live in peace with their Arab neighbors. Even if you hate Jews, a strong Israel is the best hope the Palestinian people have to ever get a state of their own.

  3. Funny, this woman lied she is independent when reportining on the West Bank situation, becoming aggressive wrapped by hysterical Wild look when questioned. She was described as Antisemite, power hungry woman who would support any fabrication against Israel.
    Wonder what is her real emotional issue to hate so much Israel and support Hamas! It sounds beyod logic.

  4. So far the allies have jointly defunded UNRWA. Plain pathetic. They have proved they r not only supoorting genocide but now directly involved in creating conditions of life difficult fr palestinins & ensuring all them starve to death & hence their goals will be achieved. DESPICABLE.

  5. Some of these so-called "leaders" may spend their golden years in places like Argentina, hiding from the Hague.

    Like some other evil occupiers that you may have heard of…

  6. Like Grey Worm from Game of Thrones said "no one can give you Freedom, you have to take it".
    Israel took everything from the Palestinians and now they have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

    The ICJ ordered Hamas to return the hostages but didnt order Israel to return the Palestinian hostages.
    They call for humanitarian aid but refused to call for a ceasefire so the aid can be delivered without more aid workers being killed by the bimbs Israel is dropping.

    They even gave Israel another month to continue the genocide before they have to switch their genecide tactics.

    This was a win for Israel not Palestinians.
    The court made it clear, the cost of freedom is blood and this war will be settled by bombs and bullets.

    To the palistinian men fighting for their childrens freedom knowing you wont be alive to see it when it comes ..salute to the brave hearted.

  7. Before if you used the word 'genocide' on a bbc interview, they'd fall over themselves to argue against its use, but now the ICJ has empowered people to use the word freely and they can't deny its use anymore, because after all, Israel is on f**king trial for genocide!

  8. According to the latest crime statistics more than 27 000 people were murdered in South Africa in one year. The ANC Government does nothing to address this "genocide" within its own borders. The ANC also says nothing and does nothing about the "genocide" of hundreds of thousands of civilians in Syria and Yemen. The former terrorist organisation openly supports the rape, torture, maiming, murder and abduction of Israeli civilians by trying to use the UN and ICJ as a weapon instead of calling on Hamas to surrender unconditionally to stop the suffering and death in Gaza.

  9. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) found there was a case to be heard about whether Palestinian rights were being denied in a war it said was causing grievous humanitarian harm. It also called for Palestinian armed groups to release hostages captured in the Oct. 7 attacks on Israel that precipitated the conflict.

  10. She was proven wrong, to her incredible dismay… the US and Canada, etc, are trying to starve the area of humanitarian aid through the UNRWA decision based upon claims by Israel believed instinctively and acted upon rapidly…

  11. Some people are saying Israel has been let of the hook by the ICJ by its not accusing Israel of genocide. Come on think a little deeper than usual, the ICJ will be pronouncing on genocide by

    Israel in its final report later. The evidence does indicate they have.

  12. This case was utterly pointless. The ICJ knows that Israel has done nothing wish resembles genocide, but was afraid to outright dismiss it due to political pressure.

    Just look at how the Ugandan government has turned on its judge for her ruling in favour of legal prevent and case facts.

    It is time to dismantle the UN. This failing entity is beyond repair.

  13. Germany has not been properly punished for the holocaust, it should offer a lander (Baviera) to resettle in Europe the State of Israel who will be able to enter EU, NATO and others. Palestinians have been paying for the war crimes of Germany over the Jews. Bavarians can be easily resettled in other parts of Germany which has a depleting population. This has been already done with Silesia in the benefit of Poland. Then Jews will be able to visit and make pilgrimage in Palestine with retired Jews being able to pass their last years in the Holly Land.
    Is it harsh for Germany ? Ask to Palestinians how it is.

  14. Sadly, all the western countries are pulling their funding for UNRWA in yet another sneaky weekend move to discredit the UN. So shameful, Biden needs to be replaced as the Democratic candidate with someone who isn't bought by AIPAC. I appreciate her consistent message of integrity in the authority of the UN.

  15. World Court (ICJ) must ask HAMAS to release the hostages, and stop harassing hostages, especially young women… ONCE HOSTAGES R RELEASED, WAR WILL STOP

  16. It’s crazy how the Muslim world don’t realize these Muslim leaders are letting Palestinians die to save Hamas ? Hamas won’t let people leave or release the hostages , Hamas won’t step down themselves, Hamas obviously wants a ceasefire really bad so they aren’t winning the war … when will the Muslim people realize Hamas has taken either blood money and a part of this or Hamas is willing to let everyone die to save themselves and the Muslim world keeps blindly doing whatever these leaders want them to do

    —> This is BIBLICAL – There will be NO PEACE until Israel calls for their Messiah Jesus Christ, Yeshua
    Who shed His 🩸 on that cross.

    ONLY then will there be PEACE ☮️

    CARRY ON IDF 🇮🇱 and tell your people they missed their visitation with their TRUE MESSIAH.

  18. 南非这次大老远地赶来,提交这么一份莫名其妙的对受害方以色列的指控不是偶然的,在很多细节里似乎显示出一项暗中的阴谋正在悄悄进行,而且正合现今世界所提倡的建立国际新秩序(自序)的迅猛之风!